Friday, December 27, 2019
Life Changing Moment In My Life - 973 Words
Over the course of my life, there has been many life changing events. One event that had the most impact on my life was breaking my left ankle twice. Breaking my ankle took me down a road feeling miserable and depressed; it altered the trajectory of my future plans and goals during a time of numerous opportunities. Although looking back on the situation, there have been positives that came out of it. Breaking my left ankle for the second time was detrimental due to the timing while completing my junior year in high school. I had a great year in football and received multiple scholarship offers at the end of the year. I also received player of the year and other honorary titles while playing basketball. My senior year began with so much†¦show more content†¦From the ages of seventeen to twenty two, l struggled to cope with my situation. Although I did attend college and continued to play sports, I never seemed to gain control of my situation. Throughout that period of my life , I experienced some things that I am not proud of, but I do not regret any of those experiences. I have learned valuable lessons that has helped me to become the young man that I am today. If it had not been for me breaking my ankle, I may not have been able to handle some of the obstacles that I may experience in the future. After a few years of repeating the same actions expecting different results, I decided that it was time for a change. I had to come to my senses and understand that there was so much more to do and live for. Having this revelation helped me see how valuable I am. I would not let the injury get the best of me, so I began to fight. Fight as in understand the process and refuse to give up no matter how challenging. I had to set many goals, both short term and long term. I figured the process would be much easier if I attacked it one day at a time. It was almost as if I had to recreate my self in the image that I had wanted. Some of my actions had to be eliminated from my life, along with many of the people that I surrounded myself with. In order to move forward, I had to understand that you can not drag old things into new situations. I called this stage of myShow MoreRelatedThe Idea Of Knowing Who I Am908 Words  | 4 Pagesknowing who I am is one I’ve struggled with greatly. Frankly speaking, I am still discovering who I am. Are there moments that have taken place which have led me to be close to figuring out my â€Å"true self†? Indeed there have certainly been moments where I am closer to figuring out my â€Å"true identity.†One such moment was when I realized my happiness depended upon myself. Personhood, in my own definition of it, is when one is truly their own person. 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While you are wholly in one moment, the moments change – there is not simply one breath, but another breath that follows. If you hold your breath, you will pass out. Eventually an individual will stop breathing. But another will continue. Focusing on being in the moment, being where you are, you can see that even meditation is not permanent. This â€Å"spiritual practice hones skills, including the religiously valued to do one thing†¦toRead MoreFeeling the Power of the Book, The Odyssey Essay544 Words  | 3 Pageseducational travesty of my life. I first read it after High School while working at Colonial Motors in West Concord. I didnt get it any more than the most confused among you, but what I did do is feel it: I felt its primordial power and emotional bareness; I felt another world, another age and another human journey come alive inside of me. It made me feel that I was a part of long and unbroken lineage of hu manity searching for truth and purpose in a world--especially my world, a world not always
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Problems Of Racial Identity - 927 Words
The Problems of Racial Identity Over time certain groups of people have been taken advantage of and treated unfairly. In recent history especially, the groups that are being taken advantage of are those of color. The world is learning faster than ever how important it is to treat people equally and not discriminate against individuals or groups based on the color of their skin. However, the world is not perfect and this is still a slow process. Like in Citizen, this research paper is being written to highlight the problems with society s judgments and discriminations that have become social norms. Furthermore, the development of the idea â€Å"racial identity†has done more negative than positive for people of color. For centuries humans†¦show more content†¦Within The Woman Warrior, the characters face many obstacles while living in America and coming from a Chinese background. The author of the novel, Maxine Hong Kingston, faces some of the most difficult challenges out of the characters. Being a child in a new country, the world has become confusing and scary. With her parents being traditionally Chinese and her teachers being American, Kingston’s life becomes split, therefore splitting her identity. Kingston constantly struggles where to fit in and mold with society at school. Yet as she begins to do so, she begins to struggle with keeping her Chinese identity while at home. One of the most memorable moments in the novel highlights this idea well, where in the last part of the book Kingston begins to argue with her mother, then the mother says, â€Å"That’s what we’re supposed to say. That’s what the Chinese say. We like to say the opposite†(2, pp. 203). Clearly there is confusion between the authors Chinese life and her American life in this dialogue. In addition, Kingston’s Chinese identity ends up causing her problems when trying to figure out her personal identity. This goes to show that racial identity does have negative effects towards people of color. Perhaps a better example of the problems racial identity develops for people of color is inside of the book Citizen, by Claudia Rankine. Citizen is a compilation of poems, shortShow MoreRelatedToni Morrisons The Bluest Eye: Racial and Social-Cultural Problems Dealing with the Lost Identity of Young African American Women2371 Words  | 10 Pagesself-esteem faced by young African American women, due to white culture. My research was guided by these ideas of racism and loss of self, suffered in the novel, by the main character Pecola Breedlove. 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Every individual has multiple identities Race, ethnic, gender, national, regional, organizational, personal, cyber/fantasyâ€â€that act in concert. The importance of any single identity is a result of the situation. As the context varies, you may choose to emphasize one or more of your identities. A conceptual inquiry into race or gender would seek an articulation of our concepts of race or gender (Riley 1988). ForRead MorePositive And Negative Impacts Of Children Essay1603 Words  | 7 Pagesfor the future generation, whereas a bad influence at such a young age can create an obnoxious, negative character in the future. One form of influence that children cannot run from is racial stereotypes. The racial stereotypes in this context refers to the common idea the societies get when they see a specific racial group. This essay will be discussing the relationship between the stereotypes and children’s development, in addition to the future effects of exposing children to this stereotypes. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Scott Russell Sanders Looking at Women free essay sample
The term Gaze was first introduced by Jacques Lacan and it describes the nervousness that someone feels when he realizes that he is being viewed. In the second rise of feminism in the 60s one of the many topics that had been discussed among the social scientist and people all over the world for many years was the male gaze. Some people who were highly involved in the feminist movement believe that ens gaze objectifies women and converts men into spectators. On the other hand, some people believe that the male gaze has positives elements if occurs within limits because women feel that are attracted and that boost their self-confidence. Scott Russell Sanders in his article Looking at Women analyzes this phenomenon and indicates why this happens, also makes clear that he doesnt agree with it. Sanders start the article with an illustration. He creates a descriptive visual picture about the first time he saw a woman in his early teens. We will write a custom essay sample on Scott Russell Sanders Looking at Women or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As an innocent 11 years old boy he couldnt understand what this sweet pain in his belly was when he checks a girl out. He wouldnt find out until college. There he would still wonder about women but in more mature way. Sanders continuous by telling us the story of his roommate that had Playboy pictures on the wall. He couldnt believe in himself when he realized that he saw this woman as object and not as human being. In addition, he mentions the shop Bare Essentials which was selling sexy and expensive clothes. He couldnt xplain why someone would buy such expensive clothes whose only purpose is in being taken off (par 23). I dont agree with Sanderss argument about his ethics on male gaze and I consider it problematic. I believe that he is not convincing because his argument contain many exaggerations and conservatives thoughts. I also believe due to the fact that he is shy and particularly introverted person his argument is morally problematic. He present male gaze as something that you should be feel guilty ot. To begin with, Sanders was born inside a Puritan tamily whose thics were very narrow-minded. As a result of that his opinions were also conservative. When Sanders was in college he couldnt deal with the idea that his roommate had Playboy pictures on the wall, he believed that these women were Just like a piece of meat locker back in New Ton, Ohio (par 14). Furthermore, he argues that he understood that these women were human beings as he is, however their humanity was severely reduced, if not extinguished (par 16). Additionally, Sanders was very annoyed by his friends who were talk about naked womans part in the ame language as farmers back home in Ohio speak used for assessing cows (par 18). Women are seen as an object merely another category for sale (par 12) Sanders states. As we can see Sanders opinions contain a conservative style of thoughts. A Sander, as a college student was a very shy person and he had hard time to meet a woman. He says that l was invisible to them (women) and they were immune to my gaze (par 21). Moreover, he felt ethical guilt because he was staring the naked woman instead of studding and he couldnt understand the urge that felt towards hat woman who was seen by millions of people. This is described in his phrase stupid flesh! How stupid that a counterfeit stare and artful curves, printed in millions of copies on glossy paper, could arose me (par 18). Sanders excuse his action by referring what D. H Lawrence and poet Carlos Williams said. D. H Lawrence states that we as men and men have sexual urges since their beginning of humanity it something completely normal, it is our ancient instincts of reproduction. Moreover, Carlos Williams admits that A man does with it what his mind directs (par 20). To sum up, Sanders tries very hard to keep a balance between his ancient instincts of reproduction and his ethic code and because of that a conflict is created. In conclusion, I believe that a Sanders argument about how to see a woman contain a dose of exaggeration and conservatism and that is because of his origin and his family environment. In addition, his thesis portrays a person who is morally problematic, who feel guilty when he gaze a woman and through intellectual persons thoughts tries to excuse himself.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Lady Capulet Ulrikka Jonsson Essay Example
Lady Capulet: Ulrikka Jonsson Paper This adaptation of Romeo and Juliet is based on a football theme. There are two rival chairmen and their families of two football clubs Manchester United and Manchester City. Both of these football clubs are in Manchester. On the east of Manchester we have Manchester United, on the west of Manchester we have Manchester City. The chairman of Manchester City is Capulet and the chairman of Manchester United is Montague. These two rival football teams have battled through thick and thin to win the Championship to take the title of premiership winners. Every year like a pendulum swings from side to side the championship is won by united one year and city the next its carried on like this for years. But one season when Manchester City won the cup, the chairman Capulet threw a party for all those in the team and executives of the club. Romeo the son of Montague the chairman of united was heartbroken and depressed. For his team had lost the cup. Benvolio, Romeos cousin persuades him to gatecrash the Capulets party with him along side Romeos friend Mercutio. They do this and get to the party. The party was going great, as the guests entered old Capulet himself greeted them. Romeo and friends wore bandannas round their mouths so they wouldnt be recognised, The party was in full swing and everything was going great. Tybalt the nephew of Capulet told old Capulet that Romeo and friends had gatecrashed the party. Capulet wasnt bothered. Juliet and Romeo then meet as Juliet spills punch on Romeo. The party ends and Romeo is on his way home but climbs a wall and finds Juliet by her window. We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Capulet: Ulrikka Jonsson specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Capulet: Ulrikka Jonsson specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Capulet: Ulrikka Jonsson specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They vow to get married. Next morning Romeo goes to church and asks Friar Lawrence to marry Romeo and Juliet. They get married. But then Mercutio and Tybalt have a show down and fight each other. Tybalt kills Mercutio; Romeo is so hurt by this he kills Tybalt because he killed his best friend. Prince Escalus hears of this and banishes Romeo from Manchester. Juliet becomes engaged to Paris but she cannot marry him as she is in love with Romeo and is already married. So Friar Lawrence helps her out and gives her magic sleep. It is a drug, which makes her appear dead for 48 hours. She takes it and dies. Meanwhile the Friar gives Romeo a phone-call; no one answers so the Friar leaves a message. Romeo doesnt get it, as his machine is broken. Juliets family, grieve for her and Friar Lawrence takes the service. Balthasar, Romeos most trustworthy friend, appears at the church and sees what has happened. He immediately drives down to see Romeo and tells him what has happened. Romeo immediately drives to the church, he sees Juliet lying in the coffin, and he commits suicide by shooting himself. Juliet wakes up and sees what has happened and then kills herself with the remaining bullet left in the pistol. The funeral is now for Romeo and Juliet and both teams and chairmen bury the hatchet of the past and vow not to let there be anymore violence be tween them again. That is the outline of the story. I am setting it in Manchester, as it does have to rival teams in the same city. The derbies between Manchester City and Manchester United have always been exceptional. Manchester has two high profiled football clubs. The places in which the two rival gangs of Capulet and Montague meet are always in the car park of The Trafford Centre, I have set this here as its a popular place and when the gangs arrive its always in very expensive cars. The killing of Tybalt and Mercutio is happens just outside the Old Trafford Stadium by the Bobby Moore statue. I am casting Vinny Jones as Prince Escalus because as he is known as the hard man of football I think that people will listen to him when he gives the sentences to Capulet and Montague about having the lives pay the forfeit. I think also that he will be loud enough for the part as well. I have featured Dawn French as the nurse as she is a comedienne and in Shakespeares original play the nurse is a light-hearted person with a sense of humour which I think Dawn French is ideal for. I think Lenny Henry is ideal for the part of Mercutio, as in Shakespeares original play Mercutio is a funny character and is thinks that life is a permanent joke. As Lenny Henry is a comedian he is ideal for the part. I have put Michael Owen as Romeo and Rachel Powell as Juliet because they can both play football and both play for the opposing side in this movie. Rachel Powell plays for the female side, Rachel Powell is of a different creed and is black I thought this would be good because there is never a J uliet from a different racial background. I have made it up to date in the sense of the tension between different gangs today, for example arson and murders. Everything is up to date including the team kits of the teams.
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