Thursday, August 27, 2020
Conscience Essays -- essays research papers
Inner voice Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary characterizes inner voice as "the sense or cognizance of the ethical goodness or accountability of one's own lead, aims, or character along with a sentiment of commitment to do right or good." In A Man for All Seasons, each character's still, small voice plays the extreme job in the result of the story. "Individual conscience" is characteristic that each character has. This characteristic contrasts in power all through the play in every one of the primary characters. Sir Thomas More and King Henry VIII show their unchangeable still, small voice, by their activities. More won't acknowledge the Ruler's separation of Catherine, and union with Anne. The King selects More to Master Chancellor, wanting to convince Sir Thomas to acknowledge his marriage. Ruler Henry needs everybody to acknowledge his separation. He accepts he is directly for going against Pope's decision, and he needs the entirety of his imperial subjects, and men of ubiquity to acknowledge his choice. This is the King's "individual conscience" talking . He fears that without the acknowledgment from Thomas, Lord Chancellor, that he has driven God mad, and he will pay for his unsupported choice. Sir Thomas More was the main character that accepted and stayed with his soul, thusly, it cost him his life. Sir Thomas was a noticeable individual from the King's chamber, he was the main part whom didn't accept hush money to influence his choice. Sir Thomas had consistently trusted ...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
16th century Renaissance
Century Renaissance Art The sixteenth Century renaissance began in the backtalk's and finished in the sass's. The specialty of the sixteenth Century Renaissance was both otherworldly and common. The sixteenth Century Renaissance is when two significant craftsmanship developments occurred, High Renaissance and Mannerism. Everybody was beginning to check out the traditional learning and estimations of antiquated Greece and Rome. (The History Channel Website) They were numerous craftsman prodigies who rose out of this workmanship era.There were likewise many, fabulous craftsmanship pieces that developed out of this craftsmanship period. Toward the start of the sixteenth century the High Renaissance had begun. This was likewise when Rome supplanted Florence as a workmanship focal point. The High Renaissance is additionally when craftsman become mindful of lines and profundity in their work of art. This prompted the revelation and the utilization of the one point viewpoint. The High Renai ssance specialists got well known for putting windows of what is behind the skyline out of sight of their craftsmanships. The High Renaissance spoke to specialists who needed to do workmanship their own way.The high Renaissance began in 1480 and proceeded to around 1527. The high Renaissance as in Milan, Florence, Rome, and in northern and focal Italy. (Shelley Essay) This was an ideal opportunity to be a craftsman since each and every individual who was well off needed workmanship. Their numerous craftsman of this time period, yet the most acclaimed craftsmen are Michelangelo Bonaparte, Raphael Sansei and Leonardo promotion Vinci. (Workmanship Cyclopedia) After the High Renaissance finished the Mannerism development came to fruition. It came to fruition in the backtalk's and finished around the sass's. Peculiarity was known for its standard, dramatic and excessively adapted work.Mannerism workmanship pieces are typically bits of human structures in ridiculous settings. Characterist ic is additionally known for its much confinement. This is likewise the time that ladies begin being utilized as dreams for craftsmen. (Craftsmanship Cyclopedia) It created in Florence and Rome and afterward spread to northern and focal Europe. Artworks contained counterfeit shading and ridiculous spatial extents. Figures were frequently extended and misrepresented, the stances were inventive and complex stances. Works of the development are regularly agitating and abnormal in light of the Reformation, the plague, and the sack of Rome. The History Channel Website) There were a ton of significant craftsman who rose up out of this period, yet the most popular craftsman would be Leonardo Ad Vinci. Leonardo De Vinci was conceived in 1452, in Florence and kicked the bucket in 1519 in France. He was a craftsman and innovator. He is known as the â€Å"Renaissance Man†in light of the fact that he was a designer, researcher, artist, and an extraordinary craftsman. Promotion Vinci had numerous celebrated works. One of his most celebrated works is the â€Å"Last Supper†(1495-98). The last dinner is a painting of the last feast Jesus imparted to his messengers. It additionally shows Jesus disconnected, four gatherings of threes and Judas in the shadows grasping cash. The History Channel Website) Another well known piece by Ad Vinci as the â€Å"Mona Lisa†(1 503-05), which is a painting of a lady. This work of art would be a case of Mannerism craftsmanship. Promotion Vinci was additionally popular for the â€Å"The Virgin of the Rocks†(1485). Some other extraordinary specialists were Michelangelo Bonaparte (1475-1564), and Raphael Sansei(1483-1 520). Michelangelo was popular for painting the Sistine Chapel ((1508-12) and chiseling the â€Å"David in his local Florence†(1501-04). Raphael Sansei was renowned for the â€Å"The School of Athens†(1508-11). The â€Å"School of Athens†shows scholars, for example, Pluto coming together.Another incredible craftsman of sixteenth Century was Titan â€Å"Meeting of Bacchus and Ordained†(1 522), he was renowned for utilizing rich iridescent hues. (The History Channel Website) One of the most significant workmanship bits of the sixteenth Century Renaissance was the â€Å"Sistine Chapel†(1508-04) engineering. The Sistine Chapel took a time of four years to paint. It was painted by Michelangelo Bonaparte. The Sistine Chapel is a painting of a couple of scenes of Genesis, from the good book. One of the scenes was the Creation of Adam. (The History Channel Website) Michelangelo painted the roof of the Sistine Chapel for the Pope Sixths ‘V.Also, alongside roofs of the Sistine Chapel, the side dividers are decorated with frescoes of Moses and Christ and pictures of popes. (The New World Encyclopedia) Another significant workmanship piece or engineering of the sixteenth Century Renaissance was the SST. Diminish Cathedral in Rome. The old SST. Di minish Cathedral was developed out of appreciation for the missionary SST. Subside, the primary religious administrator and first Pope. The first was developed by Constantine. The SST. Dwindle Cathedral in Rome was to be remodeled, requested by Pope Julius II. During its redesign it was coordinated more towards a Latin style at the same time, at that point
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive What I Learned at London Business School, Part 3
Blog Archive What I Learned at… London Business School, Part 3 In our “What I Learned at…†series, MBAs discuss the tools and skills their business schools provided as they launched their careers. Nitzan Yudan is the CEO and co-founder of FlatClub, a United Kingdomâ€"based online marketplace for short-term rentals that connects verified members of exclusive alumni, employment and organizational networks. In Part 3 of this four-part series, Nitzan explains how the London Business School (LBS) community helped him find traction for his start-up idea and discusses the preliminary phases of building his company. The first step in creating a business around the idea of renting flats through exclusive networks was to perform some basic market research. I spoke to approximately 300 of my fellow students on an individual basis, with the goal of learning how trust works across different demographics and cultures. The LBS community proved invaluable in this regard. I also asked people in marketing and branding for input and received help from a friend with the modeling that I would later use to pitch to investors. I learned from my research that trust is a very personal and individual decision. It seemed that what people most valued was the ability to control their privacy settings. Another important moment in the creation of FlatClub occurred while taking “Entrepreneurship.†I decided to pitch my idea to Professor Gary Dushnitsky [LBS Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship]. Dushnitsky liked the idea and said, “Why don’t you just go for it? What can go wrong?†This was exactly what I needed to hear. Shortly thereafter, I began testing a very basic prototype of the site. Although I did not have the money to hire employees or invest up front, I had free access to a huge network of students and faculty. To drive traffic to the new site, I sent an email to the entire LBS community. Within two weeks, 70 flats had been listed, and we had our first sale. After graduating in 2010 and gaining the confidence to get FlatClub off the ground, I joined the LBS Incubator Programme for one year. One of the greatest advantages was being able to call people and introduce myself with the affiliation of the program. In addition, the incubator provided my company with free office space, access to school resources, advice on accounting, public relations support (we were mentioned in Forbes and the Financial Times) and access to investors. My partner, whose background is in real estate, came on board in 2011. In April 2012, two professors invested in the business, and just six months after launching, we hired our first employee. We are now a team of 13 people from ten nationalities and recently closed a significant round of financing. We are still based in London, which is where most of our team is located, and FlatClub has grown to include more than 10,000 listings representing 30 business school communities globally. Share ThisTweet What I Learned at...
Monday, May 25, 2020
Prenatal, Birth And Perinatal Development - 1170 Words
Within this essay I will highlight the risks during prenatal, birth and perinatal development and discuss the longterm effects on a child and what medical advances have been developed to prevent or lessen them. There are three main stages to prenatal development; the germinal stage, embryonic stage and fetal stage. This process is largely determined by genetics and is usually fairly similar for the majority of human beings. Perinatal development is the period just before and just after birth. One key risk that may affect the child would be a low birth weight or a premature birth. This can be caused by numerous things; one being an advanced maternal age. (Aldous and Edminson, 1993). There are multiple implications if a child has a low birth weight, it may affect their cognitive development when they are older (Marlow et al 1993). â€Å"Problems within the hyperactivity spectrum, such as difficulty concentrating, have been found most consistently in follow up studies of VLBW childrenà ¢â‚¬ (Breslau,1995) This statement demonstrates the behavioural issues that a child may face in later life if they are born with a very low birth weight. If a child has a low birth weight they are also likely to endure physical injuries when going through the birthing process as they are much smaller than an average baby and therefore less robust. There is also a high risk of the child having respiratory problems. One reason for this may be that the baby has not yet learnt that it has to breathe as theShow MoreRelated Tobacco Essay1186 Words  | 5 Pageshas powerful effects on the human body, especially when administered rapidly or at high doses. Prenatal exposure to nicotine is associated with adverse reproductive outcomes, including altered neural structure and functioning, cognitive deficits, and behavior problems in the offspring (9). At least 20% - 30% of pregnant women are estimated to smoke cigarettes, although smoking is associated with low birth weight, prematurity an d infant mortality. In the United States, smoking accounts annually forRead MoreThe Low Country Healthy Start Program1503 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The Low Country Healthy start program is designed to eliminate disparities in perinatal health, improve birth outcomes, and quality of life in African american women and infants living in Allendale, Bamberg, Hampton, and Orangeburg counties. The Low County healthy start program propositions four purposes (1) Eliminate disparities in perinatal health by focusing on individual health behaviors and assisting women of child bearing age improve their health and the health of their familiesRead MoreThe Effects Of Drug Abuse On The Body And Mind1271 Words  | 6 Pagestheir actions such as the newborn developing prenatal problems, become addicted to the drug, also hospitals and states are doing what they can to protect the child. Having prenatal problems in general is quite terrifying for any mother to hear, even for mothers who abuse drugs. Anyone who uses drugs would avoid going into a hospital to avoid the consequence of their actions, so most of the mothers who are drug abusers tend to not go to their routinely prenatal checkups. This leads to a lack of medicalRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy in City of Los Angeles644 Words  | 3 Pagesyears in 2011 6.6% Individuals below the age of 18 years in 2011 24.1% Individuals above the age of 65 years in 2011 11.1% It shows the major ratio of population consists of adults and they are playing their role in the economic and social development of the city and state. Females are also participating in this cause and in 2007, almost 30% of the firms were owned by the females. Despite strong economic conditions 15.7% people are below poverty line. It is important to mention here that populationRead MorePrenatal Development782 Words  | 4 PagesPrenatal development is the period in development from conception to the onset of labor. Perinatal period is the period beginning about the seventh month of pregnancy and continuing until about four weeks after birth. Postnatal development is the period in development the follows directly after birth. The germinal stage is the stage lasting about ten -fourteen days following conception before the fertilized egg becomes implanted in the uterine wall. The embryonic stage is the stage in whichRead MoreNo Perinatal Mental Illnesses Have Linked With An Increased Risk Of Suicide Essay920 Words  | 4 PagesUntreated perinatal mental illnesses have also been linked with an increased risk of suicide. According to Mendez-Bustos et. al suicide has been shown to be one of the leading causes of maternal mortality in the last two decades and in the perinatal period the rate is not showing any signs of improvement. In 2005 among women aged 15 to 44 years suicide was the fourth cause of death in the US (Mendez-Bustos, Lopez-Castroman, Baca-Garcà a, Ceverino, 2013). A 2006-2008 review of maternal death in theRead MoreEfficacy Of The Intervention : Post Partum Depression1522 Words  | 7 Pagescouple months after delivery for a woman. It is also referred to as â€Å"the baby blues,†a feeling of stress, sadness, anxiety, loneness, and tiredness following the child’s birth (American Psychological Association [APA], 2016). As cr itical as it could be for the mother, post partum depression has long term consequences on the development of the child. It does not only impact the mother in providing care for the newborn, it also has numerous impacts on the families, and the larger community. APA (2016)Read MoreIncidence of Low Birth Weight Infants in Dougherty County1018 Words  | 4 Pageseither renovate or demolish them. North of downtown is where the main hospital is located. Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital is a 443 bed teaching hospital. It has a cancer and heart center that services the entire region. Included in its services are perinatal and neonatal intensive care. Along with this they have established urgent care centers in several areas in and around Dougherty County. The hospital is a not for profit organization. This means it provides services to the insured and uninsured. RoughlyRead MoreThe Importance Of Prenatal Care843 Words  | 4 PagesThe Importance of Prenatal Care Pregnancy can either be the most wonderful time in a woman’s life or the scariest and quite often it is both at the same time. One of the first things that most women do when they become pregnant or even before they become pregnant is focus on their prenatal care. This time in the womb is very important in a baby’s development and taking care of the body is something that is extremely beneficial to the wellbeing of a newborn. Prenatal care is probably one of the mostRead MoreThe Effects Of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy On Fetal Or Neonatal Asphyxia887 Words  | 4 Pagesamong infants. Perinatal hypoxia can be interpreted as oxygen deficiency in the tissues immediately before or after birth. I chose this topic because I personally have been affected. My daughter suffered hypoxia during labor. At the time I did not know how dangerous and devastating it would and could be. Research has given us new insights and a better understanding of fetal growth in pregnancy. It has demonstrated that oxygen only plays a minor role in the early intrauterine development. However, hypoxia
Thursday, May 14, 2020
5 Levels of Leadership - 998 Words
% THE FIVE LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP. ‘an adaptation from the work of John Maxwell the leadership skills of Darek Nowakowski†Becoming an effective leader is a lot like being in the stock market. You don’t make your fortune in a day; you make it daily, a little bit at a time. What matters most is what you do day after day, over the long haul. The secret to leadership success is investing in your leadership development, much like letting your assets compound. The final result is â€Å"Leadership Growth†over time. Leaders aren’t born; their made. The process of leadership is long, complicated and has made elements. Respect, dignity, discipline, people skills, vision, emotional strength, opportunity, preparedness and experience are just some of†¦show more content†¦Level Four – Leadership From People Development. People follow you because of what you have done for them. It is a leader’s responsibility to develop their people to do the work that is expected to contribute future growth opportunities to the company and the people who serve it. People are loyal to you b ecause they see first hand personal growth opportunities for them as well as, the company. Leadership success is underscored by a win – win scenario and a high commitment to success. To be effective at this level place a priority on developing people. Focus your attention on the fact that people are your most valuable asset and your leadership success will depend on your ability to surround yourself with an inner core of competent people who compliment your leadership style and goals. Leadership from people development is built on loyalty. Level Five – Leadership From Mentorship. People follow you because they respect you. As a leader you are bigger than life and your success is shown through a life of accomplishments. People seek you out after you have left the company because you have left an indelible mark on the organization and the employees. Although less than five per cent of all leaders will get to this level of leadership (John Mayberry from Dofasco, Darek Now akowski from Con Agra and Clare Proctor from E.D. Smith come to mind) it is a level worth striving for. In summary, everyone can become a better leader. It is important toShow MoreRelatedLeadership And Level 5 Leaders1528 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.†– Peter Drucker This align with Kotter’s words (2001), that there is a distinction between managers and leaders; managers cope with complexity while leaders cope with changes (86). Being a leader means being able to motivate others, being passionate about one’s job, help people see one’s vision, delivery of the vision, and create and manage a team to achieve this vision (the Mind Tools editorial team, n.d.). In this essayRead MoreManagement and Leadership Cmi Level 53193 Words  | 13 PagesLeadership Practice Assignment During my research a lot of leadership and management theories I have read, watched and listened to in various fields have lead me to believe most come to the same conclusion. I have taken a wide range of examples which I feel to be the most relevant to me and my role. What is Management? This is in itself is open to debate in various cultures and practices as there are a number of different managers across all areas of life from a shift manager, upper, lower andRead MoreUNIT 503 LEVEL 5 LEADERSHIP AND MANAGMENT1626 Words  | 7 Pagesno matter of staff members race, disability, religion, age etc. Inclusion is enuring all my colleges feel a sense of belonging, feel included, respected by my self and others. It ensures everyone has access to appropriate resources to maximise the level of work performed. There are two models Social Model-of disability which views discrimination and attitudes and surrounding environments. it helps focus directly on the person as an individual not on their medical or disability condition. It helpsRead MoreCmi Leadership and Management Level 5 Mod 11394 Words  | 6 PagesCMI Level 5 Management and Leadership Cleeve Langdon 5001 Personal development as a manager and leader | 1. Be able to assess and plan for personal professional development | 1.1 Explain the importance of continual self-development in achieving organisational objectives1.2 Assess current skills and competencies against defined role requirements and organisational objectives1.3 Identify development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs1.4 Construct a personal development planRead More5 Levels of Leadership by John Maxwell Essay example9610 Words  | 39 Pagesï » ¿ â€Å"The Five Levels of Leadership, Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential by John Maxwell†A Book Review/Critique Presented to: Attorney Araceli Linatoc In partial fulfillment of the requirements in MPA 627 Leadership and Organizational Change By: Lawrence Lerias MPA Student October 2013 CONTENTS : About the Author, John Maxwell Level 1: Position Level 2: Permission Level 3: Production Level 4: People Development Level 5: The Pinnacle/PersonhoodRead MoreInstitute of Leadership and Management Level 5 Award Module 14450 Words  | 18 PagesINSTITUTE OF LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT LEVEL 5 AWARD MODULE 1 M4.01 UNDERSTANDING THE MANAGEMENT ROLE JULIET BRIGGS DELIVERY PARTNER MANAGER – PRINCE’S TRUST TEAM LEICS FIRE RESCUE SERVICE I am undertaking the Institute of Leadership Management Level 5 Award as an employee of Leicestershire Fire Rescue Service (LFRS) in my role as Delivery Partner Manager of the Prince’s Trust Team programme. The organisation sees the importance of training its staff and particularlyRead MoreEssay Diploma Level 5 in Leadership for Health and Social Care2635 Words  | 11 Pages5 liters a day, and because of this his sodium levels are dangerously below normal range and can cause him to have fits and will need to be hospitalized. What we have also done to maintain his safety and wellbeing is turned of the water tap in his room and encouraging him to ask staff and let us know when he needs a drink so we can record it accurately, and staff has to watch him vigilantly. He requires monthly blood test to make sure sodium levels are improving. As you can see this is a dilemmaRead Morenvq level 5 leadership and management in health and social care unit 11041 Words  | 5 Pagesown role 1.1 Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own job role Being able to communicate effectively builds trust, respect, enhances learning and accomplishes goals. Within my job role the level of communication I have to uphold has to be one of paramount importance.  I have a role of great responsibility dealing with clients and their families or advocates, internal staff and external agencies.  Therefore, my communication has to be clearRead Morencq level 5 leadership and management in helath and social care unit 21821 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿ Unit 2 Promote professional development (L/602/2578) 1. Understand principles of professional development 1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice As my role as a Domiciliary Registered Manager it is important to understand the meaning of professional practice and the need to continually improve; barriers to professional development – personal (intellectual, social, emotional), time pressures (family or other commitments), financial barriers, organisationalRead Morelevel 5 diploma in leadership for the children and young peoples work force Unit 1392121 Words  | 9 Pagesapproaches. Cross reference unit 136, page 7 (unit 136 1.1.2) Outcome based services available for children and young people Health visitor Health Visitors are specialists in child health and development who work at community family and individual level to promote and improve health and wellbeing of pre-school children and their families, a Health visitors work closely with midwives, practice nurses and GP’s. Health visitors are a qualified nurse or midwife who has gone on to do further training.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Mom Essay - 714 Words
My mom is the most important person to me, and I look up to her so much! She volunteers in so many different things in the community, and that’s what makes her such a good role model to me. I think she passed on a lot of her good traits to me, which I am very grateful for! She grew up on a farm near Buxton, North Dakota, and had a younger sister and brother. After High School in Climax, she was off to NDSU! â€Å"I’m going to live in a BIG city with my husband being a city man,†she always said when she was young. That all changed when she met my dad at NDSU. She never expected to fall in love with a farm kid from NDSU, but she did. After college, they got married and moved out to our farm here. I guess her view on living in the city with a†¦show more content†¦She is also the best cook, and I don’t think I could survive without her food! She always makes sure we eat the best meals every day, and cooks a wide variety of the most delicious food. My favorite food is stir-fry, and she can make ultimate stir-fry! She’s even taught me how to cook and prepare it. My mom works so hard every day cooking meals for events she’s volunteered at, and is always baking the most delicious goodies for every occasion. When my dad and our hired men are operating out in the field, she always makes sure to bring out mouthwatering meals for them! Cooking is one of her best talents, and I hope one day I can be as good as a cook as her! The only fault about her is that†¦she speeds a lot. She’s like a cheetah on the highway!! She’s definitely very prone to speeding, which is why my dad and the workers on our farm regard her as â€Å"110 Jen†, because sometimes it seems she’s going 110 miles per hour! At least it means when she bolts down the highway as fast as she can we get to our destination faster on long road trips! I hope one day I will turn out to be like my mom, because I think she is an example of a person who is not only kind, but also talented, generous, and so supportive and understanding. She always tells me to â€Å"Treat others how you want to be treated,†and that’s the motto by which she lives by. We know we love each other so much, and I couldn’t imagine living in a world with a different mom. She is the bestShow MoreRelatedMy Mom Essay1102 Words  | 5 PagesWhen I was younger I never really had a mother because my parents had got a divorce when I was 5 and I’ve never seen her ever since then. Because of this my Dad had to provide for my sister and I, with him working forty hours a week and always having to take my sister and I to a babysitter. My dad is the hardest working person I have ever met. With my dad working and me and my sister at a babysitter my dad never really had time with us and he was very lonely in having someone else in his life. HeR ead MoreMy Mom Essay929 Words  | 4 PagesMy mom is my hero because of all the things she has done for me. She has my back no matter what and is always on the bright side. But to go off track for a little minute I was born in Seattle, Washington. My mom was Born In Mogadishu, Somalia but moved from her country at the age of 15. She went off with her mom aka my sweet little grandma. They had to go through a lot starting over and getting to the united states. But luckily my mom and grandmother made it here to Minnesota. My mom and grandmaRead MoreMy Mom Essay968 Words  | 4 Pagesoften wondered if my mother would have chosen to immigrate to the United States of America, after repatriating to Holland, to begin a new life from absolutely nothing but the clothes on our backs for the second time, if my parents had stayed together. Was it their divorce that inspired Mom to lead us on our path to prosperity? Eventually I understood that my Mom’s ultimate motivation was her vision of a brighter future for her family, regardless of her marital status. In Holland, Mom could not bareRead MoreMy Mom Essay736 Words  | 3 Pagesyour decision whether you grab it or let it hit you in the gut. That is why I believe my mother would be the best choice as to a guide through high school. To begin with, my mother’s childhood was full of dark and scary situations. For instance she did not have a very good father. My grandfather was an abusive man who did not really care about his children. Which really took a toll on my mom. With that being said, my mother had to make a very grown up decision at a very young age. Even though she lovedRead MoreMy Mom Essay1159 Words  | 5 PagesEvery little girl needs her daddy, I would say Im definitely a daddys girl ever since I was little and even now as an adult. My dad and I have a really close relationship we, can go on for hours talking to each other when I would come home from school every day, I would always tell my dad about my day, and he would just sit there and listen to me. That was my favorite part of the day that I would always look forward to. But I never thought that one day, maybe that would change I never thought thatRead More My Mom the Powerhouse Essay717 Words  | 3 Pages My Mom the Powerhouse One of the biggest influences in my life is my Mom. She is one of 10 children born to an Appalachian coal miner who could not read or write. Her family lived in the mountains of Kentucky in a little cottage that had no running water and no electricity. She read by kerosene lamp. As a child, she attended a one-room schoolhouse, which also had no electricity and no running water. There was one teacher for eight grades, and each row in the classroom wasRead MoreMy Goal Is to be a Mom Essay608 Words  | 3 Pagesalways wanted to be a mother but not just any mother - I want to be a Mom. Yes that’s right with a capital â€Å"M†every time it is spoken or written. The quintessential Mom for my children. But just what is a Mom? A Mom is someone who is there her children even when she is not at her best and no matter what she will always have a smile waiting for them. The worse flu’s and best colds’ shall never keep her from her duties as a Mom. Lunches must be pack, children’s shoes on the correct feet, no soccerRead MoreNarrative Essay : My Mom1041 Words  | 5 Pagesnarrative, I interviewed my mom, Amanda Lopez. At first, she seems mean. That’s very blunt but it’s true. My mom is a very guarded and self-reserved person. She does have manners and she is nice but, she won’t open up immediately to a new person. She is also very hard working and independent. She wasn’t born with these qualities, she went through a lot of different struggles, but that’s how she ended up where she is today. My mom didn’t have a very good high school experience. Her mom always moved, whichRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Mom951 Words  | 4 PagesIn my 16 years of life thus far, few people have influenced me more than my mother. She is the reason I have a life, after all, and I am extremely thankful for her and everything she does for me. Mothers tend to be great listeners and advice-givers for their children. I am fortunate enough to have my mother be a professional counselor, making her exceptional at both qualities. A couple of years ago, she earned a master’s degree, became both a school counselor and a clinical counselor, and specializedRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Mom1556 Words  | 7 Pagescomplications yet the only thing I developed was bad eye sight. When my mother was able to hold me three months after I was born she made a promise to me that she will be a good mom. My mom carries characteristics like inspiration, trustworthiness, and being positiv e, which makes her the best mom. My mom is the manager of a daycare called Panda Hugs Learning Center. I volunteered, worked, and attended the daycare myself. Since I was little, my mom noticed that I tend to be with the children that have disabilities
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Analysis of Entrepreneurship Zambrero
Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Entrepreneurship Zambrero. Answer: Introduction: The term entrepreneurship refers to a process of establishing and running a small and new business organization (Lewis 2015). The term entrepreneurship has been coined in the year of 1920. The people who run such individual autonomous organizations are called entrepreneurs. The word entrepreneur is originated from French in 1723 (Lisetchi and Brancu 2014). The concept of entrepreneurship has changed the scenario of the business world in last few decades due to globalization. Entrepreneurs are often considered as the risk takers. They are the only responsible person for the success and failure of their business organization. They need to be prepared for all the future risks. Many economists claim that entrepreneurs are the people who possess the capability to bear the risk of any new initiative for future benefits. The following article has analysed the concept of entrepreneurship. It has enlightened every aspect of entrepreneur traits. It has discussed about all the obstacles and challenges that are often faced by entrepreneurs. Analysis of Entrepreneur Traits: According to some economists, entrepreneurship is an important element of every society to influence the economic growth and establish a strong financial infrastructure for the country. Small businesses are considered as the primary source of job creation. It increases the net income of the society helps to reduce the poverty margin (Howaldt, Domanski and Schwarz 2015). It has been witnessed in last few decades that governments are also willingly providing their supports to the entrepreneurs. It has fostered the development of the society. As opined by Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in 2003 that it is important to enforce the policies to influence the growth of entrepreneurship for job creation and to change the economic scenario of the society. Government must encompass some policies to motivate the entrepreneurs to take the risk of new ventures. Thomas. A. Garrett has stated that government government policies c an be classified as active and passive. Active policies refers to the tax break, help any particular form of business and passive policies refers to create friendly atmosphere for the entrepreneurs to help their business to flourish. The world has witnessed some outstanding entrepreneurs in last few years who has has left no stone unturned to bring revolution in the business world and set milestone for the future entrepreneurs, they are- Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Lary Page and many more. Their efficiency, intelligence and risk taking capacity have paved the path of their success. Many people have been attracted towards entrepreneurship due to some specific advantages, such as- entrepreneurs are the first and only person to take any decision about their business, they are the person in charge of everything, they decide whom they want to business with (Phillips et al. 2015). There is a conflict between some economists about the concept of entrepreneur. There is no specific definition to describe the quality of a successful entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs can come in various ages and various age groups. As seen in the case study, Dr. Sam Prince is an Australian doctor who runs Mexican restaurant chain. He was only 21 years old when he started his first restaurant Zambrero Fresh Mex Grill (, 2017). Being a student of medical school, he had a full time job of doctor. However, this pressure could not stop him to chase his dream to become an entrepreneur. According to some researchers, all the successful entrepreneurs of the world share some common traits. They are as follows: Creativity: Creativity is the basic quality of any entrepreneur. It influences the development of new ideas for business. It is considered as the driving force of revolution. It makes people think out of the box. Dedication: Dedication is the most required quality for any profession in this world, especially for the entrepreneurs. This leads them to work hard to achieve their target. Every entrepreneurs need to work hard at initial stage. His dedication will motivate him to beat all the obstacles to pursue his dream. Determination: Entrepreneurs are expected to be determined towards their dreams. It will help them to easily overcome all the rough patches of life and learn something positive from all the experiences. Determination can only bring success to the entrepreneurs. Success is the main motivation for every entrepreneur not money. Money is the award (Baruah and Ward 2015). It is evident in the given case study. Determination towards the goal makes Dr. Sam Prince to run 17 restaurants. In spite of being a successful doctor and associated with several social work, he pursued his dream to become an independent and successful owner of Mexican restaurants. Determination makes it happen. Flexibility: Entrepreneurs always need to be open and flexible to implement new technologies and strategies in their business. Buyers are the key elements of every organization and the main motive of every businessperson is to satisfy their consumers. Entrepreneurs must be concerned about the changing needs of their customers and they need to apply new tactics and strategies according to the market demands (Daskalaki, Hjorth and Mair 2015). They must be flexible enough to bear the risk of any kind of loss. As seen in the given case study, Dr. Sam Prince was flexible to embrace new changes. Passion: Passion is one of the key features of every successful entrepreneur. It increases the capacity to convince other about their dreams. It helps the entrepreneurs to stay focused on their goal and achieve success. Zambrero Mex Fresh Grill is one exemplary example of passion. Dr. Sam Prince was so passionate towards his dream that no obstacles could stop him to turn his dream into reality. Rules and Objectives: Being an independent businessperson, every entrepreneur has to set his own rules and objectives. He must be very careful while constructing rules for his own organization and follow the rules appropriately to achieve the goal. Self Confidence: Self-confidence comes from the ability to take risk and planning. It helps people to take challenges and overcome difficulties. It helps to take smart and efficient decisions. It is evident in the case study of Dr. Sam Prince. Dr. Prince has planned to open 30 more branches of his restaurant. He is aware of the fact that it is risky, but he is completely confident about his risk taking competence. Smart: Smartness is the combination of intelligence, common sense, efficiency, effectiveness. Entrepreneurs must consist of these qualities. It will help them to take a smart move for the betterment of their organization (Stuetzer et al. 2013). As per the case study, it can be stated that smart and intelligent decision making plays very crucial role in the success of every organization. This quality of Dr. Sam Prince helped him to run a successful restaurant chain. It is not necessary that every entrepreneur have to posses all these qualities, he can appoint someone who has the capacity to deal with the difficult situation. Challenges in Social Entrepreneurship: The concept of social entrepreneurship has become immensely popular in the modern society. There are various definitions about social entrepreneurship that describe the idea of social entrepreneurship. The common term used in every description of social entrepreneurship is the problem solving nature. There is a conflict about the concept of social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility. A huge difference lies between corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship. Corporate social responsibility signifies the effort of any corporate organization for making profit through some ethical activities. On the other hand, the main motive of social entrepreneurship is to reach to the needy people (Hicks 2013). Social entrepreneurs often have trouble in the path of achieving their goals. They are as follows: Funding: Social enterprises are mostly run as non- profit organization. Some of them generates sufficient amount of money by selling their products or services but most of them faces the issue of funding. The main capital for the enterprises comes from the investment of the government or donation (Espritu-Olmos and Sastre-Castillo 2015). It is not easy to approach the financiers. Most of the time government does not provide any support to the entrepreneurs. Such behavior from the investors leads the organization to face the financial crisis. Communicating the Objective: The objective of social entrepreneurs is hard to measure. It is the social values that influence the entrepreneurs to take the risk of new ventures (Gough, Langevang and Namatovu 2014). As the these values are hard to explain, entrepreneurs often face difficulties in communicating their objective for such initiatives to the investors. They fail to obtain the faith of the stakeholders due to the lack of the capacity of effective interaction. Loyalty towards the Mission: Entrepreneurs must be loyal and determined towards their mission. It is frequently evident that people shift their focus from the actual goal to other things. Such behavior tends to lead the organization and the entrepreneur to face some undesirable consequences (Mortan et al. 2014). They need to be focused on their goal and review their strategy frequently to avoid the risk of awful occurrences. Strategy and Long-term Focus: Every enterprise requires well-planned strategies and long-term focus to be established. However, it is seen in many cases many enterprises meet deadly conclusion due to lack of strategy. Conclusion: As per the previous discussion, it can be concluded that entrepreneurship is highly responsible for growth of economic condition of the country. The idea of entrepreneurship has drawn the attention of many people, especially the youth in this era of globalization. Although it has some disadvantages, young and talented people often are influenced by enormous advantages of entrepreneurship. Every aspiring entrepreneur must possess some specific qualities such as- smart, intelligence, flexibility and so on. These qualities will help the entrepreneurs to achieve the desired target. References: Baruah, B. and Ward, A., 2015. Metamorphosis of intrapreneurship as an effective organizational strategy.International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,11(4), pp.811-822. Daskalaki, M., Hjorth, D. and Mair, J., 2015. Are entrepreneurship, communities, and social transformation related?.Journal of Management Inquiry,24(4), pp.419-423. Espritu-Olmos, R. and Sastre-Castillo, M.A., 2015. Personality traits versus work values: Comparing psychological theories on entrepreneurial intention.Journal of Business Research,68(7), pp.1595-1598. Gough, K.V., Langevang, T. and Namatovu, R., 2014. Researching entrepreneurship in low-income settlements: the strengths and challenges of participatory methods.Environment and Urbanization,26(1), pp.297-311. Hicks, S., 2013. Entrepreneurship and ethics. InHandbook of the philosophical foundations of business ethics(pp. 1239-1246). Springer Netherlands. Howaldt, J., Domanski, D. and Schwarz, M., 2015. Rethinking social entrepreneurship: The concept of social entrepreneurship under the perspective of socio-scientific innovation research.Journal of creativity and business innovation,1(1). Lewis, K.V., 2015. Enacting entrepreneurship and leadership: A longitudinal exploration of gendered identity work.Journal of Small Business Management,53(3), pp.662-682. Lisetchi, M. and Brancu, L., 2014. The entrepreneurship concept as a subject of social innovation.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,124, pp.87-92. Mortan, R.A., Ripoll, P., Carvalho, C. and Bernal, M.C., 2014. Effects of emotional intelligence on entrepreneurial intention and self-efficacy.Revista de Psicologa del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones,30(3), pp.97-104. Phillips, W., Lee, H., Ghobadian, A., ORegan, N. and James, P., 2015. Social innovation and social entrepreneurship: A systematic review.Group Organization Management,40(3), pp.428-461. Stuetzer, M., Obschonka, M., Davidsson, P. and Schmitt-Rodermund, E., 2013. Where do entrepreneurial skills come from?.Applied Economics Letters,20(12), pp.1183-1186. (2017). Zambrero. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Mar. 2017].
Saturday, April 11, 2020
The War of Could Have Been Avoided free essay sample
The war of 1812 The war of 1812, a war that some people tend to referto as the second revolutionary war. But could it have been avoided? Well yes it most certainly could have been avoided, but then again couldnt most wars have been avoided? Though some people do not have the same reasoning. Other think that the war of 1812 was unavoidable, that it was destined to happen. Well what reasons do they have to think that? Though what reason do i have to think what i do? Well i will tell you. One reason that i think that the whole war could have just been avoided is because the british completely disragarded the maritime acts of the united states. After a country that was a hundred times smaller than you just beat you you are going to go ahead and act completely oblivious to that ssame countries rules? Sounds very angering to the people that just got away from you right? Right, the americans did not take this lightly. We will write a custom essay sample on The War of Could Have Been Avoided or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But that couldnt be the only reason that this whole war could have been avoided could it? No. The british might as well of just went up to the president of the united states and told him too screw off. They seemed to not care at all what they did to the americans. Another thing that they did was that they were interfering with all of the trade of the united states. Though even worse they were intercepting american ships and illegally improsining the american seamen. This as you can imagine would greatly anger the united states. The president at the time Madison demanded that britain revoke the oder in the council that declared american commercial vessels subject to interception and seizure. Britian ingnored this demand. Which angered the U. S. even more and congress declared war. After about a week of the declartation britain removed the provocative order and so there was no longer reason for a war to arise. There are some people including me that think that if there was better communication between europe and the united states and north america then the war could have been avoided entirely. Some people like to call the war of 1812 the second revolutionary war. But how could this be if the united states of american was already free of briatin. Well some people think that this is the second revolutionary war because they think that the americans were pretty much showing once again that they were there own country witht their own rules and their own trading. Which in that sense does kind of make it the second revolutionary war for america. Another reason that the war of 1812 is a second revolutionary war is because of what happened in the war. The britsish came and completely burned Washington D. C. down to the ground. This is actually where our star spangled banner came from. Which personally i think is one of the best reasons to say that it was the second revolutionary war. So in all technicality this was the second revolutionary war because we were fighting from the british so that we were able to have a rights as a free country. Why not say thats what it is? Because that is exacty what it was. After all the reasearch that was done to be able to write this paper i do and will always strongly believe that the war of 1812 most certainly could have been avoided entirely.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Ethics and Decision Making Essays
Ethics and Decision Making Essays Ethics and Decision Making Essay Ethics and Decision Making Essay CHAPTER I WHAT IS ETHICS? Each society form a set of rules that establishes the boundaries of general accepted behavior. These rules are often expressed in statements about how people should behave, and they fit together to form the MORAL CODE by which a society lives. The term MORALITY refers to a social conventions about right and wrong that are so widely shared that they become the basis for an established consensus. DEFINITION OF ETHICS: ETHICS – is a set of beliefs about right and wrong behavior within a society. Ethical behavior conforms to generally accepted norms-many of which are almost universal. VIRTUES – are habits that incline people to do what is acceptable. VICES – a re habits if Unacceptable behavior. THE IMPORTANCE OF INTEGRITY: Your moral principles are statements of what you believe to be rules of right conduct. A person who acts with integrity acts in accordance with a personal code of principles. One of the cornerstones of Ethical behavior- is to extend to all people the same respect and consideration that you expect to receive from others. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MORALS, ETHICS, AND LAWS MORAL’s are one’s personal beliefs about right and wrong while the term ETHICS describes standards or codes of behavior expected of an individual by a group to which an individual belongs. LAW is a system of rules that tell us what we can and cannot do. ETHICS IN THE BUSINESS WORLD Ethics has risen to the top of the business agenda because the risks associated w ith inappropriate behavior have increased, both in their likelihood and in their potential negative impact. Several trends have increased the likelihood of unethical behavior. 1st- greater globalization nd – in today’s necessionary economic climate, organizations are extremely challenge to maintain profits. WHY FOSTERING GOOD BUSINESS ETHICS IS IMPORTANT 1. Gaining the good will of the community. 2. Creating an organization that operates consistently. 3. Fostering good business practices. 4. Protecting the organization and its employees from legal action. 5. Avoiding unfavorable publicity. GAINING THE GOOD WILL OF THE COMMUNITY Although organization exist primarily to earn profits or provide services to customers, they also have some fundamental responsibilities in a formal statement of their company’s principles or beliefs. CREATING AN ORGANIZATION THAT OPERATES CONSISTENTLY Organizations develop and abide by values to create an organizational culture and to define a consistent approach for dealing with the needs of their stakeholders, employees, customers, suppliers and the community. Many companies share the following values: Operate with honesty and integrity Operate according to standards of ethical conduct, in words and action Treat colleagues, customers, and consumers with respect Strive to be the best at what matters most to the organization Value diversity Make decisions based on facts and principles Protecting the Organization and it’s Employees from Legal Action In a 1909 ruling the U. S. Supreme Court established that an employer can be held responsible for the acts of it’s employees even if the employees act in a manner contrary to corporate policy and their employer’s directions. Avoiding Unfavorable Publicity The public reputation of a company strongly influences the value of its stock, how consumer regard it’s product and services, the degree of oversight it receive from the government agencies, and the amount support and cooperation it receives business partners. Fostering Good business practices In many cases, good ethics can mean good business and improved profits. Companies that produce safe and effective products avoid costly recalls and lawsuits. Companies that provide excellent service retain their customers instead of losing them to competitors. Improving Corporate Ethics Only one in four organizations has s well-implemented ethics and compliance program. Characteristics of a successful ethics program; Employees are willing to seek advice about ethics issues Employees feel prepared to handle situation could read to misconduct Employees are for ethical behave Employees feel positively about their company Appointing a Corporate Ethics Officer Provides an organization with vision and leadership in the are of business conduct. Organization send a clear message to employees about the importance of ethics and compliance in their decision about who will be in charge of the effort an to whom that individual will report. Specific responsibilities include; Responsibility for compliance- that is ensuring the ethical procedures are put into place and consistently adhered to throughout the organization. Responsibility to creating and maintaining the ethics culture that the highest level of corporate authority. Responsibility for being a key knowledge and contact person on issues relating to corporate ethics and principles. Ethical Standard set by Board of Directors The board of directors is responsible for the careful and responsible management of an organization. The board fulfills some of it’s responsibilities directly and assign others to various committees. Establishing a Corporate Co de of Ethics A code ethics is a statements that highlights the organization key ethical issues and identifies the overarching values and principles that are important to the organization and its decision making. Example; Intel Conducting Social Audits An organization reviews how well it is meeting its ethical and social responsibility, goals, and communicates its new goal for the upcoming year. Requiring Employees to take Ethics Training Today, most psychologists agree that the ancient Greek philosophers believed that personal conviction about right and wrong behavior could be improved through education. Lawrence Kohlberg, the late Harvard psychologist, found that many factors stimulate person’s moral development, but one of the most areas is education. Creating an Ethical Work Environment Most employees want to perform their jobs successfully and ethically but good employer sometime make bad ethical choices. Including Ethical Consideration in Decision Making Develop a Problem Statement A problem statement is a clear, concise description of the issue that needs to be addressed. One must gather and analyze facts to develop a good problem statement. Seek information and opinions from a variety of people to broaden your frame of reference. Identify Alternatives The stage of decision making, it is ideal to enlist the help of others, including stakeholders to identify several alternatives solutions to the problem. During brainstorming process tries not to be critical of ideas. Evaluate and Choose Alternatives Evaluating based on numerous criteria such as effectiveness at addressing the issue, the extent of risk associated with each alternatives cost, and time implementation. The alternative selected should be ethically and legally defensible: be consistent with the organization’s policies and codes of ethics; take into account the impact on others; and, of course provide a good solution to the problem. Four common approaches to ethical decision making Approach dealing to moral issues : Principles Virtue ethics approach the ethical choice best reflects moral virtues in yourself and in your community. Utilitarian Approach the ethical choice produce the greatest excess of the benefits over harm. Fairness Approach the ethical choice treats everyone the same and shows no favor or discrimination. Common Good Approach the ethical choice advances the common goods. Virtue Ethics Approach The virtue ethics approach to decision making focuses on how you should behave and think about relationship if you are concerned with your daily life I a community. It can also be applied to the business world by equating the virtues of a good businessperson. Utilitarian Approach The utilitarian approach to the ethical decision making states that you should choose the action or the policy that has the best overall consequences for all the people who are directly or indirectly affected. Fairness Approach The fairness approach focuses o how fairly and policies distribute benefits and burdens among all people affected by the decision. Common Good Approach The common good approach to decision making is based on a vision of society as a community whose member work together to achieve a common set of values and goals. Implement Decision Once the alternatives are selected, it should be implemented in an efficient, effective and timely manner. Evaluate the Results Monitor the results to see if the desire effect was achieved, and observed the impact on the organization and the various stakeholders.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Philosophy - knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Philosophy - knowledge - Essay Example The primary question is regarding the acquisition of knowledge: Is knowledge something that one acquires, or something that one merely recollects Socrates (Plato, "Meno" 365-372) lays down the argument that it is the latter. He does that by asking simple questions alone, which lead to a person's discovery of the solution completely by himself. The fact that Socrates does not inform the person about the correct answer to a question shows that knowledge is not acquired, but rather recollected. We can argue, however, that it is not the knowledge of things that is inherent in any human being, but the faculty of identification (in this case, deductive logic) which is inherent. This term, "faculty of identification" is nothing but the perceptive system used to analyze knowledge. One uses the sense organs to understand the knowledge of "taste", and one uses logic to understand the knowledge of a geometric proof. This is another key point in determining the limitations of knowledge. Let us t ake a simple example to illustrate. The knowledge of the presence of a tiger nearby, by observing its fresh footprints, is vital to a forest dweller. Here one can observe the knowledge acquisition process stepwise. Firstly, the sense perceptions are translated based on previous sensory experience and registered as the knowledge of the footprints. ... ledge of the tiger being near the person exist within the person before If it did exist within the person himself, it should not depend uniquely on his presence there. There must be a way possible for him to just reach down within himself, so to speak, and draw out the knowledge, while doing something totally unrelated. This is not possible with the faculties of identification which we have allowed him to have: sense perception and logic of the simplest correlative kind. This example of a physical event, when extended to the mental realm, holds just as true. Knowledge depends on the questions asked, explicitly or implicitly. The second crucial fact is the dependence of knowledge on the faculty of identification. If in the same example, our friend, the forest dweller had no capacity for inductive logic, though possessing sharp senses, or if he was blind in the first place, the knowledge of the tiger's presence does not come into existence. In other words, knowledge is not something that belongs inherently in the circumstance, but also on the individual experiencing the circumstance. This is brought out clearly in Socrates' allegory of the cave (Plato, "Republic" 370-375). In it, the individual who has seen the world outside the cave and then looks at the events occurring inside, obtains knowledge of a different kind than those who have always lived in that cave. The events are the same, but the faculties of identification are totally different. To put it in a nutshell, knowledge is created by the active application of a faculty of identification upon a passive circumstance. When we analyze the question of knowledge being true belief with this background, we can understand its limitations better. The idea that justified true belief is responsible for knowledge is
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Best Buy Company Incorporation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Best Buy Company Incorporation - Assignment Example As a global company, it operates in Mexico, Canada, China, United States, and Puerto Rico. Best Buy is a public company traded on NYSE: BBY(S&P 500 Component). SWOT Analysis Strengths: No. One Electronic Retailer The company is the largest Consumer Electronic Retailer in the US holds a market share of about 20% (2011) and it’s ranked in position five on the Interbrand's Best Retail Brands 2012. Knowledgeable personnel In order to maintain its competitive streak in the market, the company recruits, trains, and retain qualified personnel. Their end-end type of customer service differentiates Best Buy from online retailers and discount electronics retailers. Smart Acquisitions In FY03 Best Buy Co. Inc. acquired Greek Squad Inc. This was specifically done in order to enhance support for customer services. The Greek Squad service is now found in all the US branded the Best Buy stores. Additionally, in FY12 Best Buy acquired mindSHIFT Technologies, Inc. a company providing data cent er and cloud services. Weaknesses: Physical stores The cost of personnel and overhead associated with the physical stores poses a challenge when comparing Best Buy with other online retailers. Customers in most cases use the physical store as â€Å"showroom†and then make the purchases of the products from the other online retailers at a lower cost. Reorganization Diluting Customer Experience The company has over the years undergone various restructuring activities in an effort to smoothen their in-store models of business.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Lilypads Hotels Essay Example for Free
Lilypads Hotels Essay According to the Court, the Fourth Amendment is mute about undercover searches (inside the home or out), inspections of welfare mothers and probationers homes, flyovers of curtilage and trespasses on property beyond it, surveillance of public movements, most compelled testing for drugs and alcohol, dog sniffs of cars and luggage, and rummaging through garbage. n1 Why don’t you contact me directly at natashagils at yahoo dot com and we can make this work one on one instead of going through middlemen to get assignments done. And the Amendment is close to irrelevant in a host [*604] of other situations, including third-party subpoenas for documents, checkpoints for drunk driving and illegal immigration, residential and business health and safety inspections, and searches of junkyards for stolen parts. n2 Under current constitutional doctrine, the government needs no justification to engage in the first set of actions, and so little to carry out the second that it is virtually unregulated. †¦ A crucial initial assumption in this essay is that, at bottom, neither the language nor the legislative history of the Fourth Amendment drives the analysis on this issue. †¦ I am looking for socio-political explanations for our current Fourth Amendment doctrine, not formalistic ones. The most obvious such explanation for the decisions referenced above is that the Supreme Court does not want to shackle government law enforcement efforts. Undoubtedly, that is a large part of the answer. But it is not the entire story. As I have suggested elsewhere n5 (and briefly explain again here), effective crime control and a more activist interpretation of the Fourth Amendment are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Other explanations for the Courts less-than-robust reading of the Fourth Amendment focus on the ironic consequences of decisions, mostly generated by [*605] the relatively liberal Warren Court, that were meant to expand its scope. For instance, it is fashionable to place much of the blame for todays law on the Warren Courts adoption of privacy as the core value protected by the Fourth Amendment. This move, in Katz v. United States, n6 was hailed at the time as a major enhancement of constitutional protection against government intrusion. As many have pointed out, however, because privacy is a manipulable concept, the Court has since found it easy to declare that a large array of police actions-ranging from use of informants to public surveillance and school and workplace drug testing-either do not implicate or are only limply protected by the Fourth Amendment. n7 This diagnosis has some attraction as well, but fails to explain why even the more liberal justices have often gone along with many of the privacy-diminishing holdings of the Court. In this essay, I too suggest that the modern Courts early expansive stances on the Fourth Amendment have ultimately led to its diminishment. But Katzs expectation-of-privacy formulation is not the culprit. Rather, three other liberal dogmas-what I call the probable-cause-forever position, the individualized suspicion mantra, and the obsession with exclusion as a remedy-are the primary reasons we have a Fourth Amendment Lite. The end-logic of these three dogmas produce such unappealing results that even moderate and liberal justices have balked at them, leaving us with a search and seizure jurisprudence that is much less than it could be. When a search requires probable cause to be constitutional, courts are naturally more reluctant to denominate every police attempt to find evidence a search. When suspicion must be individualized, they are more likely to gloss over the harms caused by investigations of groups. And when the sole serious sanction for an illegal search or seizure is suppression at trial, many judges have less sympathy for viable claims, because they cannot stomach dismissal of criminal charges against guilty people. I. Probable Cause Forever Of course, probable cause is not required for every police action that is called a search or seizure. Terry v. Ohio, n8 a Warren Court decision, stands for the proposition that both detentions short of arrest and patdowns of outer clothing are permissible on reasonable suspicion, which represents a certainty level somewhere below the even-chance threshold often associated with probable cause. The Terry Court was willing to relax Fourth Amendment strictures with respect to stops and frisks because the governments interest in effective crime prevention and [*606] detection on the streets justified the brief, though far from inconsiderable, intrusion upon the sanctity of the person that these actions occasion. n9 In the seizure context, the post-Warren Court has routinely relied on this balancing approach-or what I have called the proportionality principle-in holding that several different types of detentions short of an arrest may take place on less than probable cause. n10 In the search context, however, it has been much less willing to follow this route. Instead, the Court has insisted, in the words of Justice Stewart in Katz, that searches conducted . . . without prior approval by judge or magistrate [and therefore without probable cause], are per se unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment, subject only to a few specifically established and well- delineated exceptions. n11 †¦ [In] T. L. O. .. [the Court] then went on to hold that probable cause was not required to search a school childs purse for evidence of disciplinary infractions, thereby creating the one major exception (other than Terrys frisk rule) to the probable-cause-forever dogma. Labeled the special needs doctrine, a phrase taken from Justice Blackmuns concurrence in T. L. O. , the exception, when it applies, requires only that government action be reasonable, n14 which in practice has meant that neither a warrant nor probable cause is required. But the special needs exception is usually only applicable when, as in T. L. O. , those conducting the government action are not police and are pursuing some end other than ordinary criminal law enforcement (e. g. , school disciplinary searches, drug testing for administrative purposes, checkpoints for immigrants, or inspections of businesses for regulatory, health and safety violations). n15 Indeed, the classic statement of the special needs paradigm is that it kicks in only when special needs, beyond the normal need for law enforcement, make the warrant and probable-cause requirement impracticable. n16 The Court has on several occasions called these special needs [*607] situations exceptional and limited. n17 In other words, outside of frisks, the usual law enforcement search for evidence of criminal activity requires probable cause. n18
Monday, January 20, 2020
How to make a Clay village :: essays research papers
How To Make A Clay Village Clay is a great way to pass the time on rainy days, or on any days! It unleashes your creative side, and it's very fun! You can entertain yourself for hours, and it's inexpensive! Who knows, maybe one day you may get so talented at it, you'll have your own business, and maybe, craft show! Here's what you need: Bake able Clay (about 5 different colors) Tiny Beads (For the eyes) Toothpick Oven Wood plank Optional: Legos Popsicle Sticks Soften your clay by warming it in your hands, rolling it out with a roller and folding it over and over for 8 to 10 times then roll a ball in the middle of your hands. That will be the head. Make sure it is really soft, or it won't bake correctly. Make it about the size of a dollar coin. I suggest using Sculpy III clay. NOT THE GLOW IN THE DARK KIND! Make another ball, this time a bit smaller than the first, and make it a different color. Mold it into a triangle, and lay that aside. Try making patterns like stripes, with another color and mold it together. This part will be your shirt/pants. Do not attach it to the head yet. Take a bit of the same colored clay you used for the head, and soften it, and roll it out into a small snake. Take the toothpick, and cut it in half. Roll the first half into a small ball and lay it aside. Do this to the other half and lay it aside. Try and not make fingers. Now, carefully stick the head on the body, then add the hands (little balls we rolled out earlier) on the sides, and take out the color of clay you want to be the hair. (If any) If it is a boy, you can make a ball, flatten it with a roller, then place it on the clay figures head. And any details like spikes and curls with the toothpick. If it is a girl, you can flatten a ball, then add a snake of hair for the ponytail. Be creative. Do a Mohawk if you want! Now for the eyes. Take two beads, then stick them on the figures face. Maybe you can add eyelids if you want a sleepy expression for your figure. Add any details on the face and body you want. If you have a lot of clay, keep on repeating the steps.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Diversity And Employee Job Satisfaction In Local Government Education Essay
IntroductionThe theory of representative bureaucratism suggests that organisations perform better if their work forces reflect the features of their constitutional populations ( Andrews, Boyne, Meier, O'Toole, and Walker, 2005 ) . Harmonizing to the U.S. Bureau of the Census Community Survey 2006-2008[ 1 ], U.S. population is going more diverse in Race and Ethnicity, Education, Origins and linguistic communication, etc. It indicates that the constituents of organisational work forces should hold been progressively heterogenous as the development of diverse tendency in entire population. In world, the demographic alterations in the American work force affected by civil rights statute law and affirmatory action plans have so led to unprecedentedly high diverseness or heterogeneousness within organisations ( Choi, 2008 ) . The increasing work force diverseness poses some of the most ambitious inquiries for the direction of public service ( Riccucci, 2002 ) . For illustration, diverse constituents of population and work force bring employees into contact with people who may hold really different racial, instruction, linguistic communication, preparation, accomplishments, functional background, civilizations, and even values. As organisations progressively operate in a transnational and multicultural context, understanding how diverseness in the composing of organisational groups affects results such as satisfaction, creativeness, and turnover will be of increasing importance ( Milliken and Martins, 1996 ) . Although inconsistent on the extent to which increased occupation satisfaction leads to improved public presentation ( Brayfield and Crockett, 1955 ; Petty, McGee, and Cavender, 1984 ; Iaffaldano and Muchinsky, 1985 ) , Petty, McGee, and Cavender ( 1984 ) revealed a strong relationship between occupation satisfaction and public presentation. Furthermore, old surveies besides demonstrated that satisfied employees are more likely to hold lower absenteeism and turnover than those unsated one ( Locke, 1976 ; and Carsten and Spector, 1987 ) . Therefore, to analyze employees ‘ occupation satisfaction is of great important significances. However, the researches on occupation satisfaction either focal point on its impacts on job/organization public presentation, absenteeism and turnover, etc. ( Brayfield and Crockett, 1955 ; Petty, McGee, and Cavender, 1984 ; Iaffaldano and Muchinsky, 1985 ; Locke, 1976 ; and Carsten and Spector, 1987 ) , or other determiners of occupation satisfaction, such as authorization, participative direction, quality of work life, the function of directors, single features, work environment, etc. ( Bruce and Blackburn, 1992 ; Rainey, 1997 ; Kim, 2002 ) . A comparatively little literature appears to hold examined the possible effects of diverseness on employees ‘ occupation satisfaction. Furthermore, among a few surveies seeking to the impacts of diverseness on occupation satisfaction, most concentrate on employees on federal degree ( Choi, 2008 ) , instead than in province or local authorities. Furthermore, old researches step employee occupation satisfaction as a whole, but did n't analyze the impacts of diverseness on employees on different aspects of occupation satisfaction, such as the different impacts on friendliness and aid received in work and on work itself. Besides, the dimensions most surveies used for demographic diverseness include race/ethnicity, instruction, age and sex, and disablement ( Wise, 2000 ; Andrews et Al, 2005 ; Pitts, 2005 ; Choi, 2008 ; Pitts, 2009 ) , but few of them use beginnings and linguistic communication as a step of demographic diverseness. However, with the development of globalisation, more and more first coevals immigrants, whose first linguistic communication is non English and is non born in the US. , are going U.S. citizens and attend public sector. A Harmonizing to U.S. Census Bureau Data[ 2 ]released on February 22nd, 2005, the state ‘s nonnative population numbered 34.2 million in 2004, accounting for 12 per centum of the entire U.S. population. This figure is 2.3 per centum higher than it was in 2003. Therefore, a survey on the effects of demographic diverseness of beginnings and linguistic communication on occupation satisfaction is really of import. In add-on, most surveies used inactive informations at one clip point. It could n't reflect the development tendency of demographic features of public employees. This paper aims at researching the development tendency of public employee diverseness and the impacts of demographic diverseness of local authorities on affectional results, occupation satisfaction ( Figure 1 ) , through a ten-year period. How different dimensions of demographic diverseness, such as race/ethnicity, instruction, gender, beginnings, linguistic communication, and instruction, affect employees ‘ occupation satisfaction? What ‘s the disagreement of the impacts of demographic diverseness on different facets of occupation satisfaction? First, I review the old literature on diverseness concentrating on five of import demographic dimensions of diversity-race/ethnicity, beginnings, first linguistic communication, gender, instruction, and occupation satisfaction. In the following subdivision, I explore the theoretical model and present hypotheses of diverseness and its impact on different aspects of occupation satisfaction. In the last subdivision, I discuss resear ch design/methodology.Figure 1 Diversity and Job Satisfaction in Local GovernmentDevelopment and AchievementDemographic DiversityRace/EthnicityBeginningsFirst LanguageGenderEducationEducationJob SatisfactionFriendliness and Assistance received RrRaceLiterature ReviewDiversenessThe term diverseness frequently provokes intense emotional reactions from people who, possibly, have come to tie in the word with thoughts such as â€Å" affirmatory action †and â€Å" hiring quotas †; yet it is a word that merely means â€Å" assortment †or a â€Å" point or regard in which things differ †( Milliken and Martins, 1996 ) . Actually, demographic diverseness refers to â€Å" the grade to which a unit ( e.g. , a work group or organisation ) is heterogenous with regard to demographic properties, †such as race/ethnicity, sex, age, organisational term of office, and societal position ( Choi, 2008 ) . This survey limits its treatment to four demographic dimensions-race/ethnicity, beginnings, linguistic communication, and gender. Some bookmans have developed several attacks to categorise assorted dimensions of diverseness ( e.g. , Cummings, Zhou, and Oldham 1993 ; Jackson 1992 ; Jackson, May, and Whitney 1995 ; Maznevski 1994 ; Milliken and Martins 1996 ; Tsui, Egan, and O'Reilly 1992 ) . One common differentiation is between diverseness on discernible or readily noticeable properties such as race or ethnicity, age, or gender, and diverseness with regard to less seeable or underlying properties such as instruction, proficient abilities, functional background, term of office in the organisation, or socioeconomic background, personality features, or values ( Cummings et al. , 1993 ; Jackson et al. , 1995 ; Tsui et al. , 1992 ) . Harmonizing the above classification, race/ethnicity, beginnings, gender, and first linguistic communication should be included into discernible properties ; instruction should be considered as implicit in properties.Job SatisfactionEmployees ‘ satisfaction with their occupations is an of import standard for rating organisational effectivity ( Choi, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to Hoppock ( 1935: 47 ) , occupation satisfaction is any combination of physiological, psychological, and environmental fortunes that causes a individual truthfully to state, â€Å" I am satisfied with my occupation †. Most common definitions are those that assume being of demands ( in changing signifiers ) and by and large view occupation satisfaction as ensuing from the tantrum between these single demands and the occupation and its environment ( Hopkins, 1983 ) . However, Lock ( 1969 ) rejected the construct of demands and defined occupation satisfaction as the enjoyable emotional province ensuing from satisfaction or satisfaction about one ‘s occupation. The interaction of one ‘s values and one ‘s perceptual experiences of the occupation and its environment are two chief causes of occupation satisfaction. In this survey, I chiefly rely on a modified need-satisfac tion theoretical account, which combines single demands and work environment. There are two basic ways of mensurating occupation satisfaction, facet-free and facet-specific steps. It is easy to administrate and understand ( Kalleberg, 1974 ) , and it correlates extremely with more complex measurings of occupation satisfaction to utilize facet-free attack ( Robinson, Athanasious, and Head, 1969 ) . In the procedure of reacting to facet-free inquiries, employees tend to supply their ain agencies of summarize a assortment of different facets of their occupation into a individual reply ( Johns, 1980 ) . However, this attack has been badly criticized for a figure of grounds ( Hopkins, 1983 ) . Most significantly, occupation satisfaction is one-dimensional and multidimensional instead than a individual dimension ( Kalleberg, 1974 ) . One general inquiry could n't mensurate all facets of a occupation. However, facet-specific occupation satisfaction steps ask the respondent to measure his/her satisfaction with a series of occupation aspects. And faceted measuring is advantageous in that it coincides with the multidimensional character of occupation satisfaction, provides comparison across the respondents, and permits a grade of control and way by the research worker ( Hopkins, 1983 ) . In old researches, there are 23 aspects studied ( Hopkins, 1983 ) . In this survey, 21 aspects will be used except salary aspect and I categorize the 21 aspects into three facets: friendliness and aid received in work ; development and accomplishment ; and work itself. Friendliness and aid received in work, and development and achievement aspect of occupation satisfaction will be used to prove the research inquiry.Theoretical Framework and HypothesesPrevious literature has demonstrated that different dimensions of diverseness may take to different effects ( Jackson, Joshi, and Erhardt, 2003 ; Jehn, N orthcraft, and Neale, 1999 ; Milliken and Martins, 1996 ) . Less seeable or implicit in properties may supply a wide scope of thoughts, accomplishments, and penetrations, and finally consequences in organisational public presentation betterment by increasing organisation ‘s creativeness and problem-solving capablenesss ( Cox, 1993 ) . To increase organisation ‘s creativeness and problem-solving capablenesss, and contribute to organisation public presentation betterment is a important foundation and step to single development and accomplishment. Therefore, underlying properties is assumed to be positively related to development and achievement aspect of employees ‘ occupation satisfaction. H1: Education diverse is positively related to development and achievement aspect of employee occupation satisfaction. However, discernible properties, such as demographic backgrounds, may take to high degrees of emotional struggles between persons in organisations. Heterogeneous groups may besides see a deficiency of communicating or miscommunication, disenabling struggle, and the load of the high costs of coordination and declaration of struggles ( Jehn, Northcraft, and Neale, 1999 ) . Harmonizing to Byrne ‘s ( 1971 ) similarity-attraction theory, people prefer interacting with similar others and happen interactions with them easier, positively reenforcing, and more desirable compared with interactions with others who are different. Persons in diverse groups tend to experience less safe and to swear each other less. Lower trust is more likely to take to higher struggles within groups ( Choi, 2008 ) . Furthermore, for employees, who were non born as U.S. citizens and whose first linguistic communication is non English, may hold communicating obstructions with his/her co-worker. This communicating job may impact their development and publicity within the organisation we well, which finally leads to reduced occupation satisfaction. Therefore, discernible properties are supposed to be negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of occupation satisfaction: H2: Race/Ethnicity diverse is negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of employee occupation satisfaction. H3: Origin diverse is negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of employee occupation satisfaction. H4: Gender diverse is negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of employee occupation satisfaction. H5: Language diverse is negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of employee occupation satisfaction.Research DesignMeasureDependent Variable: public employees ‘ occupation satisfaction is measured by two dimensions, friendliness and aid received from work and development and accomplishment. It is measured on single degree based on responses to relevant study and interview inquiries. Friendliness and aid received could be measured by the undermentioned inquiries: Opportunity to do friends Friendliness and helpfulness of colleagues Enough aid and equipment to acquire the occupation done Development and accomplishment could be measured by the undermentioned inquiries: Opportunity for publicities Opportunity to develop particular abilities Independent Variable: discernible and implicit in properties of diverseness of public employees in local authorities in NJ. In recent old ages, three sorts of diverseness steps have been used most often: the coefficient of fluctuation, the Blau ‘s index of heterogeneousness, and the entropy index of diverseness ( Choi, 2008 ) . In this survey, the degrees of each bureau ‘s demographic diversity-race/ethnicity, beginnings, gender, first linguistic communication, and education-are calculated through the Blau ‘s index of heterogeneousness or Entropy index of diverseness, which are appropriate for categorical variables, instead than the coefficient of fluctuation, which is proper for uninterrupted variables. The concluding choice between the Blau ‘s index of heterogeneousness and Entropy index of diverseness depends on the information collected and informations analysis consequences. Race/Ethnicity is classified into five groups: White ; Black or African American ; Asian ; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander ; and Others, based on the U.S. Bureau of Census ‘s classification. Beginning is classified into two groups: born naturalized as a U.S. citizen and foreign born non U.S. citizen, based on the U.S. Bureau of Census ‘s classification. Gender of public employee in local authoritiess includes both male and female. First Language is categorized into five groups: English ; Spanish or Spanish Creole ; Other Indo-germanic Languages ; Asian and Pacific Island Languages ; and Other Languages, based on the U.S. Bureau of Census ‘s classification. Education is measured by two indexs. The first index is to mensurate the diverseness in instruction degree. The diverseness in instruction degree is categorized into six groups: less than high school alumnus ; high school alumnus ; some college or associate ‘s grade ; unmarried man ‘s grade ; maestro ‘s grade ; Ph.D. grade. The 2nd index is to mensurate the diverseness in major. It is categorized into nine groups: societal scientific discipline and humanistic disciplines ; public personal businesss ; library and information ; concern ; instruction ; jurisprudence ; technology ; medical scientific discipline ; and others. Control Variable: there are some other variables are supposed to hold important impacts on public employees ‘ occupation satisfaction, harmonizing to old research. Those factors include employee place term of office, age, organisation population, city/township population, etc.DatasA assorted research method will be used to analyze the research inquiry and hypotheses. I plan to roll up ten-year period ( 2000-2009 ) information in employee race, gender, instruction, beginnings, first linguistic communication, and occupation satisfaction from each local authorities in New Jersey, utilizing unnoticeable resources, study, and single interview. The ground for roll uping informations in ten-year period is foremost to track the tendency of the employee demographic constituents in local authorities in NJ during the past 10 old ages, and to mensurate whether diverseness is a apparent character of local public employee in NJ. Second, I want to prove the alteration of demographic factors à ¢â‚¬Ëœ impacts on occupation satisfaction, instead than a inactive consequence at one clip point, because it is supposed that the demographic characters of local public employees are changed to be more diverse. Unobtrusive resources: Archive and Official Documentation to roll up public employees ‘ demographic constituents, including race, instruction, gender, beginnings, and first linguistic communication, in each city/township authorities in NJ during the past 10 old ages. Based on this information, descriptive statistics could be used to depict the development tendency of employee demographic factors. Survey and Sample: I will carry on a mail study to roll up occupation satisfaction informations. 10 % employees from each city/township authorities will be indiscriminately selected and the questionnaire will be sent to them. In order to guarantee a good respondent rate, I will carry on a three-round study. The follow-up study may be conducted by phone or electronic mail. Semi-Structured Individual Interview: in-depth informations is needed to unearth some deep information. The chief content of single interview is to look into employees ‘ occupation satisfaction and how diverse on the job environment affect their occupation satisfaction. What are the most of import factors that impact their occupation satisfaction? What are the employees ‘ perceptual experiences or suggestion sing to diversity direction?Datas AnalysisAbove all, content analysis will be used to analyze written paperss. Contented analysis is â€Å" any technique for doing illations by consistently and objectively placing particular features of messages †( Holsti, 1968 ) . First, is to make up one's mind the degrees and units of paperss analysis. Sampling may happen at any or all of the undermentioned degrees: words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, subdivisions, chapters, and books. Second, is to unite content analytic elements, and coding. Coding frames are used to f orm the informations and place findings after unfastened cryptography has been completed. The whole procedure is to split gathered archive and certification informations and make full them into five independent variables. For some quantitative informations, occupation satisfaction study informations are Likert Scale informations, 5 graduated tables. Recode each factor to do certain every inquiry and information is in the same way from 1 ( strongly dissatisfaction ) to 5 ( strongly satisfaction ) . Mean score higher than 3 is considered satisfaction, and lower than 2 is considered dissatisfaction. Furthermore, descriptive statistics is used to cipher mean, media, standard divergence, standard mistake of collected informations, including certification, study, and interview informations. For The documentation/archive information is a pooled information in 10 old ages. To compare informations in different twelvemonth, we can reason whether the constituent of employee in local authorities is more and more diverse. What ‘s the development tendency, to rush up or decelerate down? If it is necessary, Cronbach ‘s Alpha can be used to prove measuring dependability before making index variables. Multiple arrested development could be used to prove the significance degree and coefficient of correlativity between demographic diverseness and employees ‘ occupation satisfaction. Meanwhile, Variance rising prices factor ( VIF ) can be used to prove whether there is multicollinearity job and Breusch-Pagan trial is used to analyze whether the theoretical account has heteroskedasticity job or non. Some package plans may be utile to analyse informations, for illustration SPSS, Office Excel, and Stata. The analysing package should including the undermentioned maps: word processors, text retrievers, textbase directors, code-and-retrieve plans, code-based theory builders, and conceptual network-builders.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Significance Of Being Earnest, By Oscar Wilde
According to Barbara Tuchman, â€Å"satire is a wrapping of exaggeration around a core of society.†Satire exposes the absurdity embedded in society through exaggerated extremes of social norms. Satire is the hyperbolic expressions of absurdity, which provides clarity through sarcasm and offensive exaggerations to project a society’s ethics. In Oscar Wilde’s play, The Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde exposes the absurdity of Victorian aristocratic social propriety. Wilde utilizes numerous ironic puns and sarcasm in order to satirize Victorian social responsibilities concerned with marriage, social masking, and education. Wilde’s play explores the notion of social responsibility within aristocratic life via the character’s dialogue on†¦show more content†¦Lady Bracknell’s interest in Jack’s money and reputation is similar to real aristocratic interest. Also, marriages in Victorian society are dictated by the parents choice in spouse. When Gwendolen tells her mother that she is engaged to Jack, Lady Bracknell is taken aback by the information and sternly states, â€Å" Pardon me, you are not engaged to anyone. When you do become engaged to one, I, or your father, †¦ will inform you of the fact†(Wilde 7). Through Lady Bracknell’s opposition to Gwendolen’s engagement, Wilde is able to show the audience how Victorian elite marriages are arranged so both families are mutually benefitted by each other s wealth and status. Parents of wealthy families chose their children’s spouse according to the spouses prestige and wealth in order to increment or sustain their own monetary funds and influence within society. Marriages in Victorian society are used a majority of the time as business propositions for selfish aristocratic reasons, not to celebrate two lover’s unification. Furthermore, Wilde exposes the duplicity of Victorian social life through the neologism â€Å"bunbu ry†and the name â€Å"Ernest†to attack aristocratic social responsibility and exhibit the importance of titles within the society. Social masking is used by the wealthy to allow themselves to be dismissed of social responsibility momentarily. When Jack and Algernon were engaged in the conversation regarding marriage, Algernon introduces Wilde’s neologism â€Å"bunbury†.Show MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Being Earnest Satire Essay1291 Words  | 6 PagesMaverick Yabut Professor Tina Regan ENGL 200 June 18, 2017 Satire in the Importance of Being Earnest Introduction Throughout Oscar Wilde’s play â€Å"The Importance of Being Earnest†, Oscar Wilde routinely uses satire throughout the story amongst character dialogue and actions to scorn the Victorian society audience. Oscar uses satire to mock love, and the concept of marriage as well as the Victorian-aristocratic class system and society mentality. 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This concept has come to be the brick and mortar of the wry play The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde The significance of the notion of being earnest is contradicted in the play, through Wilde’s clever use of words, characters digression of societal normalcy, and triviality of Victorian concepts. Cynical character Algernon asserts that women of Victorian societyRead MoreThe Double Life in the Importa1372 Words  | 6 PagesImportance of Being Earnest The Importance of Being Earnest appears to be a conventional 19th century farce. False identities, prohibited engagements, domineering mothers, lost children are typical of almost every farce. However, this is only on the surface in Wilde#8217;s play. His parody works at two levels- on the one hand he ridicules the manners of the high society and on the other he satirises the human condition in general. 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