Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Viva Zapata Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Viva Zapata Paper - Essay Example The film explains the quest of the revolutionary and the challenges that had been subjected upon him, when he had desired to establish a more comfortable environment as compared to the dictatorial regime. This is an indication of how society presents pillars to prevent the oppression subjected by individual in power, to counter their actions with a more stable union that would favor development. Plot and Implications There is the need to offer equality and stability within the societal setting, and through the film there is little room for a dictator leadership style because there are activists who seek to fight for the best interest of the majority. Zapata is told to be the child from a poor background, but this does not stop his will to be capable of challenging the strongest man in Mexico, when he feels that there should be change in the manner he had been ruling his territory. The war that is the centrality of the film advocates for change, and deliver the oppressed from the hand s of the dictator. These developments in the film change the plot setting to depict Zapata as an outlaw. In such political setting within the society, there is an attempt as portraying the activists as the individuals who do not embrace change and engage in the process for selfish purposes. There is never stability in a society where individuals are not given equal opportunity to express themselves. The fight that the movie set in the 1900s indicates, and the trend exists in some countries in the developed world. Power is the entity used in the film to explain how individual who obtain the entity lead to the decline in equal individual development. Zapata is of mixed races, and we are told that he is Mexican Indian who sought their trade from farming. The film explains how Zapata forces to be the hero of his society when he decides to undertake the mission of creating a revolutionary change. The president full with selfish motives discriminates against the village Morelos when he se parates the arable land leaving them with the unfertile piece. Zapata handles the incident through rebelling against the decision and confronts the president in a manner known to him. His actions further led him to rescue one of the captives from the militia, and this turns him into the most wanted civilian in the land. There is an attempt to create a resolve by the producer as Zapata becomes popular among his people in the south as he had a positive implication on the exiled Don Francisco (Young 89). Diaz is defeated, and the new president Francisco is enacted as the new leader. However, all is not well because the new leader acts as an individual that lacks policies and is made to make decisions based on an outward influence. These actions do not work for Francisco because influential individuals like Zapata had aided him to power, and he had craved to return the favor. Viva Zapata highlights the consequences of greed and power explaining how those with the ability run the world f ull of evil. There is a limited solution as one evil action leads to the other. After Diaz is forced out of power, the new president Don Francisca is assassinated by the order of Huerta on his quest to deliver justice. This takes Zapata and his helper Villa to continue their quest of enacting a new leader. Zapata finds duty assuming the role of the leader with limited resolutions to settle the dispute that had led him to rebellion. This idealism leads
Monday, October 28, 2019
Individual Theory Matrix Essay Example for Free
Individual Theory Matrix Essay There was also 14 points Deming used 14 points in order to break down barriers between departments in companies and organizations. This will lead to a reduction of wasted information and materials along with errors and delays in the company. He focused on improving the system of products and services because it focuses on providing the best products for the customers who purchase the products. Ford Motor Company JuranJuran focuses are on parts of the organizations he does not focus on the organization as a whole. He has defined quality as fitness for use. Juran also developed the concepts of cost of quality. Ten Steps to Quality Juran Trilogy Organizations determine who the customers are and plan for quality through every process. Juran used the trilogy planning process which is an organization or company who makes sure the products and process are done for the customer’s needs. The international latex company. IshikawaIshikawa focused on user friendly quality control and he also focused the internal customer. Cause and Effect Diagram and Quality CirclesHe focused on the internal customer because each step in the creation of a product or service shall be for the best of organization and the customers. Ishikawa wanted the concept of companywide quality control that would call for continues customer services. ATT CrosbyCrosby major goal is to meet requirements on time, the first time, and every time. Do It Right the First Time Drift. He believed that quality was free for everyone because defects cost money. Quality is conformance, management systems is prevention, zero defects, and measure system is the cost of quality. He believed that customers would be satisfied if the job was done correctly the first time. The Navy FeigenbaumHe stressed that quality does not mean best, but what is best for the customers. Feigenbaum devised the concepts of Total Quality Control (TQM). Setting quality control for the organization and company, appraising conformance to the standards, acting when standards are exceeded, and planning for improvement. Feigenbaum wanted to make sure that shipments and quality of the products services mad the customers happy. Fed X or UPS because of the quality of their delivering process.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Joseph Bediers The Romance of Tristan and Iseult and Jean Cocteau’s Et
The Romance of Tristan and Iseult, by Joseph Bà ©dier, and Jean Cocteau’s 1943 cinematic adaptation of the epic love story Eternal Return, both portray the love between Tristan and Iseult, and Patrice and Natalie as an agonizing cancer that overpowers the lovers after they consume the love potion. But the differences of how and when the love potion is administered, and the lovers’ feelings for each other before the potion is drunk, reveal different depictions of the love potion between the novel and the film. The first difference between the film and the novel is when the two lovers drink the love potion. In the book, they drink the love potion when they are still on the boat and have â€Å"dropped anchor by an island†(Bà ©dier, 42). Here Iseult has not met King Mark. But in the film, Natalie and Patrice drink the love potion after Natalie has been introduced to Uncle Mark. In the first instance, they both have a chance to elope, and no one would be the wiser. They can easily live a life of comfort and full of love with each other, but Tristan chooses to hand over the woman he loves to his Uncle, and suffer for his love. In the film, Natalie and Patrice are not given this option, and therefore do not have a chance to escape their faith. Also in the book, an unknowing maid gives the love potion to the lovers. She believes that she is just giving them wine. This signifies the fact that no one intentionally wished for them to suffer, but faith led them to it. But i n the film, Achille puts the love potion in their drinks on the pretext of murdering them with poison. In the film the fact that the love potion is labeled poison, foreshadows the pain and sorrow the two lovers will face, because poison leads to a slo... ...g this news for the first time and is astounded and angry. Aunt Gertrude, though shrewd and unlikable, also realizes the attraction between Patrice and Natalie, and tells Patrice that he is marrying the girl he loves to his Uncle. Her awareness on this subject may be rooted in her hate for Patrice and her desire to destroy him because her son can never be as loved as Patrice, but that does not alter the fact that she feels and notices the love between Patrice and Natalie. The difference in the film and the novel alter the depiction of the love affair between Tristan and Iseult and Patrice and Natalie. While the novel portrays Tristan and Iseult as causing the suffering they endure because of their love, the film makes Patrice and Natalie the victims of faith and love. Works Cited Bedier, Joseph. The Romance of Tristan and Iseult. New York, 1994
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A supervisor Is defined as â€Å"someone who supervises as In a large business or enterprise,†supervise Itself means â€Å"to be In charge of (someone or something) : to watch and direct (someone or something)†this means that the Job Is still built and run with the same basic and fundamental Ideas of dervish, Interpersonal skill and professional actions In day to day work such as hilling and directing as needed. Though the functions of the Job are oriented around a new Idea for the switch, the functions themselves are the same. 2.Do you think that supervision can be learned through books and study or only through experience? Why? I believe that good supervision can be learned through books and study, however, supervision itself is a skill and therefore must be taught hands on not only through study. Experience is a key to learning a skill such as supervision because it involves instructing others what to do, one cannot have the confidence to lead others by nearly read ing a book and Jumping in. In order to learn how to lead and supervise you must have the experience of being in command preceded by the experience learned in books and study. 3.Explain the glass ceiling: The glass ceiling refers to the concept that states that the majority of successful business leaders and supervisors are â€Å"white male†and there is an invisible barrier now as â€Å"the glass ceiling' holding women and minorities back from progression in the business world. Diversity is very slowly growing in business however this still seems to be a problem. Greater diversity is a need because in today's world a business must have different languages and cultural viewpoints, the glass ceiling prevents this. 4. Explain entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are people who start, manage, work In and operate their own businesses. Pond these tasks an entrepreneurs must also proved the professional did of supervision to their own company, Including all the liableness, risk and taxe s. The rewards of entrepreneurship are great personal accomplishment and profit If done properly. Mod 1 By Sketchbooks would also do well at a bank. A supervisor is defined as â€Å"someone who supervises as in a large business or enterprise,†supervise itself means â€Å"to be in charge of that the Job is still built and run with the same basic and fundamental ideas of leadership, interpersonal skill and professional actions in day to day work such as ring and directing as needed.Though the functions of the Job are oriented around a new idea for the switch, the functions themselves are the same. Known as â€Å"the glass ceiling†holding women and minorities back from progression in Entrepreneurs are people who start, manage, work in and operate their own businesses. Upon these tasks an entrepreneurs must also proved the professional side of supervision to their own company, including all the liabilities, risk and taxes.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Unit 006 “Roles Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning
George Bowskill PAGE 1 15/02/2011 â€Å"Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships as a Tutor in Lifelong Learning†(2:1) The Different types of Boundaries between the Teaching Role and Other Professional roles. The purpose of boundaries are to protect the personal rights of both yourself and the student, they define the acceptable ground rules taking in to account currant legislation.Professional boundaries are important because they define the limits and responsibilities of the people that you interact with in the workplace. When workplace boundaries are clearly defined, the company will work more efficiently because old redundant work assignments are removed and task performance is accountable. When everyone in an company is made aware who is responsible for what? , a healthier workplace environment is created.It then becomes very difficult for someone to blame others for their failed or inadequate performance and good job performance can clearly be identified. the setup of boundaries and priorities go hand in hand because together they help manage interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Together they go a long way toward establishing a productive work environment based on trust. Competent and knowledgeable managers understand these principles and continually model them for their staff.Boundaries within teaching are not easily defined; it can mean different things to different people. Teachers are responsible for recognizing in themselves whether they are â€Å"at risk†of crossing boundaries whether this be legal, moral or ethical boundaries, becoming too personally involved with students, giving one student undue attention, writing or exchanging notes, letters or emails are all forms of boundary abuse The most extreme form of boundary violation is that of sexual abuse..Sexual abuse represents the ultimate breach of the trust in a teacher, the teacher must be able to recognize and rectify this behaviour, before the boundary is over stepp ed. Time restraints are also boundaries, and should be taken into account, we need to ensure what we teach can be done within the time given. The curriculum and the organizational objectives are boundaries to the way and what we teach, the curriculum is specifically what we are asked to teach, hence we have a structure relating to the information we need to ass on to the learners,. We could possibly have organizational objectives also, these are the objectives of the governing body, this could be Government, Exam body, or Professional body, although these should be in line with the curriculum the could possibly add additional boundaries to the way we teach (2:2) Points of Referral to meet the needs of LearnersAs a teacher we have a responsibility to our students to give aid and assistance not only in the academic sense but also with personal and work issues, and in most cases this should be done by referring the student to a professional with a greater and more specific knowledge in these area, these can be both internal and external points of referral, for instance, if the student is homeless or about to become homeless, an accommodation officer would be the direction to point the student, if it is for health reasons we should direct the student to a health professional, ether on campus or at a local surgery.Other points of referral could for example be the students union, a councillor or a careers advisor, a drug and alcohol addiction service, or the citizens’ advice bureau, in other words any internal or external professional that can help the student with any issue they may encounter, we must always remember these people are experts in their given fields, as a teacher we are not. Identify the professional first then note your responsibility, to your student the professional and yourself. (2:3) Responsibilities with regards to other Professionals Page 2 As a teacher we have a responsibility to other professionals and professional bodies.We should res pect their professionalism and maintain constant dialog with other professionals, we should document and record all aspects of our teaching, and make these available to other professionals for various reasons, such as audits and evaluations, other professionals could be Directors, senior management, even internal or external advisors, and exam board personnel, If in doubt it is always advisable to ask assistance from another professional, their experience and knowledge can be far greater than your own. 3:1) Responsibilities for maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment As a teacher it is our responsibility to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all the students in our care, this is done by utilizing the training cycle Firstly we identify the needs of the student, what they need to learn, and how we intend to teach them.A clean, safe and secure room to learn in, with the room layout adequate for the purpose, Welfare facilities, wash rooms toilets a pla ce to eat and drink, the room to maintain a comfortable temperature with good lighting and ventilation, we need also to set down ground rules to safe guard the physical and emotional welfare of the students and oneself. to enable them to feel secure during the learning experience, and to encourage diversity and equality within the learning environment.We then prepare for teaching, ensuring we have the adequate resources available for the lesson . including a structured time table. Lessons should be S. M. A. R. T. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time bound. We then deliver the lesson, or lecture, using suitable diverse systems of delivery, such as Visual aids, written work role play group sessions, ensuring that all students feel involved in the learning experience. and no one feels alienated, my the teacher or their fellow students.The more a student feels involved in a class the better the learning result will be. To quantify the lesson we assess it, by various mea ns, Student feedback, student progression and achievement, at this point we need to evaluate, did the facility lens its self to the needs of the students, where there any deficiencies in the facility’s in your teaching methods, where the students comfortable, did they feel safe , DO I NEED TO MAKE ANY CHANGES.We should not be afraid to challenge behaviours if we don’t what would be the point of having boundaries as a teacher it is our responsibility to enforce the Page 3 boundaries that we have laid down, encouraging and maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment. 3:2) Ways of Promoting Appropriate Behaviour and Respect for Others Establishing Ground rules and boundaries, encourage the students to have an input in to what the ground rules and boundaries within the class should be, how they wish to be treated, and how you need to be treated, giving mutual respect between teacher and student and student and student, and establish disciplinary action for breac hes of the rules, encourage mutual support within the class both academic and emotional, and encourage he student to help produce a ground rule charter and sign it,. In this way you are allowing them to take ownership of the rules B. F Skinners 1974 (About Behaviourism) is a particularly relevant theory this contends that negative and positive reinforcement will help to direct behaviour, a positive reinforcement will strengthen any behaviour that produces it, . i. e. The carrot and donkey scenario. Where as a negative reinforcement, will initiate the response that the protagonist will want to remove, i. e. f he is removed from the class for a breach of discipline he will not want this to happen again thus removing the negative reinforcement By challenging inappropriate or negative behaviour we are enforcing the boundaries that we have set in essence we are saying these are the rules and they will not be ignored, it also lets anyone who is prepared to breach the boundaries that we as teachers will not allow this to happen, it also conveys the message to compliant students, that we will enforce the boundaries to support, a safe, respectful and supportive learning environment, free from bullying, anti social behaviour, disruptive influences.An environment where all can learn.. Practical Teaching Linda Wilson https://www. professionalboundaries. com/ www. gtcs. org. uk/standards/copac. aspx
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Send AP Scores to Colleges
How to Send AP Scores to Colleges SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you've taken AP exams, you might be wondering how to send AP scores to colleges. How do you ensure that colleges get your AP scores? Is it possible to send official AP score reports? Here, we give you a complete guide that goes over how to send AP scores, which colleges want to see these scores with your applications, and how you can save money on sending scores. Do You Need Official AP Score Reports for Your Applications? First off,do colleges want the official AP score report when you're applying,or is it just for the purpose of verifying scores once you've enrolled? This is important to know before you spend any money to send your scores. Turns out, AP scores often appear on your high school transcript.Ask your guidance counselor whether your school includes AP scores on its transcripts or not. Furthermore, there is a place on the Common Application where you can self-report your AP scores. Given this information, and by looking at college websites and contacting admissions offices, we’ve learned that most colleges want applicants to self-report AP scores on their applications,and only send in an official report once they've committed to attending. This means you’ll only submit one official AP score report in your life, once you’ve chosen the college you want to go to. Here's what a Harvard admissions representative said when we called their office: "For the application we need at least one official report for the SAT or ACT. If you take the SAT Subject Tests, you should send one as well ... For AP tests, you can self-report your scores." Stanford and MIT said the same thing as well. Princeton puts this policy directly on their website: "We recommend that you self-report all of your AP or IB scores on your application. You must submit your SAT and/or ACT scores to Princeton directly from the testing firms." Yale has a similar policyon its website: "If you have Advanced Placement (AP) scores, we recommend that you self-report them in the space provided in the testing section of the Common Application, Coalition Application, or QuestBridge National College Match Application." Don’t confuse sending AP scores with sending SAT/ACT scores- those scores have to be sent for admission directly from the testing agency (the College Board or ACT, Inc., respectively). Exception: Schools With Flexible Standardized Testing Policies Although most colleges don't require AP scores and prefer applicants to self-report any scores they have on their applications, there is an exception to this ifyou're applying to a college that has a flexible standardized test policy.For example, if you're applying to NYU, you can submitthree AP test scores in place of the SAT/ACT for admission. If you're submitting AP scores as your standardized test scores, they must be on an official score report or on a report by a school official.In other words, you can't just self-report your scores. Therefore, if you’re a senior looking to send AP scores to your chosen college, or if you’re applying to a school that has a flexible-testing policy, such as NYU, you’ll need to know how to send scores. Keep reading to learn how! You can use your AP scores, instead of the ACT or SAT, to apply to NYU. How to Send AP Scores Using Your AP Answer Sheet Every year you take AP Exams, you have the opportunity to send one free AP score report. You do this by entering the four-digit code of the college, university, or scholarship program on your AP answer sheet. (Your AP Booklet will include an index with codes for most colleges and universities, but you can also look up codes here.)This is a great way to get all your AP scores sent during your senior year to the college you’ve chosen to attend, free of charge! I called the College Board and confirmed that when you use this service, it sends allAP scores you have ever gotten and not just that year’s scores. If you're a senior, you will have made your college choice by the time of AP exams(the reply deadline is May 1, and AP exams are held the first two weeks of May), so go ahead and send your scores to your future school. You can send these free scores if you want during your freshman, sophomore, and/or junior year, but keep in mind that it’s not really necessary to do this since you’ll be self-reporting your AP scores on your college applications anyway. Furthermore, I strongly recommend not sending your AP scores to your dream/reach schools when you're a freshman, sophomore, or juniorfor the same reason I'm hesitant about sending the free ACT/SAT score reports- you're sending your scores blind, and you don't want to send bad ones! Although one bad AP score isn’t exactly going to ruin your college admission chances, I think it’s safer to wait and report AP scores on your actual application. If you're a freshman, sophomore, or junior, just focus on doing well on the AP tests- not sending scores. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. How to Order AP Score Reports Online, Anytime If you forget to use the free score report option your senior year, or if you’re sending AP scores for an application, follow the steps below to learn how to send scores online at any point in the year. First,log in to your College Board account to view and send your AP scores. On the first page after you log in, click on the "Send Scores to Colleges Now" button to get started. Your scores are right below this, organized by year. Look up the college (or colleges) you're sending scores to, pay the fee, and then receive a confirmation and expected delivery date. The fee for standard delivery of AP score reports is $15 per report, andthe fee for rush delivery is $25 per report. Standard delivery takes about seven to 14 business days, while rush delivery takes approximately five to nine business days. Standard delivery should be just finesince you are most likely sending these senior year in time for your registrar’s office to receive them before classes start your freshman year of college. Check with your college’s registrar to get the deadline for submitting AP scores. If you're submitting AP scores for college applications, be mindful of deadlines so you can send your scores using standard delivery and save some money. Note that since June/July is a busy time for score reports, orders placed between June 15, 2018, and July 2, 2018, won't be processed and sent until July 3. To make up for this, these reports will be processed on July 3 as rush delivery but will cost the cheaper standard delivery fee ($15). If you're a senior, check your college's deadline for receipt of AP scores for credit and placement to make sure that your scores will arrive on time given the June/July score crunch. Additional Ways to Order AP Score Reports If you can't order AP score reports online for some reason, you may instead submit a request to the College Board by either mail or fax. #1: By Mail To order AP score reports by mail,submit a written, signed request with your payment method. Your request should include the following information: Your full name You mailing address Your phone number Your sex You date of birth AP number(s) Your Social Security number (if you provided it on your answer sheet) Name and address of your high school Full name(s) of the AP exam(s) for which you're sending scores Year(s) you took the AP exam(s) Credit card number with expiration date, check, or money order Name, city, state, and four-digit code(s) for the college(s) you're sending AP scores to You'll then mail the request to the following address: AP ServicesPO Box 6671Princeton, NJ 08541-6671 #2: By Fax If you'd rather order AP scores by fax,submit a signed, written request that includes all the information listed above to the AP Services fax number:610-290-8979. You must also include your credit card number and expiration date in your request. 2 Other AP Score Report Options You have a couple of additional options you can use if you don't want to send one or more of your AP scores. #1: AP Score Withholding You can withhold one or more AP scores from any college you're sending AP scores to. This is a helpful solution if you have a bunch of 4s and 5s but also a 2 you're embarrassed about. It costs $10 per score per college to withhold a score.You have tomail an official request to the College Boardto take advantage of this option. The score you choose to withhold won't be included on any future AP score reports sent to that college,and it won't be deleted from your records. You can later release the score to that college (if desired) by sending AP Services a signed written request. Note that it won't cost you any extra money to release a withheld score. Is this option worth it, though? Not if you’re sending your AP scores to a college you’ve already gotten into. By the time you’ve gotten accepted, that school is probably more concerned with the tests you passed and aren’t going to kick you out just because you have some lower AP scores. However, if you’re applying to a school with a flexible standardized test policy and only want them to see your top scores, this might be a good option for you. Especially since these schools often only require a few AP scores, it would be fine to leave off any lower scores you have so you can present your best case for admission. #2: AP Score Cancellation It's also possible to completely cancel an AP score. Canceling an AP test score deletes it forever. You can cancel an AP exam at any time, but you have to cancel by June 15 the year you take the AP test to prevent it from showing up on the score report being sent to the college you designated on your AP answer sheet. While canceling technically doesn't cost any money, you're losing the money you spent to take the exam. Our advice? Don’t go through the hassle of canceling a score if you’re just submitting your AP score report to your chosen college. Again, they’re not going to revoke your admission thanks to one low AP score. You can make your own call on this if you have a low score (1 or 2) you don’t want a college to see, and you’re submitting a score report for an application. That said,colleges generally want to see that you’ve taken the AP exam after taking an AP class. Withholding might be the better option since you’ll still have access to that test score in case you decide you want to keep it. Finally,never, ever delete a score of 3 or higher! Don't just assume that no place will accept your 3. The truth is that many colleges accept scores of 3 or higher on AP exams. And since you don’t know how the college admissions process will shake out for you until senior year, you might regret hastily deleting a 3 you could have used for credit! What’s Next? Taking AP exams is great, but did you know many colleges look for SAT Subject Tests as well? Get a complete list of colleges that require SAT subject tests for admission here. Have you taken the SAT or ACT yet? Happy with your score? Learn what a good or bad ACT/SAT score looks like at your top schools. Will taking AP classes help you get into Harvard? Maybe- but they’re not the only component you need. Get an in-depth guide for getting into the nation’s top schools by our resident SAT full scorer and PrepScholar co-founder, Allen Cheng. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Monday, October 21, 2019
Essay on Readings in Humanities
Essay on Readings in Humanities Essay on Readings in Humanities Readings in Humanities The human condition encompasses the unique features of being human in both a social and personal context. It is why we seek praise and gratification. It is the reason for your curiosity, your conscience and your judgment of others. It is separate from status, race, sex or cultural background. The human condition is like that of no other living species on earth. It is what makes us superior to every other living organism. These writers all are all polarizing in their own right and each has a unique perception of the human condition. Sun Tzu is one of the most important people in history in terms of war. He was an evolutionist and a pioneer on the battlefield. Sun Tzu’s principles are still widely used and valued to this day. Some of the things he believed in that I found particularly interesting while reading â€Å"The Art of War†. Tzu defended that his success on the battlefield wasn’t necessarily because of superior weaponry. He knew the importance of strategic planning and understanding your opponent. He was able to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of his opposition and then plan accordingly to exploit those weaknesses on the battlefield. I think it’s impressive for someone who lived so long ago in a much different world that we live in today to realize that war is as much, if not more of a psychological struggle as it is a physical one. He was one of the first really intellectually minded generals in the modern world. It could be said that his best weapon was his brain and t hat was a weapon that would remain solely in his possession as long as he lived. Because Tzu is so keenly aware how there are many types of weakness that can make us vulnerable, I wonder what form of government he thought as the most effective. Would it be with a strong tyrant who appeared to have little weakness? Or would his government be diverse and portray an even-keel to outsiders? If Tzu were to rule would he try to conquer others? I don’t think I will ever know the answers to these questions but if I were to talk to Tzu these would be some of the things I’d ask him. Charles Manson to me is one of the most intriguing human beings to ever live. I always thought he was guilty and should be in jail until he dies but his take on his â€Å"guilt†is interesting. Manson sort of maintains in his book the fact that he, his physical self, did not commit any murders so he shouldn’t be in jail for murder. I think that society is set up in the way where people will hold others responsible based on their own perception of guilt regardless of the way the law is set up. Everyone in society saw Manson as a sociopath and a threat so they convict him and put extricate him from society. He is seen as a radical outcast and so we as humans see him as someone who is too vastly different than ourselves and so we find ways to remove them from everyone else. He was someone who people didn’t understand and that is why they were fearful of him. The overwhelming majority of people feel that murder is wrong so we punish those who do it. And the majority of people believe that those who murder should be ashamed and feel guilty. And people like Manson don’t feel that we are shocked for some reason but the reality is that this behavior is in our nature. Ever since the beginning of mankind we have been killing each other. Hundreds of millions of humans over the course of time have murdered one another. We as a race do this to each other and alwa ys have so I just don’t fully understand why we are surprised when people like Manson do the things that they do. I feel that there is a conflict of morals where Manson feels that since there is no blood on his hands that he isn’t guilty, but our society believes that he is still responsible. I think that it’s a good thing that our society is set up this way to regulate the actions of people like Manson because he is ultimately more dangerous than the average person. To be fair to Manson, he was someone who in
Sunday, October 20, 2019
When to Use GET and POST in Ajax
When to Use GET and POST in Ajax When you use Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to access the server without reloading the web page, you have two choices on how to pass the information for the request to the server: GET or POST. These are the same two options that you have when passing requests to the server to load a new page, but with two differences. The first is that you are only requesting a small piece of information instead of an entire web page. The second and most noticeable difference is that since the Ajax request doesnt appear in the address bar, your visitors wont notice a difference when the request is made. Calls made using GET will not expose the fields and their values anywhere that using POST does not also expose when the call is made from Ajax. What You Should Not Do So, how should we make the choice as to which of these two alternatives should be used? A mistake that some beginners might make is to use GET for most of their calls simply because it is the easier of the two to code. The most noticeable difference between GET and POST calls in Ajax is that GET calls still have the same limit on the amount of data that can be passed as when requesting a new page load. The only difference is that because youre only processing a small amount of data with an Ajax request (or at least thats how you should use it), you are far less likely to run into this length limit from within Ajax like you would with loading a complete web page. A beginner may reserve using POST requests for the few instances where they do need to pass more information that the GET method allows. The best solution when you have lots of data to pass like that is to make multiple Ajax calls passing a few pieces of information at a time. If you are going to pass huge amounts of data all in the one Ajax call, you would probably be better off simply reloading the entire page since there will be no significant difference in the processing time when huge amounts of data are involved. So, if the amount of data to be passed isnt a good reason for choosing between GET and POST, then what should we use to decide? These two methods were in fact set up for entirely different purposes, and the differences between how they work are in part due to the difference in what they are intended to be used for. This not only applies to using GET and POST from Ajax but really anywhere these methods might be employed. The Purpose of GET and POST GET is used as the name implies: to get information. its intended to be used when you are reading information. Browsers will cache the result from a GET request and if the same GET request is made again, they will display the cached result rather than re-running the entire request. This is not a flaw in the browser processing; its deliberately designed to work that way so as to make GET calls more efficient. A GET call is just retrieving the information; its not meant to change any information on the server, which is why requesting the data again should return the same results. The POST method is for posting or updating information on the server. This type of call is expected to change the data, which is why the results returned from two identical POST calls may very well be completely different from one another. The initial values before the second POST call will be different from the values before the first because the initial call will have updated at least some of those values. A POST call will therefore always obtain the response from the server rather than keep a cached copy of the prior response. How to Choose GET or POST Instead of choosing between GET and POST based on the amount of data you are passing in your Ajax call, you should choose based on what the Ajax call is actually doing. If the call is to retrieve data from the server, then use GET. If the value to be retrieved is expected to vary over time as a result of other processes updating it, add a current time parameter to what you are passing in your GET call so that the later calls will not use an earlier cached copy of the result that is no longer correct. Use POST if your call is going to write any data at all to the server. In fact, you should not only use this criterion for selecting between GET and POST for your Ajax calls but also for when selecting which should be used for processing forms on your web page.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Arts marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Arts marketing - Essay Example lectronic manufacturers among others employ this strategy with studies indicating that it is an efficient approach towards increasing the loyalty of customers. In co-branding, one commodity is associated with a different brand name or in some cases links a commodity with a different person who is not the main creator. A typical agreement to co-brand entails two or more companies deciding to cooperate in order to associate various logos, their color schemes or the aspects that identify their brands to a particular product that contracted purposefully for the purpose of the agreement (Blackett and Boad, 1999, p. 18). The main reason for this is to bring together the strongpoints of the two brands so that the premium customers can increase and be more willing to part with their money, to ensure the product remains resistant to any form of copying from other manufacturers or to bring together the various properties associated with the brands into one product. Over the years, co-branding has taken place in various industries and markets including the feature package associated with Harley Davidson on Ford Trucks as well as Nike pairing with Mic hael Jordan to come up with a special product line that included the Air Jordans which became famous all over the world (Hatch and Schultz, 2008, p. 110). Nike made shoes for running that had the ability to provide the user with instantaneous information concerning the time, distance and speed as well as well as the number of calories they were burning as they ran (Turban and Volonino, 2008, p. 228). In order to achieve this, Apple provided tiny iPods along with a new wireless system referred to as Nike + iPod, which will receive data from a sensor built into the insole of the innovative shoes. This creative development catapulted the concept of â€Å"Smart Shoes†that was developed by Adidas, Nikes rival, that developed a product with a chip device able to adjust the foot cushioning in order to match the needs of the person
Rocky (1976) - 5 Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Rocky (1976) - 5 Question - Essay Example Identify aspects of sound in your selected film. Discuss them in terms of how they affected your viewing experience; in other words, did the art of sound effects add value to your experience? If so, how? If not, why not? Literal sound is mostly used in the picture in order to recreate realistic scenery of the events and capture Philadelphia area. For instance, Rocky`s shy visiting of the zoo store where Adrian works is adorned with birds twittering which creates romantic atmosphere. It helped to understand Rocky`s sensitive and irrational side. Identify the type of music in your selected film. Discuss them in terms of how it affected your viewing experience; in other words, did the score or songs add value to your experience? If so, how? If not, why not? Rocky`s ability to be tough and determined on the boxing ring and tender in relationship is captured in the soundtrack. When it is needed the hero along with the sound becomes strong and aggressive but in intimate moments delicate music shows his loving nature. The main song â€Å"Gonna fly now†underlines Rocky`s struggle for life and for victory. Identify the types of editing in your selected film. Discuss them in terms of how it affected your viewing experience; in other words, did the different types of shots and framing add value to your experience? If so, how? If not, why not? The montage of the film concentrates on shots which show Rocky`s gradual transformation. Some shots (as jogging near the sea port) are excessively long and acquire symbolic meaning. Moreover, quick-cutting montage is balanced with long and picturesque scenes. â€Å"Rocky`s†editing has determined some meditative pace along with logical ad coherent structure. You have engaged your critical thinking skills by becoming aware of and assessing various elements of film. How do these exercises connect the study of film to real-world experience? Additionally, in what other ways do films have cultural value? Explain
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Rise Of The Feminist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Rise Of The Feminist - Essay Example Feminism is a general term used to describe a very broad and complex ideology. There are lots of different feminist theories and approaches, as well as several different types of feminists. The most straightforward meaning however describes it as ‘a movement advocating the rights of women and of their social, political and economic equality with men’ (Roger Scruton). Feminism views the personal experiences of women and men through gender – gender identity (how people think of themselves), gender roles (how people act), and gender stratification (each sex’s social standing) are all rooted in the operation of society. Although feminists are united by their common desire for sexual justice and their concern for women’s welfare, there is a wide spectrum of ‘feminisms’ (Ann Oakley). These can be divided into four broad groups, liberal, radical, Marxist/socialist and Black. This essay will only however look at the former two in more detail. Those who consider themselves to be feminists disagree about many things (this mainly depends on which of variants they fall into); most feminists usually support some general principles however: ‘All the varieties of feminism contain at their heart a paradox – requiring gender consciousness for their basis, their political rallying cry is the elimination of gender roles.’ The importance of change is obviously paramount in feminist thinking as feminism is definitely political since it links ideas to action. Feminism is critical of status quo, and promotes social equality for women and men.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of seeing organizations as Essay - 1
What are the strengths and weaknesses of seeing organizations as purely rational configurations - Essay Example This study will be centered towards analyzing strengths and weakness of considering an organizational configuration as purely rational. There is no such definition that can precisely explain the concept of organizational behavior. Organizational theory can be stated as a concept that helps in studying system of formal organizations and their relationship with external environment. There are various concepts which are included in such study such as leadership, organizational development, organizational behavior, organizational and industrial psychology, human resource studies and management. Organizations have developed from past many years and during due course of time people have witnessed which of them are best firms. Rationalization or scientific management, division of labor and bureaucracy are some well known organizational theories. The term rational basically indicates making a conscious decision and not getting influenced by emotions. Absence of emotional aspect might result into an inappropriate organizational functioning. This study will be focused on determining advantages of rational perspective of a firm and its possible negative consequences. There are two significant factors of rational organizational like formalization and goal specification. Goal specification can be stated as forming guidelines in order to complete tasks and allocate resource appropriately. On the other hand, formalization is a method adopted to standardize organizational behavior. These two procedures results into stable expectations and develops a rational system. In modern world the major area of concern for all firms is to offer equal opportunities to all team members and take practical decisions that are not based on emotional grounds or on any such experience. This study shall reveal dual perspective of purely rational organizations with the support of appropriate
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Organizations relationsip in economics Research Paper
Organizations relationsip in economics - Research Paper Example The government achieves this by creating the conditions necessary for economic growth, which includes creating laws that encourage smooth business transactions and foster communication among various institutions, acting as a mediator between antagonistic parties, as the government does in labor disputes among other areas, and unifying various institutions for a common cause, which is the advancement of a particular group, i.e. "Australia" or "The United States." Organizations and the government's under which they are structured often have an adversarial relationship. According to Dowling and Schaefer, business and government are diametrically opposed, competing with each other for the same social capital. That is, they are the competing social structures upon which all modern societies are based.1 They write, The ideological essence of business is represented in the values of private property, societally diffuse decision making and market accountability; that of government, by contrast, is characterized by values of communal property, societally centralized decision making and political accountability. Societies structured on either of these ideologies reflect these values and characteristics. The conflict between business and government can be seen as a competitive institutional struggle as to the role each is to play within society. What domain each should have is a question that has dominated both theories of political economy and much pragmatic political activity. Socialism versus private or free enterprise, nationalization versus privatization, regulation versus deregulation and the relationship of public to private sectors are examples of the struggle.2 North writes in Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance that the success of the Western economy is dependent upon cooperation, indeed, that it was the cooperation among institutions in the Western world that allowed it to become so dominant in the world economy.3 According to North, this wealth-maximizing behavior came about because the conditions were perfect for it. However, as social conditions change, institutions become less likely to cooperate with each other. He writes; We usually observe cooperative behavior when individuals repeatedly interact, when they have a great deal of information about each other, and when small numbers characterize the group. But at the other extreme, realizing the economic potential of the gains from trade in a high technology world of enormous specialization and division of labor characterized by impersonal exchange is extremely rare, because one does not necessarily have repeated dealings, not know the other party, nor deal with a small number of other people. In fact, the essence of impersonal exchange is the antithesis of the condition for game theoretic cooperation.4 North writes that solving this apparent paradox is the key to understanding how the Western economy fulfilled all of its potential. Indeed, it is clear that despite an antagonistic relationship, business needs government to keep up institutional cooperation as much as government needs business to maintain a place at the forefront of world civilization and maintain power on the international political stage. Cooperative behavior among the various institutions is necessary for successful economic growth, and one of the ways in
Feasibility study of BAC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Feasibility study of BAC - Essay Example Happy-Smile BAC Financial Representative Code 3394 Re: Contract N234734-56-E-2353 BAC Circuitry Board Corporation Contract Task Order (CTO) 2324 Draft Final RI/FS Business Proposal Unit No. 45 Dear Mr. Happy-Smile, PAL Feasible Firm, Inc (FS) is contented to submit the Feasibility study (FS) work plan and proposal concerning the remedy of bottlenecks. The deliverable will be submitted due two weeks (dated December 25, 2011). They are incorporated with the comments of FS proposal that was submitted two weeks earlier that is (dated 10 2011). There existed no changes what so ever in the previously delivered proposal and hence no final draft will be submitted. In accordance with the scheduled proposal provided earlier are due not later than two weeks from delivery (dated January 4, 2012). If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact PAL Feasible Firm. Sincerely, PAL Feasible Firm, INC. Jacobs Jolly Project Manager Cc: Project Manager BAC Feasibility Study of BAC Rat ionale Feasibility studies can be employed in various ways, primarily focusing on proposed commercial ventures. Therefore, they are meant to rationally clarify the opportunities and threats in a business. For instance, in BAC firm, it is proposed to deal with bottlenecks to inflate the firm’s production and in the long-run maximize profits. Hence early determination of the viability of the notion before proceeding to the implementation stage is significantly recommended in BAC. Thus the study will provide a risk free opportunity in combating bottlenecks within the organization. Though the task may seem overwhelming, it may be cost effective and hence lure a potential investor to venture into the business for encroachment into other markets that is expansion (Kreigsmann, 1979 p. 35-42). Need for the Study The firm’s operations are primarily declining due to production bottleneck. This is as a result of unplanned shifting of workload from one process to another. The firm is therefore, having an uphill task in anticipating the workload pile up in the firm daily as a consequence of individual orders from clienteles who impose completely different workloads in each operation carried out (Rick, 1999 p. 15). Furthermore, the firm considers 4-day-rush orders which demand reworking at either one or two operations. In this event it delays delivery processes and modification necessary, because employees are shifted from one operation to another depending on demand of operation. As a consequence of this some workstations are left vacant and others overloaded. Scope of the Project The report will look into how combating bottlenecks can work in the long-run enduring financial risks in the course of the business. Furthermore, it will aid in discovering the potential working strategy and cash flows. On the other hand planners will be able to critically focus on bottlenecks and target practicable options. The employees will therefore depict their response through positive or negative feedback upon execution of the plan in BAC. BAC is a firm that deals with the manufacturing of printed circuit boards to the specifications of its different customers. Thus the firm applies innovative designs and archetype production methodologies that facilitate the firm to be adept in resolving clientele issues. Conversely, despite the successful continuance of BAC employees over its processes, several setbacks have been encountered in sustaining the firm’
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Organizations relationsip in economics Research Paper
Organizations relationsip in economics - Research Paper Example The government achieves this by creating the conditions necessary for economic growth, which includes creating laws that encourage smooth business transactions and foster communication among various institutions, acting as a mediator between antagonistic parties, as the government does in labor disputes among other areas, and unifying various institutions for a common cause, which is the advancement of a particular group, i.e. "Australia" or "The United States." Organizations and the government's under which they are structured often have an adversarial relationship. According to Dowling and Schaefer, business and government are diametrically opposed, competing with each other for the same social capital. That is, they are the competing social structures upon which all modern societies are based.1 They write, The ideological essence of business is represented in the values of private property, societally diffuse decision making and market accountability; that of government, by contrast, is characterized by values of communal property, societally centralized decision making and political accountability. Societies structured on either of these ideologies reflect these values and characteristics. The conflict between business and government can be seen as a competitive institutional struggle as to the role each is to play within society. What domain each should have is a question that has dominated both theories of political economy and much pragmatic political activity. Socialism versus private or free enterprise, nationalization versus privatization, regulation versus deregulation and the relationship of public to private sectors are examples of the struggle.2 North writes in Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance that the success of the Western economy is dependent upon cooperation, indeed, that it was the cooperation among institutions in the Western world that allowed it to become so dominant in the world economy.3 According to North, this wealth-maximizing behavior came about because the conditions were perfect for it. However, as social conditions change, institutions become less likely to cooperate with each other. He writes; We usually observe cooperative behavior when individuals repeatedly interact, when they have a great deal of information about each other, and when small numbers characterize the group. But at the other extreme, realizing the economic potential of the gains from trade in a high technology world of enormous specialization and division of labor characterized by impersonal exchange is extremely rare, because one does not necessarily have repeated dealings, not know the other party, nor deal with a small number of other people. In fact, the essence of impersonal exchange is the antithesis of the condition for game theoretic cooperation.4 North writes that solving this apparent paradox is the key to understanding how the Western economy fulfilled all of its potential. Indeed, it is clear that despite an antagonistic relationship, business needs government to keep up institutional cooperation as much as government needs business to maintain a place at the forefront of world civilization and maintain power on the international political stage. Cooperative behavior among the various institutions is necessary for successful economic growth, and one of the ways in
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
London Underground Limited Management Project Assignment
London Underground Limited Management Project - Assignment Example The London railway network is the oldest underground railway system on earth. It begun as a 6-kilometer stretch between Baker street and Paddington in the 17th century. The role of the 6-kilometer stretch was to avail a small continuous railway service meant to connect to the main overground station, which connected to the London City. The London Underground is also called the Tube or The Underground. This public metro system reaches a big section of the UK including counties such as Buckinghamshire and Essex. It is characterised by 270 stopping stations and more than 400 hundred kilometers of laid tracks on 24 different tracks, 55 percent of the track is on the ground and 45 percent underground. During its the initial formation of underground tunnels, the tunnels were only dug and covered. Later, the circular tunnels were dug and sunk deeper. Initially, to access the underground stations, people employed lifts, but now a day it has been modified and made easy to access. Its initial owners were several private organisations, which later merged to form a London Passenger Transport Board, which has evolved with time. Currently, London Underground Limited manages the railway system. The passengers meet operational costs. Within one year, the company manages to transport billions of passengers. The Transport for London assumed the responsibility of running the transport across the UK`s capital.The railway LUL experiences delays and overcrowding as some of problems to customer`s comfort.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Workers Should Not Be Laid Off Essay Example for Free
Workers Should Not Be Laid Off Essay In the recent past companies have been structuring their management and production processes that has led to massive cut down of jobs. As a result many employees have had to lose their jobs. Though, the companies do this in order to improve their returns that is, reducing production cost, the impact it is creating is far much more than the company can realize. As much as the main objective of the companies is making profit, companies have a social responsibility to ensure they do not impact the society negatively. Lying off of workers leads to untold suffering to the individuals being laid off, the family and the society as a whole. My position on this issue is very clear; companies should not layoff their workers. (Williamson 1985) The issue of lying of employees is both a social and an economic issue that must be observed from several angles before being implemented. Though, the companies have to undertake new technology which leads to improved quality and low cost of production, profits should not be the only driving force of a company. As companies layoff their workers a lot of suffering in many families do occur. Many families who depend on the working member of the family are affected negatively. Many families depend on the head of the family to provide for them, in case he loses a job, then the whole family will have to go without the support of the head of the family, in this case the father. In most cases the father supports around four members of the family and that will mean that five people are going to be affected financial. It is thus, important for the companies to halt this layoff. With high unemployment levels growing, layoff of workers will further complicate the situation. The economy of the country will be affected and also the community as whole will suffer (Williamson 1985). Unemployment is said to be the major reason for high poverty level in any country. It is estimate that currently the level of unemployment is at 12%, if the companies continue lying off their workers then the level unemployment definitely will increase. This of course will increase the poverty levels in the country. As communities and the society try to fight the issue of unemployment, companies should also try and create more job opportunities rather than reduce the existing ones. Unemployment apart from being the main cause of poverty can also lead to social crimes such as prostitution, and theft. This occurs due the fact that those being laid off may not have other means to getting money thus; get themselves in social crimes in order to get money to sustain them such issues affects the community negative and leads to the community having to deal with the social crime and how it can prevent them. Losing a job is very painful and traumatic, the employees who are laid off feel as if they are useless and undergo a lot of pain when adjusting to conditions of being unemployed. Many workers who are laid off end up wasting their skills and experiences that they have gained during their time in the company. Without proper counseling of the laid off workers many end up being social misfits and thus, become a burden to the family and the society as a whole. There are cases where by, the laid off workers has a lot of unsettled debts, such a person at times may end up highly stressed and suffer psychologically, at times such people commit suicide if they can not cope with the stress. Such issues when looked at bring to question the moral issue of companies in lying off workers. It is important for the companies to consider the well being of their workers and how they will survive being implementing such measures. Many people do agree that, the issue of lying off workers do not translate to an improved economy or cost reduction on the side of the company (Williamson 1985).. The company may reduce the workers but, still will lose a lot expertise from the workers being laid off. The cost of installing machines also are high and in many occasion machine breakdowns lead to enormous lose to the companies involved. Besides the innovations and creativity that the human worker has goes with the worker upon the worker being laid off. Machines also at times fail to do the work as a human being could have done it. These limitations when put in consideration suggest that laying off of workers as a negative effect both on the company and also to the worker. In terms of career development, lying off of workers leads to career distractions and career stagnation of workers the affected persons in many occasion loses track of his/her career development when laid off. To the society, it impacts negatively as many of promising society members go to waste when laid off. As it can be seen in many cases getting a similar job is difficult and in most cases it takes a lot of time. Though, the companies are justified to take actions to reduce its production cost, and also improve its service delivery, laying off of workers is the last thing a company should do. Workers who lose their jobs in the middle of their careers end up wasting their skills and experiences and in most cases end up not getting a similar job where they can use their skills and experiences. Unemployment which is on increase is further increased by lying off of workers which leads to poverty and consequently social crimes. It is thus, clear, that companies should not lay off workers at any cost as this brings a lot of miseries to the individuals and the society as a whole. (Gerald and Oliu, 2000)
Sunday, October 13, 2019
An Examination Of Bioplastics Technology Environmental Sciences Essay
An Examination Of Bioplastics Technology Environmental Sciences Essay Bioplastics also called organic plastics are a form of plastics produced from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable oil, corn starch, pea starch or microbiota rather than fossil-fuel plastics which are derived from petroleum. They are polymers which are also obtained from plants genetically engineered to produce them. [1] Some, but not all, bioplastics are designed to biodegrade. Bioplastics are made in order to solve the problems caused by plastics which are non-biodegardable. Bioplastics are not new, it is been there from around 1850.There are different types of bioplastics like the starch based bioplastic, the polylactic acid, PHB, bio-derived polyethylene and the genetically modified bioplastics. Bioplastics are biodegradable that is they can be broken down into simpler compounds by the microbes and thus do not remain for years in the environment. Bioplastics are used in making many items like the disposable cutlery, and for biomedical uses,etc. Its market value is a littl e less as of now but will increase in the near future. Global plastics problem Plastics are carbon-based polymers which are made mostly from petroleum.The word plastic means flexible.Plastics are used to make mostly disposable, low-value items such as food-wrap and product packaging, but theres nothing particularly disposable about most plastics. On an average, we use plastic bags for 12 minutes before getting rid of them-yet they can take fully 500 years to break down in the environment. [2] Compounds like polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene are largely used in the manufacture of plastics. [1] Excessive molecular size is the reason for the resistance of these compounds to biodegradation. Plastics are xenobiotic compounds which are recalcitrant (completely resistant) to biodegradation. [3] Getting rid of plastics is extremely difficult. Burning them can give off toxic chemicals such as dioxins, while collecting and recycling them responsibly is also difficult.With societys ever-increasing focus on protecting the environment, theres a new emphasis on des igning plastics that will disappear much more quickly. Broadly speaking, so-called environmentally friendly plastics fall into three types: bioplastics made from natural materials such as corn starch or generally plants; biodegradable plastics made from traditional petrochemicals, which are engineered to break down more quickly; and eco/recycled plastics, which are simply plastics made from recycled plastic materials rather than raw petrochemicals. History Bioplastics are not new. In the 1850s, a British chemist made plastics from cellulose, a derivative of wood pulp. Later, in the early 20th century, Henry Ford experimented soy based plastics in his automobiles, even going to the extent of unveiling a complete prototype plastic car in 1941.But by then petroleum had emerged as a source of synthetic polymers, which possesed more favourable properties than that of plant based plastics. World War II cemented the dominance of synthetic plastics. Only in the last ten years, in response to the rising cost and less supply of oil, have bioplastics re-emerged in consumer applications. In 2003, Nature Works- a joint venture of Cargill, the largest agricultural business in the United States, and Dow Chemical, the countrys biggest chemical company began producing Ingeo bioplastics, which can be extruded into containers for food packaging and into fibers for apparel, furnishings, and disposable products such as baby wipes. Ingeo is a PLA, or polyla ctic acid, derived from corn. Alternatives are also being made from castor beans, sugarcane, algae and even chicken feathers. Bioplastics are yet to meet the performance requirements of more durable goods. At the moment they are in their infancy. They are actually being used as molded products. Cell phone casings are one such example. The Japanese company NEC unveiled a phone with a corn- based plastic body. applications. Types of bioplastics: Starch linked plastics: Starch is a linear polymer (polysaccaride) made up of repeating glucose units linked by glucosidic linkages in the 1-4 carbon positions. Starch-based biodegradable plastics contain starch contents ranging from 10% to greater than 90%. Starch based polymers can be based on crops such as corn (maize), wheat or potatoes.As the starch content is increased, the polymer become more biodegradable and leave less recalcitrant residues. Often, starch-based polymers are blended with high-performance polymers (e.g. aliphatic polyesters and polyvinyl alcohols) to achieve the necessary performance properties for different applications. Biodegradation of starch based polymers is a result of enzymatic attack at the glucosidic linkages between the sugar groups leading to a reduction in chain length and the splitting off of sugar units (monosaccharides, disaccharides and oligosaccharides) that are readily utilised in biochemical pathways. At lower starch contents (less than 60%) the starch particles act as weak links in the plastic matrix and are sites for biological attack. This allows the polymer matrix to disintegrate into small fragments, but not for the entire polymer structure to actually bio-degrade. The bulk of soil bacteria are heterotrophic and utilize readily available source of organic energy from sugars, starch, cellulose and protein.[4] Microbes such as Bacillus, Clostridium, Micrococcus, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Rhizopus; etc are involved in starch hydrolysis. There are several categories of biodegradable starch-based polymers including: Thermoplastic starch products; Starch synthetic aliphatic polyester blends; Starch PBS/PBSA polyester blends; and Starch PVOH Blends. Starch based plastic constitutes about 50 percent of the bioplastics market, thermoplastic starch such as Plastarch material, currently is the most important and widely used bioplastic. Pure starch absorbs humidity and is therefore used for the production of drug capsules in the pharmaceutical industries. Biolac: Biolac is polylactic acid. Polylactic acid is an aliphatic polyester. The monomers which make up this polyester are lactic acid units. PLA is a transparent plastic produced from cane sugar, glucose or starch waste. It resembles conventional petrochemical mass plastics in its characteristics, and it can also be processed easily. Polylactic acid can be produced by chemical methods and by fermentation method using microbes.The Lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus amylophilus, L. Bavaricus,L. Casei) produce lactic acid using starch, which is then polymerised by bacteria such as A.eutrophus into polylactic acid.[5]Polylactic acid is biodegradable because it is the product formed by bacterial digestion of starch waste. The biodegradation of polylactic acid is brought about by the hydrolysis of the ester bonds by esterolytic enzymes produced by bacteria like Amycolatopsis species. PLA has become a significant commercial bioplastic. Its used in making bottles, yogurt cups, and candy wrappers. It is also used for making food service ware, lawn and food waste bags, coatings for paper and cardboard and fibers for clothing, carpets, sheets and towels and wall coverings. In biomedical applications it is used for sutures, prosthetic materials and materials for drug delivery. It also has many potential uses, for example as upholstery, disposable garments, awnings, feminine hygeine products and nappies. Microbially synthesized plastics ( Biopol) Poly -3 hydroxy butyrate ( PHB) is a polyester produced by certain bacteria like Rhodovibrio sodomensis in the presence of excess carbon like glucose or starch. It is also called as Biopol.Poly-ÃŽÂ ² hydroxy butyrate accumulates as energy reserve in many micro-organisms like Alcaligenes, Azotobacter, Bacillus, Nocardia, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium etc.It is a poly hydroxy-alkanoate ( PHA). It is a common storage material of prokaryotic cells consisting of a polymer of ÃŽÂ ²- hydroxybutyrate or another ÃŽÂ ²- alkanoic acid. Reserve polymers store excess nutrients present under favourable growth conditions for use during periods of nutrient deprivation.[6] A wide variety of Bacteria and Archaea produce PHAs. Biopol is made in industrial fermentor by bacteria that converts sugars ( refined from corn or beet) into a polymer. Genetically engineered Arabidopsis thaliana a type of cress is also used to make Biopol.[1] Its characteristics are similar to those of petroplastic polypropyle ne.It produces transparent film at a melting point higher than 130 degrees Celsius, and is biodegradable without residue. PHB is suitable for specialized areas like biomedical use and speciality coatings. A copolymer of PHB ( Poly ÃŽÂ ²- hydroxy butyrate) and PHV ( Poly ÃŽÂ ²- hydroxy valerate) are used in making shampoo bottles in Europe. PHB is easily degraded as it is an energy source of microbes. A copolymer containing approximately equal amounts of PHB and PHV has had the greatest market success thus far.[7] Bio-derived polyethylene The basic building block of polyethylene is ethylene. This is just one small chemical step from ethanol, which can be produced by fermentation of agricultural feedstocks such as sugar cane or corn. Bio-derived polyethylene is chemically and physically identical to traditional polyethylene, it does not biodegrade but can be recycled. It can also considerably reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Brazilian chemicals group Braskem claims that using its route from sugar cane ethanol to produce one tonne of polyethylene captures (removes from the environment) 2.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide while the traditional petrochemical route results in emissions of close to 3.5 tonnes. It can be used in packaging such as bottles and tubs Genetically modified bioplastics Genetically modified bioplastics are bioplastics which are produced from genetically modified plants and microbes. Normally the plants and microbes produce very small quantities of bioplastics, therefore their production on a large scale is expensive. Genetically modified plants and microbes can be used for the industrial production of bioplastics. Employing genetic-modification methods Monsanto has also developed plants (oilseed rape) that produce relatively small amounts of Biopol (5% of the total weight) in their cells. The ultimate aim is to develop plants that consist of up to 20% by weight of Biopol, thereby enabling various bioplastics to be produced for a wide variety of applications. Biodegradation of bioplastics All bio- and petroleum-based plastics are technically biodegradable, meaning they can be degraded by microbes under suitable conditions. However many degrade at such slow rates as to be considered non-biodegradable. The degree of biodegradation varies with temperature, polymer stability, and available oxygen content. Consequently, most bioplastics will only degrade in the tightly controlled conditions of commercial composting units. An internationally agreed standard, EN13432, defines how quickly and to what extent a plastic must be degraded under commercial composting conditions for it to be called biodegradable. This is published by the International Organisation for Standardization ISO and is recognised in many countries, including all of Europe, Japan and the US. However, it is designed only for the aggressive conditions of commercial composting units. There is no standard applicable to home composting conditions. Biodegradable plastics are made from traditional petrochemicals, w hich are engineered to break down more quickly. Traditional plastics such as polyethylene are degraded by ultra-violet (UV) light and oxygen. To prevent this process manufacturers add stabilising chemicals. However with the addition of a degradation initiator to the plastic, it is possible to achieve a controlled UV/oxidation disintegration process. This type of plastic may be referred to as degradable plastic or oxy-degradable plastic or photodegradable plastic because the process is not initiated by microbial action. The degraded plastic residue will be attacked by microbes. Applications Bioplastics are mainly used in making disposable items such as packaging and catering items such as crockery, cutlery, pots, bowls, straws, etc. The use of bioplastics in making shopping bags is already very common, after this initial use these bags are used for organic wastes and then they can be composted. Bioplastics are also used for making trays and containers for fruits, vegetables, eggs and meat, bottles for soft drinks and dairy products and blister foils for for fruit and vegetables. Bioplastics are used in making non-disposable items also for example mobile phone casings made by the NEC, carpet fibres by Dupont Sorona and car interiors done by the Mazda company. The French company Arkema, produces a grade of bioplastic called Rilsan, which is used in fuel line and plastic pipe. In these uses the goal is not biodegradability but to create items from sustainable resources. Drawbacks Though bioplastics are eco-friendly and are of great use, they have their own drawbacks. When some biodegradable plastics decompose in landfills, methane gas is produced, which is a very powerful greenhouse gas that adds to the problem of global warming. Biodegradable plastics and bioplastics dont always readily decompose. Some need high temperatures and in some conditions can still take many years to break down. Even then leave behind toxic residues. Bioplastics are made from plants such as corn and maize, so plants which are a food to be eaten are used to make bioplastics which is also an ethical issue. Some bioplastics are made from genetically modified plants which are harmful to the environment. Bioplastics and biodegradable plastics cannot be recycled easily. There are accelerated rates of deforestation due to the use of plants in making bioplastics. Manufacture of bioplastic materials is reliant on petroleum as a source of energy which is required to power farm machinery, irrigate growing crops, to produce fertilizers and pesticides, to transport crops and crop products to processing plants, to process raw materials and ultimately to produce bioplastics. Many bioplastics lack the performance and ease of processing of traditional materials. Polylactic acid plastic is being used by a handful of small companies for making water bottles. But the shelf life of these bottles is limited because the plastic is permeable to water the bottles lose their contents and slowly deform. Market value of bioplastics Bioplastics are rapidly catching up. Bioplastics are already unbeatable as medical implants, which dissolve in the body, as compostable mulch films for agriculture. Packaging materials constitute the most important application area for bioplastics, for example filler materials that are utilized in very large amounts. Supermarkets are increasingly using compostable shoppng bags. However the largest growth rates of the use of bioplastics are seen in electronic industries in consoles or cell phone cases. During the past eight years consumption of biodegradable plastics based on starch, sugar and cellulose has increased by around 600 percent. Starch based bioplastics are dominant in Europe. Bioplastics have the potential to reduce the petroleum consumption for plastics by 15 to 20 percent in 2025.Bioplastics have 10 to 20 percent share of the total plastics market and it will increase to 25 to 30 percent by 2020.There are over 500 bioplastics processing companies already available, more than 5000 is expected by 2020.Europe is one of the leading country in the market of bioplastics. Already bioplastics are used for variety of items, there would be more and more applications for bioplastics in the near future, especially in the automobile and electronics industries where plastics are indispensable. Toyota is one of the leading companies in research and usage of bioplastics. Bioplastic companies are relatively small plants and are in there initial stages of development. The scenario in India is a little different. The market of bioplastics is a little challenging here due to unawareness about the eco friendly nature of bioplastics and its uses. This therefore can be overcome by creating an wareness on the uses and benefits of bioplastics. The market for bioplastics in India grew at 30 percent in 2008 and will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 44.8 percent between 2009 and 2015.Apart from all this there is an availability of abundant feedstock in due to which it can become a hot destination for bioplastics companies.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Putting A Price On Life Essays -- essays research papers
Putting A Price On Life (The Health Care Crises) Putting A Price On Life Lately, there has been quite a debate over health care and who should pay for it. Some say that the general public should pay for it. Others say it should be shared between employer & employee. And still others say it should be socialized. Of these three, socialized medicine seems to be the most controversial if not the most misunderstood. Let's look at the dictionary definition of socialized medicine. According to Funk & Wagnall; socialized medicine is "A system proposing to supply the public with medical care at nominal cost, by regulating services and fees, by government subsidies to physicians, etc". The common misperception is that health care will become substandard. If that is true; then mans humanity to man is determined by the almighty dollar. Doctors have taken the Hippocratic Oath to treat their patients equally and ethically. Most people fear that they will be forced into long lines or on waiting lists for medical attention. But that cannot be proven. Besides; most people now have to make appointments to see a doctor, and are accepted on a priority basis in hospitals. There is also the fear that doctors in the U.S. will leave to practice medicine in other countries. If so; they will have a difficult time as most of the industrialized nations have systems of socialized medicine including Canada. And let's be honest; how many of us are go... Putting A Price On Life Essays -- essays research papers Putting A Price On Life (The Health Care Crises) Putting A Price On Life Lately, there has been quite a debate over health care and who should pay for it. Some say that the general public should pay for it. Others say it should be shared between employer & employee. And still others say it should be socialized. Of these three, socialized medicine seems to be the most controversial if not the most misunderstood. Let's look at the dictionary definition of socialized medicine. According to Funk & Wagnall; socialized medicine is "A system proposing to supply the public with medical care at nominal cost, by regulating services and fees, by government subsidies to physicians, etc". The common misperception is that health care will become substandard. If that is true; then mans humanity to man is determined by the almighty dollar. Doctors have taken the Hippocratic Oath to treat their patients equally and ethically. Most people fear that they will be forced into long lines or on waiting lists for medical attention. But that cannot be proven. Besides; most people now have to make appointments to see a doctor, and are accepted on a priority basis in hospitals. There is also the fear that doctors in the U.S. will leave to practice medicine in other countries. If so; they will have a difficult time as most of the industrialized nations have systems of socialized medicine including Canada. And let's be honest; how many of us are go...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Nursing Leadership
In the field of nursing leadership, Percival pointed out that the nurse leaders are required to have an understanding of the philosophy, values and goals of PHC to guide national policy towards social equity and reduce the health inequity and related socioeconomic inequity in the community. They are required to be able to look beyond the expansion of traditional nursing roles or mere cosmetic changes in nursing education programs.In Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong has offer a leadership forum which is designed to be a practical session for nursing leaders to share their contemporary issues with relation to the future development of nursing in Hong Kong, Furthermore, the Hong Kong Baptist University has also offer a programme that consists of leadership in clinical practice, it enhance the student have a good development of leadership potential, motivation, coaching, and mentorship, concepts of power, authority and empowerment and discussion of contemporary leadership i ssues.The Hospital Authority has dedicated a significant effort in nursing leadership for current as well as future leaders in this pursuit. Examples of these efforts include the Executive Leadership Program (ELP), HA Leadership Pipeline (HALP) and the opening of dedicated development positions in its head office and various Clusters.. Nurses are initiative to play a greater role to carry out growth monitoring, health screening, health education and other related activities.These changes have proven how nurse leaders to be proactive and improve our health care system, and encourage patient to participate in their own care. Leadership skills are not often taught in nursing school, but they are important to nurse's career and reputation. Nurses lead patients out of illness and into wellness, families out of confusion and into understanding. They also mentor and lead nurses who are new to the profession. Have good leadership in nursing by developing your personal leadership skills and bringing them into the workplace.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
English the Most Amazing Subject
English Class 8 Task 1 Reading exercise Read the novel, ‘The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas’ by John Boyne; Chapters 1- 4 Focus on: †¢ What themes are explored in the first four chapters? †¢ The relationship between Bruno and Maria. Task 2 Speaking and Listening Prepare a 2 minute talk to your class about something that really irritates you. It does not necessarily require a very formal language. Follow the steps below: 1. Decide on a topic. It’s always best to talk about things you actually know about and to express feelings you really have. . Structure your talk. It may be brief, but it still requires: †¢ An opening in which you quickly grab the audience’s attention and let them know what you’re going to talk about. †¢ A main body in which you give a couple of reasons or ideas to support your point. †¢ A conclusion in which you leave the listeners with a memorable phrase. Task 3 Grammar Practice adverbs and adjectives using the following websites: †¢ http://www. schoolexpress. com/fws/cat. php? id=2287 †¢ http://sites. google. com/site/jostombaugh/adjectivesadverbs Task 4 Spelling Learn the spellings of the following words: 1. Autumn 2. Knowledge 3. Development 4. Embarrass 5. Definite 6. Audible 7. Concentration 8. Assessment 9. Accommodation 10. Diamond 11. Beginning 12. Height 13. Queue 14. Business 15. Beneath 16. Tomorrow 17. Jealous 18. Questionnaire 19. Issue 20. Atmosphere 21. Continuous 22. Marriage 23. Imaginary 24. Improvise 25. Miscellaneous 26. Happened 27. Process 28. February 29. Forty 30. Separate 31. Straight 32. Success 33. Reference 34. Technique 35. Conscience 36. Murmur 37. Diary 38. Design 39. Column 40. Weird 41. Listening 42. Montague 43. Mantua 44. Capulet 45. Shakespeare 46. Idolatry 47. Adversaries 48. Nuptial 49. Forfeit 50. Foreshadowing 51. Shroud 52. Apothecary 53. Tybalt 54. Abram 55. Balthasar 56. Rosaline 57. Cemetery 58. Epitaph 59. Exile 60. Enmity â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ NOTE: †¢ Students will be assessed on the given tasks when they return to school. †¢ Any queries regarding these tasks should be addressed to: [email protected] com
Exam Marketing Essay
Please put your name and student number (both, in digits and by filling the boxes) on your answer sheet. After finishing the exam you will hand in your answer sheet. Fill in the correct version code at the bottom right of the answer form by filling the correct box. Version 1 Warning against fraud: In the case of fraud the maximum punishment is exclusion from all examinations for one year. Your mobile phone should be switched off and should be put in your bag. Your bag should be closed and placed on the floor to the left of your desk. During the examination you are not allowed to go to the toilet unless the co- rdinating invigilator gives you permission to do so. Tools allowed: pencils, eraser, English-native language dictionary. (no books or notes. ) Specific information on this examination: This exam consists of 60 Multiple Choice Questions with 4 alternatives each. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question, and mark your answers on the answer form by filling the boxes. A computer will read your answers. The result of this examination will be published within 18 working days after the date of this examination. Reviewing the examination: Specific information on procedure and planning will be posted on Blackboard. Good luck with the exam! MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) Car rental firms, hair dressers, and management consultants provide goods B) experiences C) events D) services 2) Julia is worried about the rising pollution levels in her city. She doesn’t mind paying extra for goods and services that use sustainable processes to help control A) declining demand B) nonexistent demand C) latent demand D) negative demand 3) Marketers must see themselves as benefit providers. For example, when a shopper purchases new shoes, he/she expects the shoes to cover his/her feet and allow him/ her to walk unobstructed. This is an example of what level in the consumer-value hierarchy? A) pure tangible good B) basic product C) augmented product D) potential product 4) Which aspect of holistic marketing motivates employees and ensures that everyone in the organization embraces appropriate marketing principles, especially senior management? A) relationship marketing B) integrated marketing C) internal marketing D) performance marketing 5) The number of different persons or households exposed to a particular media chedule at least once during a specified time period is known as A) range B) impact C) reach D) frequency 6) A company that seeks to increase its sales and profits through backward, forward, or horizontal integration within the industry is said to be employing a(n) strategy. A) diversification growth B) intensive growth C) integrative growth D) conglomerate growth 7) The is the last section of the marketing plan and spells out the goals and budget for each month or quarter, so management can review each period’s results and take action as needed. A) situation analysis B) marketing strategy C) financial projections D) implementation and controls 2 8) The internal records system supplies results data, but the marketing intelligence system supplies A) internal B) revenue C) thematic D) happenings data. ocial institutions†schools, churches, businesses, and governments; they are very difficult to change. A) Transient B) Secondary C) core D) Variable 10) A company can take several steps to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence. If the company purchases competitive products for study, attends open houses and trade shows, and reads competitors’ published reports and stockholder information, the company is using ntelligence. A) sales-force surrogates B) intermediaries C) external networks D) advisory panels to improve the quality of its marketing 1 1) If the goal of marketing research is to shed light on the real nature of a problem and to suggest possible solutions or new ideas, the research is said to be descriptive B) quantitative C) secondary D) exploratory approach uses concepts and tools from anthropology and other social science disciplines to provide deep cultural understanding of how people live and work. A) Cognitive research B) Archaeological research C) Ethnographic research D) Deductive research llow respondents to answer in their own words and often reveal more about how people think. A) Open-end questions B) Dichotomous questions C) Likert scale questions D) Multiple choice questions 14) The bundle of costs customers expect to incur in evaluating, obtaining, using, and disposing of the given market offering is called the A) activity-based cost B) customer profitability analysis C) total customer cost D) product life-cycle cost 3 15) Field Grocery wants to learn the strengths and weaknesses in customer service at all the Field Grocery stores. Which of the following methods can it use for this? A) roup buyers C) mystery shoppers D) buying agents 16) The aim of customer relationship management is to produce high customer . A) integrity B) loyalty C) innovation D) liability 17) If a marketer decides to segment a market based on neighborhoods, the marketer will have chosen the A) demographic B) psychographic C) geographic D) cultural method of segmentation. 18) If a marketing manager employs such marketing techniques as online buzz, student ambassadors, cool events, and street teams to reach target markets, the manager is most likely appealing to the A) Generation X B) Generation Y C) Silent generation D) Baby boomers market. 19) General Motors, a leading American multinational automaker, sells cars for every purpose, purse, and personality. This is an example of A) undifferentiated B) differentiated C) concentrated D) niche 20) According to the VALS segmentation system, marketing. are considered to be trendy and funloving people who are resource-constrained. They favor stylish products that emulate the purchases of those with greater material wealth. A) strivers B) survivors C) experiencers D) makers 21) Brand B) equity C) preference D) identity is the added value endowed to products and services. A) loyalty 22) According to the brand asset valuator model, which of the components of brand equity measures how aware and familiar consumers are with the brand? A) esteem 4 B) energized differentiation C) relevance 23) The introduction of diet coke by the Coca Cola Company is an example of A) line extension B) brand harmonization C) brand dilution D) co-branding 24) Which of the following terms is most closely associated with the statement: â€Å"attributes or benefits consumers strongly associate with a brand, positively evaluate, and believe that they could not find to the same extent with a competitive brand†? A) points-of-inflection B) points-of-difference C) points-of-parity D) points-of-value 25) are visual representations of consumer perceptions and preferences. A) Procedural maps B) Brain maps C) Perceptual maps D) Procedural models 26) Singapore Airlines is well regarded in large part because of the excellence of its flight attendants. This is an example of differentiation. A) image B) services C) product D) employee 27) When Starbucks introduced its Tazo Tea line to bring in new customers who had never gone to Starbucks because they dont drink coffee, Starbucks was employing a trategy. A) market-penetration B) new-market segment C) geographical-expansion D) niche identification 28) An alternative to being a market follower in a large market is to be a leader in a small market. This type of competitor is called a A) marketing king B) market nicher C) segment king D) guerilla marketer 29) is a slowdown in sales growth because the product has achieved acceptance by most potential buyers. A) Introduction B) Growth C) Decline D) Maturity 5 30) The marketing concept holds that for its products B) customers who are coaxed into buying a product will most likely uy it again C) a new product will not be successful unless it is priced, distributed, and sold properly D) consumers and businesses, if left alone, won’t buy enough of the organization’s products 31) What types of goods are purchased frequently, immediately, and with minimum effort by the consumers? A) specialty goods B) shopping goods C) unsought goods D) convenience goods 32) We define packaging as all the activities of designing and producing the container for a product. This includes up to three levels of material: primary package, secondary package, and B) design package C) shipping package D) consumer package . A) retailer package 33) Which of the following is an example of a hybrid service? A) teaching B) car C) restaurant meal D) soap 34) Services high in have characteristics that the buyers can evaluate before purchase. A) search qualities B) experience qualities C) credence qualities D) privacy qualities 35) Jake had an appointment at the doctor’s, but couldn’t make it on time because he was caught in traffic. By the time he reached the doctor’s office, the doctor had already begun with the next patient. This illustrates the A) variability B) heterogeneity C) perishability D) intangibility f services. 36) Companies who believe that a higher sales volume leads to lower unit costs and higher long-run profits are attempting to A) maximize their market share B) skim the market C) become a product-quality leader D) merely survive in the market 37) In which of the following auctions does the auctioneer first announce a high price for a product and then slowly decreases the price until a bidder accepts? A) an English auction with one seller and many buyers B) an ascending bid auction C) a sealed-bid auction 6 38) A(n) is an extra payment designed to gain reseller participation in special rograms. A) seasonal discount B) allowance C) discount D) quantity discount 39) When is a pull strategy appropriate? A) when there is low brand loyalty B) when consumers are able to perceive differences between brands C) when brand choice is made in the store D) when it is a low involvement purchase 40) Which of the following is an example of a zero-level channel? A) A company takes online orders from customers and ships the products to them. B) A company sells its products through wholesalers and retailers. C) A company sells its products through chains of supermarkets and other large sellers. D) A large company forms alliances with smaller companies to increase sales coverage. 41) A(n) includes the producer, wholesaler(s), and retailer(s) acting as a unified system. A) parallel marketing channel B) vertical marketing system C) internal marketing system D) conventional marketing channel 42) Which of the following types of retailing generally entails the highest costs? A) full-service B) self-service C) limited service D) self-selection 43) Which of the following is an example of a word-of-mouth marketing communication platform? A) chat rooms B) billboards C) factory tours D) incentive programs 4) Which of the following is true for franchisors? A) The franchisor has to pay the franchisee to be part of the franchise system. B) The franchisor licenses the trade mark from the franchisee. C) The franchisor must change its operations to suit those of the franchisee’s. D) The franchisor collects royalty payments from the franchisee. 5) Which of the following is an advantage of using the percentage-of-sales method to determine the marketing communications budget? A) The percentage-of-sales method encourages stability when competing firms spend approximately the same portion of their sales on communications. B) The percentage-of-sales method views sales as the determiner of communications rather than as the result. C) The percentage-of-sales method leads to a budget set by market opportunities rather than the availability of funds. by determining what each product and territory deserves. 46) Which of the following sequences accurately represents the hierarchy-of-effects model of marketing communications? A) attention-interest-desire-action B) awareness-interest-evaluation-trial-adoption C) awareness-knowledge-liking-preference-conviction-purchase D) exposure- reception-cognitive response-attitude-intention-behavior 47) A(n) ppeal is a creative strategy that elaborates on product or service attributes or benefits.
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