Friday, December 27, 2019
Life Changing Moment In My Life - 973 Words
Over the course of my life, there has been many life changing events. One event that had the most impact on my life was breaking my left ankle twice. Breaking my ankle took me down a road feeling miserable and depressed; it altered the trajectory of my future plans and goals during a time of numerous opportunities. Although looking back on the situation, there have been positives that came out of it. Breaking my left ankle for the second time was detrimental due to the timing while completing my junior year in high school. I had a great year in football and received multiple scholarship offers at the end of the year. I also received player of the year and other honorary titles while playing basketball. My senior year began with so much†¦show more content†¦From the ages of seventeen to twenty two, l struggled to cope with my situation. Although I did attend college and continued to play sports, I never seemed to gain control of my situation. Throughout that period of my life , I experienced some things that I am not proud of, but I do not regret any of those experiences. I have learned valuable lessons that has helped me to become the young man that I am today. If it had not been for me breaking my ankle, I may not have been able to handle some of the obstacles that I may experience in the future. After a few years of repeating the same actions expecting different results, I decided that it was time for a change. I had to come to my senses and understand that there was so much more to do and live for. Having this revelation helped me see how valuable I am. I would not let the injury get the best of me, so I began to fight. Fight as in understand the process and refuse to give up no matter how challenging. I had to set many goals, both short term and long term. I figured the process would be much easier if I attacked it one day at a time. It was almost as if I had to recreate my self in the image that I had wanted. Some of my actions had to be eliminated from my life, along with many of the people that I surrounded myself with. In order to move forward, I had to understand that you can not drag old things into new situations. I called this stage of myShow MoreRelatedThe Idea Of Knowing Who I Am908 Words  | 4 Pagesknowing who I am is one I’ve struggled with greatly. Frankly speaking, I am still discovering who I am. Are there moments that have taken place which have led me to be close to figuring out my â€Å"true self†? Indeed there have certainly been moments where I am closer to figuring out my â€Å"true identity.†One such moment was when I realized my happiness depended upon myself. Personhood, in my own definition of it, is when one is truly their own person. 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While you are wholly in one moment, the moments change – there is not simply one breath, but another breath that follows. If you hold your breath, you will pass out. Eventually an individual will stop breathing. But another will continue. Focusing on being in the moment, being where you are, you can see that even meditation is not permanent. This â€Å"spiritual practice hones skills, including the religiously valued to do one thing†¦toRead MoreFeeling the Power of the Book, The Odyssey Essay544 Words  | 3 Pageseducational travesty of my life. I first read it after High School while working at Colonial Motors in West Concord. I didnt get it any more than the most confused among you, but what I did do is feel it: I felt its primordial power and emotional bareness; I felt another world, another age and another human journey come alive inside of me. It made me feel that I was a part of long and unbroken lineage of hu manity searching for truth and purpose in a world--especially my world, a world not always
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Problems Of Racial Identity - 927 Words
The Problems of Racial Identity Over time certain groups of people have been taken advantage of and treated unfairly. In recent history especially, the groups that are being taken advantage of are those of color. The world is learning faster than ever how important it is to treat people equally and not discriminate against individuals or groups based on the color of their skin. However, the world is not perfect and this is still a slow process. Like in Citizen, this research paper is being written to highlight the problems with society s judgments and discriminations that have become social norms. Furthermore, the development of the idea â€Å"racial identity†has done more negative than positive for people of color. For centuries humans†¦show more content†¦Within The Woman Warrior, the characters face many obstacles while living in America and coming from a Chinese background. The author of the novel, Maxine Hong Kingston, faces some of the most difficult challenges out of the characters. Being a child in a new country, the world has become confusing and scary. With her parents being traditionally Chinese and her teachers being American, Kingston’s life becomes split, therefore splitting her identity. Kingston constantly struggles where to fit in and mold with society at school. Yet as she begins to do so, she begins to struggle with keeping her Chinese identity while at home. One of the most memorable moments in the novel highlights this idea well, where in the last part of the book Kingston begins to argue with her mother, then the mother says, â€Å"That’s what we’re supposed to say. That’s what the Chinese say. We like to say the opposite†(2, pp. 203). Clearly there is confusion between the authors Chinese life and her American life in this dialogue. In addition, Kingston’s Chinese identity ends up causing her problems when trying to figure out her personal identity. This goes to show that racial identity does have negative effects towards people of color. Perhaps a better example of the problems racial identity develops for people of color is inside of the book Citizen, by Claudia Rankine. Citizen is a compilation of poems, shortShow MoreRelatedToni Morrisons The Bluest Eye: Racial and Social-Cultural Problems Dealing with the Lost Identity of Young African American Women2371 Words  | 10 Pagesself-esteem faced by young African American women, due to white culture. My research was guided by these ideas of racism and loss of self, suffered in the novel, by the main character Pecola Breedlove. 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Every individual has multiple identities Race, ethnic, gender, national, regional, organizational, personal, cyber/fantasyâ€â€that act in concert. The importance of any single identity is a result of the situation. As the context varies, you may choose to emphasize one or more of your identities. A conceptual inquiry into race or gender would seek an articulation of our concepts of race or gender (Riley 1988). ForRead MorePositive And Negative Impacts Of Children Essay1603 Words  | 7 Pagesfor the future generation, whereas a bad influence at such a young age can create an obnoxious, negative character in the future. One form of influence that children cannot run from is racial stereotypes. The racial stereotypes in this context refers to the common idea the societies get when they see a specific racial group. This essay will be discussing the relationship between the stereotypes and children’s development, in addition to the future effects of exposing children to this stereotypes. Read MoreThe Life and Legacy of Dr. Kenneth B. Clark: The History of an African-American Psychologist904 Words  | 4 PagesB. Clark’s legacy has lived on and will continue to inspire because, even today, in the 21st century, there are many ideas and problems that Clark addresses in the realm of prejudice and racism that are still relevant in social identity, education and the work place in America. Clark was a social psychologist who was a firm believer in equality, though he knew that racial division would be a difficult task to overcome, he still thought it was a concept that was necessary for America to progress. One
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Scott Russell Sanders Looking at Women free essay sample
The term Gaze was first introduced by Jacques Lacan and it describes the nervousness that someone feels when he realizes that he is being viewed. In the second rise of feminism in the 60s one of the many topics that had been discussed among the social scientist and people all over the world for many years was the male gaze. Some people who were highly involved in the feminist movement believe that ens gaze objectifies women and converts men into spectators. On the other hand, some people believe that the male gaze has positives elements if occurs within limits because women feel that are attracted and that boost their self-confidence. Scott Russell Sanders in his article Looking at Women analyzes this phenomenon and indicates why this happens, also makes clear that he doesnt agree with it. Sanders start the article with an illustration. He creates a descriptive visual picture about the first time he saw a woman in his early teens. We will write a custom essay sample on Scott Russell Sanders Looking at Women or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As an innocent 11 years old boy he couldnt understand what this sweet pain in his belly was when he checks a girl out. He wouldnt find out until college. There he would still wonder about women but in more mature way. Sanders continuous by telling us the story of his roommate that had Playboy pictures on the wall. He couldnt believe in himself when he realized that he saw this woman as object and not as human being. In addition, he mentions the shop Bare Essentials which was selling sexy and expensive clothes. He couldnt xplain why someone would buy such expensive clothes whose only purpose is in being taken off (par 23). I dont agree with Sanderss argument about his ethics on male gaze and I consider it problematic. I believe that he is not convincing because his argument contain many exaggerations and conservatives thoughts. I also believe due to the fact that he is shy and particularly introverted person his argument is morally problematic. He present male gaze as something that you should be feel guilty ot. To begin with, Sanders was born inside a Puritan tamily whose thics were very narrow-minded. As a result of that his opinions were also conservative. When Sanders was in college he couldnt deal with the idea that his roommate had Playboy pictures on the wall, he believed that these women were Just like a piece of meat locker back in New Ton, Ohio (par 14). Furthermore, he argues that he understood that these women were human beings as he is, however their humanity was severely reduced, if not extinguished (par 16). Additionally, Sanders was very annoyed by his friends who were talk about naked womans part in the ame language as farmers back home in Ohio speak used for assessing cows (par 18). Women are seen as an object merely another category for sale (par 12) Sanders states. As we can see Sanders opinions contain a conservative style of thoughts. A Sander, as a college student was a very shy person and he had hard time to meet a woman. He says that l was invisible to them (women) and they were immune to my gaze (par 21). Moreover, he felt ethical guilt because he was staring the naked woman instead of studding and he couldnt understand the urge that felt towards hat woman who was seen by millions of people. This is described in his phrase stupid flesh! How stupid that a counterfeit stare and artful curves, printed in millions of copies on glossy paper, could arose me (par 18). Sanders excuse his action by referring what D. H Lawrence and poet Carlos Williams said. D. H Lawrence states that we as men and men have sexual urges since their beginning of humanity it something completely normal, it is our ancient instincts of reproduction. Moreover, Carlos Williams admits that A man does with it what his mind directs (par 20). To sum up, Sanders tries very hard to keep a balance between his ancient instincts of reproduction and his ethic code and because of that a conflict is created. In conclusion, I believe that a Sanders argument about how to see a woman contain a dose of exaggeration and conservatism and that is because of his origin and his family environment. In addition, his thesis portrays a person who is morally problematic, who feel guilty when he gaze a woman and through intellectual persons thoughts tries to excuse himself.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Lady Capulet Ulrikka Jonsson Essay Example
Lady Capulet: Ulrikka Jonsson Paper This adaptation of Romeo and Juliet is based on a football theme. There are two rival chairmen and their families of two football clubs Manchester United and Manchester City. Both of these football clubs are in Manchester. On the east of Manchester we have Manchester United, on the west of Manchester we have Manchester City. The chairman of Manchester City is Capulet and the chairman of Manchester United is Montague. These two rival football teams have battled through thick and thin to win the Championship to take the title of premiership winners. Every year like a pendulum swings from side to side the championship is won by united one year and city the next its carried on like this for years. But one season when Manchester City won the cup, the chairman Capulet threw a party for all those in the team and executives of the club. Romeo the son of Montague the chairman of united was heartbroken and depressed. For his team had lost the cup. Benvolio, Romeos cousin persuades him to gatecrash the Capulets party with him along side Romeos friend Mercutio. They do this and get to the party. The party was going great, as the guests entered old Capulet himself greeted them. Romeo and friends wore bandannas round their mouths so they wouldnt be recognised, The party was in full swing and everything was going great. Tybalt the nephew of Capulet told old Capulet that Romeo and friends had gatecrashed the party. Capulet wasnt bothered. Juliet and Romeo then meet as Juliet spills punch on Romeo. The party ends and Romeo is on his way home but climbs a wall and finds Juliet by her window. We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Capulet: Ulrikka Jonsson specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Capulet: Ulrikka Jonsson specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Capulet: Ulrikka Jonsson specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They vow to get married. Next morning Romeo goes to church and asks Friar Lawrence to marry Romeo and Juliet. They get married. But then Mercutio and Tybalt have a show down and fight each other. Tybalt kills Mercutio; Romeo is so hurt by this he kills Tybalt because he killed his best friend. Prince Escalus hears of this and banishes Romeo from Manchester. Juliet becomes engaged to Paris but she cannot marry him as she is in love with Romeo and is already married. So Friar Lawrence helps her out and gives her magic sleep. It is a drug, which makes her appear dead for 48 hours. She takes it and dies. Meanwhile the Friar gives Romeo a phone-call; no one answers so the Friar leaves a message. Romeo doesnt get it, as his machine is broken. Juliets family, grieve for her and Friar Lawrence takes the service. Balthasar, Romeos most trustworthy friend, appears at the church and sees what has happened. He immediately drives down to see Romeo and tells him what has happened. Romeo immediately drives to the church, he sees Juliet lying in the coffin, and he commits suicide by shooting himself. Juliet wakes up and sees what has happened and then kills herself with the remaining bullet left in the pistol. The funeral is now for Romeo and Juliet and both teams and chairmen bury the hatchet of the past and vow not to let there be anymore violence be tween them again. That is the outline of the story. I am setting it in Manchester, as it does have to rival teams in the same city. The derbies between Manchester City and Manchester United have always been exceptional. Manchester has two high profiled football clubs. The places in which the two rival gangs of Capulet and Montague meet are always in the car park of The Trafford Centre, I have set this here as its a popular place and when the gangs arrive its always in very expensive cars. The killing of Tybalt and Mercutio is happens just outside the Old Trafford Stadium by the Bobby Moore statue. I am casting Vinny Jones as Prince Escalus because as he is known as the hard man of football I think that people will listen to him when he gives the sentences to Capulet and Montague about having the lives pay the forfeit. I think also that he will be loud enough for the part as well. I have featured Dawn French as the nurse as she is a comedienne and in Shakespeares original play the nurse is a light-hearted person with a sense of humour which I think Dawn French is ideal for. I think Lenny Henry is ideal for the part of Mercutio, as in Shakespeares original play Mercutio is a funny character and is thinks that life is a permanent joke. As Lenny Henry is a comedian he is ideal for the part. I have put Michael Owen as Romeo and Rachel Powell as Juliet because they can both play football and both play for the opposing side in this movie. Rachel Powell plays for the female side, Rachel Powell is of a different creed and is black I thought this would be good because there is never a J uliet from a different racial background. I have made it up to date in the sense of the tension between different gangs today, for example arson and murders. Everything is up to date including the team kits of the teams.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Re-Thinking Big Box Stores free essay sample
Rethinking Big-Box Stores In her essay Big Box Stores Are Bad for Main Street, Betsy Taylor focuses not on the economic effects of large chain stores but on the effects these stores have on the soul of America. She argues that stores like Home Depot, Target, and Wal-Mart are bad for America because they draw people out of downtown shopping districts and cause them to focus exclusively on consumption. In contrast, she believes that small businesses are good for America because they provide personal attention, foster community Interaction, and make each city unique. But Taylors argument is ultimately unconvincing because It Is based on nostalgia†on Idealized mages of a quaint Maln Street†rather than on the roles that businesses play In consumers lives and communities. By Ignoring the more complex, economically driven relationships between large chain stores and their communities, Taylor Incorrectly assumes that simply getting rid of big-box stores would have a posltlve effect on Americas communities. We will write a custom essay sample on Re-Thinking Big Box Stores or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Taylors use of colorful language reveals that she has a nostalgic view of American society and does not understand economic realities. In her first paragraph, Taylor refers to a big-box store as a 25-acre slab of concrete with a 100,000 square foot box of stuff that lands on a town, evoking images of a monolithic monster crushing the American way of life (1011). But her Sanchez 1 Opening summa- rizes the articles purpose and thesis. Thesis expresses Sanchezs judgment of Taylors article. Signal phrase intro- duces quotations from the source; Sanchez uses an MLA in-text citation. Marginal annotations indicate MLA-style formatting and effective writing. Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2007). This paper has been updated to follow the style guidelines in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th ed. (2009). Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2007). assessment oversimplifies a complex issue. Taylor does not consider that many downtown business districts failed long before chain stores moved in, when factories and mills closed and workers lost their Jobs. In cities with struggling economies, big-box stores can actually provide much-needed Jobs. Similarly, while Taylor blames big-box stores for harming local economies by asking for tax breaks, free roads, and other perks, she doesnt cknowledge that these stores also enter into economic partnerships with the surrounding communities by offering financial benefits to schools and hospitals. Taylors assumption that shopping In small businesses Is always better for the customer also seems driven by nostalgia for an old-fashioned Maln Street rather than by the facts. While she may be right that many small businesses offer personal service and are responsive to customer complaints, she does not consider that many customers appreciate the service at big-box stores. Just as customer service Is better t some small businesses than at others, It Is Impossible to generalize about service at all big-box stores. For example, customers depend on the lenient return pollcles and the wide variety of products at stores Ilke Target and Home Depot. Taylor blames big-box stores for encouraging American hyper-consumerism, but she oversimplifies by equating big-box stores with bad values and small businesses with realities of American society today. Big-box stores do not force Americans to buy more. By offering lower prices in a convenient setting, however, they allow consumers to save time and purchase
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Regulation in the Financial Crisis 2008
Regulation in the Financial Crisis 2008 Introduction The US led global financial crisis that struck in 2007 and persisted through 08 and 09 adversely affected the stability of the global economy. The impact of the crisis escalated far beyond its point of origin (US) and affected the countries around the world while spilling over from the financial system into the real economy.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Regulation in the Financial Crisis 2008 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The implications of the crisis were wide ranging and still difficult to conceptualize. This has led to extensive analysis of the financial crisis by policy makers and financial analyst in a bid to develop and formulate measures that would avert future crises and stabilize the global economy. While numerous claims have been put forth to explain the causes of the 2007-2009 financial crisis, there is almost a universal agreement that the major causes of the financial crisis was the c ombination of a credit boom and a housing bubble that took place in the United States. The post 2007 crisis consequently features the establishment of numerous regulatory initiatives offering diagnoses and presenting recommendations for financial stabilization. Through literature review, the research paper analyses the varying causes that the crisis has been attributed to, the policies which various major governments sought to implement in response to the crisis, the effectiveness and failures of such policies. The research paper further proposes the alternative areas of focus that may serve to avert future crisis in order to achieve consistent financial stability. Reasons for the 2007-09 global financial crises The decline in the US housing market resulting from the failure of sub prime mortgages and mortgage backed securities coupled with an ensuing credit boom marked the beginning of the financial crisis (Canster Cannex 2011). The housing market suffered a major blow as the major ity homeowners defaulted on the (sub prime) loans. As a consequence of borrowers defaulting on loans, the financial institutions faced a major challenge as they repossessed the property at a loss which led to a liquidity crisis in banks and their lending capacity was consequently diminished (Obersteiner 2011). In addition, there was lack of confidence by US investors which led to emergence of a credit crunch. The consumer confidence was limited due to widespread uncertainties in the economy. While the housing bubble and the credit crunch in United States has been widely attributed as the major cause of the 2007 financial crisis, a valid argument still stands that the crisis resulted from poorly regulated lending by financial institutions.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The collapse of major financial institutions led to widespread panic as governments across the g lobe struggled to rescue the major financial institutions in their regions from collapsing. The Australian government launched the stimulus packages which were aimed at rescuing the collapsing economy while the government of United States proposed a $700 billion rescue plan (Obersteiner 2011). This was met with substantial opposition by congressmen who felt that such spending of taxpayers’ money to rescue Wall Street investment bankers was not justified. Metodi Lazarov (2009) argued that if liquidity was the actual cause of the global financial crisis, then providing more liquidity through reduced interest rates that made borrowing easier would have been appropriate in solving the situation. He cites the ignorance of major financial institutions on their own business models of secularization as the major cause of persistent financial crisis. He further attributes the crisis to globalization, financial innovation and asymmetry of information (Lazarov 2009). Lazarov suggests th at the presence of liquidity effects increases the chances of systemic breakdown of any given connectivity between financial institutions which may have caused the crisis. While he agrees that the financial system contained the effects from the housing bubble, he emphasizes on the need for a new and advanced regulatory framework which will shape the financial systems in the future. Fiscal measures are also among the main reasons why investors ran into large risky market such as sub prime which has been cited as a major cause of the 2007 financial crisis. The US government’s move to issue mortgage backed securities coupled with the relative decline in prime mortgage set the stage for the onset of the financial crisis (Lazarov 2009). This saw a significant increase in sub prime mortgage lending which was not in adherence to the government and financial regulations. Further, nationalization of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac led to increased investor confidence which led to over reliance of market participants on government guarantees (Lazarov 2009). Responses of Major Economies to the Global Financial Crisis Australia In Australia, the financial crisis struck at a time when the local economy was suffering from massive inflation. In response to these challenges, the Australian government announced its stimulus packages worth $ 10.4b and the government further sought to guarantee the bank deposits (Canster Cannex 2011).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Regulation in the Financial Crisis 2008 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The economic stimulus played a major role in improving the economy which was suffering from recession and incorporated government transfer payment to consumers which in turn increased sales especially over 2008 Christmas period. The government also provided assistance to various sectors in the economy such as the automotive industry since lenders had lost confidence in the market leaving banks as the only credit providers. As the condition of the economy continued to worsen in the beginning of 2009, the government announced a second stimulus package where the government injected $ 47 billion to boost the economy which was then allocated to ailing sectors such as education, housing, infrastructure, small businesses, as well as provision of cash bonuses (Canster Cannex 2011). Consequently, the country suffered less impact of the global financial crisis relative to other major economies of the world. Financial experts argued that the county’s economy was more insulated but evidence of general slowdown in the housing market, and unemployment was still evident in the Australian economy and some questioned the massive government packages claiming that they would haunt the country’s economy in the future as they seek to repay debt. United States In the United States, the financial crisis stimulated substantial debate regarding the governance o f global financial markets with the policy makers calling for the creation of a global financial regulator to monitor both domestic financial markets and ensure that other countries implement adequate prudential regulations (Zimmermann 2010). The 2007 financial crisis which set off as the US housing market collapsed offered no guarantee of US leadership in the creation and modification of suitable global financial standards. In deed, the US regulators faced major challenges in trying to focus on the international economy while its internal economy was falling apart. The early stages of the crises were therefore characterized by deep cuts in the US federal funds interest rates nationalization of Northern Bank UK, introduction of the term auction facility at the Federal Reserve, the take over of a major investment bank, Bear Stearns, among other measures (Obersteiner 2011). However, some of the interventions put forth only served to prolong the crisis rather than providing a solution to the situation. In December of 2007, the US government introduced the term auction facility which made it easier for banks to borrow from federal reserves (Taylor 2008). The measure was aimed at increasing the flow of credit in the money market through the reduction of interest rates. This saw a substantial reduction of spreads in the money market during the initial periods of its implementation but this trend only lasted for a short period of time.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The government’s temporary cash infusions implemented under the stimulus Act of 2008 which aimed at sending financial support amounting to over $ 100 billion to individuals and families in the United States was not successful either. Just like the liquidity facilities, the temporary cash infusions were not focused on dealing with the underlying causes of the financial crisis and since the rebate was financed through borrowing rather than money creation, the policy only served to intensify national debt (Taylor 2008). The failure of this policy was further intensified by consumer’s failure to spend as predicted by the permanent income theory of consumption. Consumer spending remained limited due to widespread uncertainties and the consumption was not jumpstarted according to the policy maker’s expectations which consequently increased income rather than consumption. The initial cuts in interest rates in 2008 which saw the federal funds rate target decrease to 2% presented a major challenge to an economy that was already struggling with a credit crunch. Slight reduction in interest rates would perhaps have been effective in rectifying the situation. However, this was only achievable if the interest rates cuts were much less aggressive. The sharp cuts in the federal funds rates led to the depreciation of the dollar which in turn resulted in plummeting of world oil prices evidenced by the doubling of prices from $ 70 per barrel to $ 140 in a period of one year (Taylor 2008). United Kingdom The United States credit crisis appeared as a foreign concern for United Kingdom in the early 2007 (Tindall 2007). However, in mid 2007, when BNP Paribas announced that it would be unable to withdraw funds from its hedge funds and Northern Rock requested for emergency financial support from the Bank of England, the effect of the financial crisis became a reality in the region. In response to the crisis, the Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exch equer Alistair Darling, and the Bank of England governor Mervin King sought to implement policies which were aimed at managing the global financial crisis that had hit the region’s economy. The measures included the nationalization of financial institutions and purchase of risky assets (Tindall 2009). The financial regulators in UK ensured that the value added tax was reduced from 17.5% to 15%, the pension for the aged was raised while the government introduced new tax breaks (Tindall 2009). A total of  £ 300 billion was injected into the economy in an attempt to salvage the situation while the bank interest rates were slashed to a historic 0.5 in March 2009 after the 50 billion pound rescue package failed to take effect in the preceding months (Obersteiner 2011). Effectiveness of International Regulation in Dealing with the Crisis The severity of the global financial crisis revealed major weaknesses in the international architecture for prudential financial regulation that has been constructed since the mid 1970s (Zimmerman 2010). While policy makers responded to the crisis through a flurry of ambitious initiatives to reform international standards and strengthen the international regulatory regimes, the questions remain as to whether the regulation of global finance will safeguard the global economy against such crisis in the future and to what extent the financial regulation system should be changed in response to the crisis. This would only be effective if applied on a global scale since the regulations may impose a greater cost on domestic firms than foreign markets resulting in disequilibrium. It is evident from the severity of the global financial crisis that there are substantial weaknesses in the international financial regulation mechanism. Consequently, the aftermath of the crisis saw the formulation of numerous reports and regulatory initiatives which were published by national regulatory agencies, financial industry associations and inter national standards setting bodies. The financial stability forum further integrated these initiatives into a unified international coordinated response which was released in 2008 and incorporated over sixty recommendations to the crisis. While the policy presented through the financial stability forums were quickly endorsed by the G7 among other major international bodies, the effectiveness of the recommendations in the long run remained in question. Since the international financial regulation has emerged in response to the power and interest of the world’s major economies, most of these policies favoured the sectors where leading states could reap benefits while the areas where they would incur greater costs were narrowed in scope. Consequently, the measures proposed served to benefit the major world economies and continued to economically oppress the developing economies. In the analysis of the 2007 global financial crisis, the lasting power of US and Britain economies glo bal financial regulation should be critically analyzed. This is because the domination of these countries in the global market has adversely affected the global economy due to the fragmented, weak, and exclusive institutional context that has emerged in the recent past. Indeed, David Singer agrees that the central role played by United States in the global economy requires able leadership and ambitious regulatory regimes in absence of which results in increasingly vague principles and guidelines which puts the future of the economy at risk (Zimmermann 2010). Elliot Posner further observed that the European Union was very eager to use their economic influence to export EU models to the international level during the crisis (Zimmermann 2010). The fact that the financial crisis hit at a time when the European Union had increased its capacity to influence international regulatory outcomes due to intensified regional integration and its increasing financial market size further raises a l ot of concerns regarding the effectiveness of these economies in international financial regulation. Governments and policy makers should therefore aim at ensuring the shift of power from major economies by diminishing the role of US and British financial markets and major firms in international regulation and putting less emphasis on their financial power which stems from the reputation of New York and London financial centres (Zimmermann 2010). Although the East Asia and other emerging powers are not ready to take on the leadership role in international regulation politics, their active contribution to international regulation seeks to challenge the status quo and are more critical of the existing international standards in banking regulations which may lead to reforms necessary to ensure future stability of the global economy (Zimmermann 2010). Domestic Policies and the Financial Crisis Past literature has revealed that when the domestic societal actors are engaged in debates abo ut international financial regulation, the scope is often narrow relative to other economic areas such as trade politics (Zimmermann 2010). This is primarily due to the complexity of issues involved, the consequences, and an institutional context that in most advanced countries gives financial analysts and regulators considerable autonomy from domestic interests and legislative assemblies. Societal actors who take active interests in constructive international financial debates are financial market participants who are directly affected by international regulations. These actors are mostly concerned with adjustment costs of new standards and view international regulation coordination as a means to gain access to a greater market share. Consequently, they often oppose intrusive regulatory measures and support market driven solutions which limits the efficiency of measures presented to solve the financial crisis. Domestic politics have indeed played a major role in the financial crisi s with the large scale use of the tax payers’ money to rescue financial institutions being used as a tool for politicizing financial regulations especially in the United States and Britain. Consequently, domestic politics unleashed pressure in favour of stronger regulation policies and increased the involvement of legislative bodies in financial regulation (Zimmermann 2010). Consequently, the severity of the 2007 financial crisis demanded the generation of new kinds of regulations for defensive reasons at a time of weakened political legitimacy and for improvement of industries, confidence restoration, and increasing market share. However, the politicization of financial regulation in Europe had an effect of weakening the association between European Union policy entrepreneurs and multinational financial firms which hindered the effectiveness of such policies in solving the financial crisis. Conclusion and Recommendations The global financial crisis of 2007 adversely affected the global economy leading to a recession. While many causes have been put forth to explain the reasons for its occurrence, the housing bubble and the credit crisis in the US have been cited as the major causes of the crisis. In order to reduce the likelihood of such crisis from occurring in the future, much emphasis has been put on increased international financial regulation. However, the appropriate policy response to the crisis extends beyond tougher international regulations to smarter requirements combined with effective political and financial leadership (IMF 2009). This is because as evidenced in the crisis, the banking sector which is already highly regulated proved vulnerable to the systemic shock which has been attributed to lack of coordination and adequate communication in the sector. Consequently the government and financial regulators should aim at restoring the market disciplines, address the fiscal risks posed by systemic institutions, and restoring the level and q uality of bank capital in order to avoid such crisis from occurring in the future (IMF 2009). In addition, the role of international financial regulation should be delegated to both major and developing economies in order to promote efficiency and avoid conflict of interests. Reference List Canster Cannex, 2011. Global Financial Crisis-What Caused It And How The World Responded? Web. International Monetary Fund, 2009. Global Financial Stability Report: 40095. Washington D. C., International Monetary Fund. Lazarov, M., 2009. The Global Financial Crisis 2007-2008: Crisis of Human Knowledge and Government Intervention. Web. Obersteiner, T. Schemes To Asset Relief Measures and Restructuring Plans: EU State Aid Policy And Banking Institutes During The Financial Crisis. Germany, GRIN Verlag. Taylor, B. J., 2008. Financial Crisis and the Policy Responses: An Empirical Analysis of What Went Wrong. Web. Tindall, K., 2009. Framing the Global Economic Downturn: Crisis Rhetoric and the Politics of Recession. Australia, ANU E Press. Zimmermann, H., 2010. Global Finance in Crisis: The Politics of International Regulatory Change. New York, Taylor and Francis.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Invention of a New Product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Invention of a New Product - Essay Example When customers are changing the cartridges, they might fill them with wrong colors, which destroys the product and the quality of the printed colors. This has been the basis of the product design as Xerox Multi-Color Cartridge is created to allow the customer to feed primary colors to the same cartridge, which mixes them to provide the best quality printing as per the customer specifications. Customers value their documents and do not want to stain their clothes with colors. Therefore, the problem of having to deal with different cartridges have to be solved. This has been giving the users problems and a risk of losing the cartridges due to mixing colors. As a result, the Idea of the product has been developed to solve the problem of having to mix-up the cartridges and using the wrong colors for cartridges. The customers use for offices, commercial purposes, and at home Xerox products. The Xerox Multi-Color Cartridge is a product targeted to customers who use printing and photocopy machines for commercial purposes. This market segment consists of people in need of the highest quality of printing and highly class of tidiness for customer material. They also do not have time to keep refilling different cartridges with different colors. Xerox is among the most successful companies in the world dealing with printing and document processing machines. The Xerox Multi-Color Cartridge stands a chance of being highly successful, as people, who associate Xerox with high quality, will purchase it. Product pricing is a delicate aspect for the product introduction process. Xerox Multi-Color Cartridge will be priced higher than all other cartridges in the market. This pricing strategy is known as skimming, where the high prices is meant to imply high quality and attract customers from the high end of the market (Gebhardt 1). Like any other products in the market, Xerox Multi-Color Cartridge faces competition from rival
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Db4 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Db4 - Research Paper Example Employees like receiving feedback regularly hence it is very crucial for the manager to constantly provide feedbacks to the employees. Feedbacks help to solve problems before they become too complex (McKirchy 2008, 92). Managers must engage the employees during evaluation of their performance. Managers must regularly talk to the employees throughout the year during the evaluation process. The engagement must be mutual aimed at reinforcing employees’ development. Improvement of performance appraisal also entails using employees’ self-appraisal before the performance appraisal. This makes performance discussion easier since both the employee and the manager have ideas of the forthcoming discussions. According to Attorney (2007, 122), effective performance appraisal must trust the employees to perform the correct thing. Performance goals are critical in performance appraisal but the most important factor is how to set the goals. The manager must set goals in a way that trusts and reinforces employee’s ability to accomplish the set goals. Performance appraisal must support empowerment of employees and their ability to accomplish the necessary steps of accomplishing the set goals. The manager should implement the above five steps in order to improve the value of performance
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Public Relation Core Values Essay Example for Free
Public Relation Core Values Essay Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) has extremely important core ethical values that include advocacy, honesty, expertise, independence, loyalty, and fairness. All of which will help further a public relations practitioner in their career. Every practitioner handles every job differently, in a way thats going to benefit both the company they are working for as well as the public. Honesty should be the most important core value for every practitioner. Not only should it be the most important core value in the work field, it should also be the most important core value in everyones life as well. On the other hand, practitioners tend to ignore their core values while working. One of the biggest values they tend to ignore or overlook is fairness. Mark Twain once said, Honesty is the best policy; when there is money in it. This quote should be every public relations practitioner motto because being honest will always lead you to conducting better business with clients. Clients want honest individuals working for them because the company expects the practitioner to represent the company in a way thats going to gain the publics trust. When the public has your trust, they are going to shop at your company rather than one who puts out false advertisement and has a poor look in the publics eyes. Not only does the quotes speak for itself, but honesty is simply the best way to conduct business. Some practitioners try their hardest to provide equally fair service to every client. Fairness is a core value that all practitioners respect but is hard to do at times. When dealing with clients, employers, peers,vendors, competitors, and most important the public, its hard to keep everyone happy. Lets say a practitioner is dealing directly with a company for the release of a new product. The company producing the item may not want competitors knowing about it so they can keep the technological edge on its competitors but also at the same time they want the public to hear about whats new. Since they manage what information the public hears, its essential what they say. No matter what they say or dont say, someones always going to want more. With that being said, someones not going to be happy. Life in general isnt always fair, so when faced with a situation that can cause grey areas with others, do what you ethically think is the right thing.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Cluster Computing: History, Applications and Benefits
Cluster Computing: History, Applications and Benefits Abstract This report will provide a detailed review of the cluster computing. In this report we look at the birth of cluster computing till the present and the future direction the technology is headed. After the literature review, we move on to the explanation of theories involved from the author’s point of view. The final section of the report covers the current trends and future evolution of the technology as perceived from the author’s point of view. The essence of the report would be a better understanding of the cluster computing and its many uses in today’s world. Introduction A computer cluster consists of a set of loosely connected or tightly connected computers that work together so that in many respects they can be viewed as a single system. The components of a cluster are usually connected to each other through fast local area networks (LAN), with each node (computer used as a server) running its own instance of an operating system. Computer clusters emerged as a result of convergence of a number of computing trends including the availability of low cost microprocessors, high speed networks, and software for high performance distributed computing. Clusters are usually deployed to improve performance and availability over that of a single computer, while typically being much more cost-effective than single computers of comparable speed or availability.[1] Computer clusters have a wide range of applicability and deployment, ranging from small business clusters with a handful of nodes to some of the fastest supercomputers in the world such as IBMs Sequoia. [2] Literature review In 1967 a paper published by Gene Amdahl of IBM, formally invented the basis of cluster computing as a way of doing parallel work. It is now known as Amdahl’s Law. It is a model for correlation between the expected speedup of parallelized implementations of an algorithm relative to the serial algorithm, assuming the problem size remains the same. [3] Types of Clusters Computer clusters are used in many organizations to increase processing time, faster data storing and retrieval time, etc. These computer clusters can be classified in three main types of clusters but these can be mixed to achieve higher performance or reliability. High performance clusters High availability clusters Load Balancing clusters High Performance Cluster: High performance computing sometimes refer to as high performance computing are used for computation-intensive applications, rather than handling IO-oriented applications such as web service or databases.[4] examples of HPCs can include the computational simulations of vehicle crashes or weather. Very tightly coupled computer clusters are designed for work that may approach supercomputing. The worlds fastest machine in 2011 was the K computer which has a distributed memory, cluster architecture.[5] High Availability Cluster: High availability clusters are commonly known as failover clusters. They are used to improve the availability of the cluster approach. In high availability clusters, redundant nodes are used which take over in case of component failure. It is used to eliminate single point of failure by having redundant cluster components.[6] High Availability clusters are often used for critical databases, file sharing on a network, business applications, and customer services such as electronic commerce websites. Load Balancing Cluster: Load balancing clusters, as the name suggests are the cluster configurations where the computational workload is shared between the nodes for better overall performance. One of the best examples of load balancing cluster is a web server cluster. It may use a round robin method to assign each new request to a different node for overall increase in performance. [7] Benefits of Clusters: There are numerous advantages to using cluster computing. Some of these are detailed below. Cost: Cluster technique is cost effective compared to other techniques in terms of the amount of power and processing speed being produced due to the fact that it used off the shelf hardware and software components as compare to the mainframe computers, which use custom build proprietary hardware and software components. Processing speed: In a cluster, multiple computers work together to provide unified processing, which in turn provides faster processing. Flexibility: In contrast to a mainframe computer, a computer cluster can be upgraded to a higher specification or expanded by adding extra nodes. Higher availability: Single component failure is mitigated by redundant machines taking over the processing uninterrupted. This type of redundancy is lacking in mainframe systems. Cluster Management: Message passing and communication The two most often used approaches for cluster communications are PVM and MPI. PVM stands for parallel virtual machine. It was developed around 1989 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It is directly installed on every node and it provides a set of libraries that make the node a â€Å"parallel virtual machine†. It provides a run time environment for resource task management, fault notification and message passing. User programs written in C, C++ or Fortran can use PVM.[8][9] MPI stands for message passing interface. It emerged in 1990s and supersedes PVM. MPI design is based on various commercially available systems of the time. Its implementation typically uses TCP/IP and socket connection. Currently it’s the most widely used communication system enabling parallel programming in C, Fortran, Python etc.[9][10] Task scheduling Task scheduling becomes a challenge, when a large multiuser cluster needs access to huge amounts of data. In a heterogeneous CPU-GPU cluster, mapping tasks onto CPU cores and GPU devices provide quite a challenge because it’s a complex application environment and the performance of each job depends on the abilities of the underlying technologies. Task scheduling is an active area of ongoing research and there have been proposals to build an algorithms which combine and extend MapReduce and Hadoop. [11] Node failure management Node failure management is a technique used to handle a failed node in a cluster using strategies such as â€Å"fencing†. It isolates the node or a shared resource when it detects a malfunction. There are two types of fencing. First is to disable the node and the second is to prevent access to resources like shared disks. [12] The first method uses STONITH. Which stands for â€Å"Shoot The Other Node In The Head†. This method disables or power off the malfunctioning node. For example, power fencing uses a power controller to turn off the faulty node. [12] The second method uses the resource fencing approach, which prevents access to resources rather than to turn off the node. For example, fiber channel fencing can be used to disable the fiber channel port. [12] 1137395 Muhammad Khurram Shehzad Trends The demand for powerful computers that can be used for simulation and prediction are of great interest to both the public and private sector. Last decade, was the most exciting periods in computer development. As a result of Moore’s law, microprocessors have become smaller, denser, and more powerful. The result is that microprocessor based supercomputing is rapidly becoming the technology of preference in attacking some of the most important problems of science and engineering. A recent report from Intersect360 Research highlighted some interesting trends in HPC. Below are a few of the highlights. [13] More Memory with Multi-core: While memory usage per core is nearly constant in years past, the broader adoption of multi-core systems is creating a demand for more memory. This can be expected but the report also warns of additional system costs as the need for more memory rises.[13] Processors per Nodes: According to summary of the report, two-processors per node is still the preferred configuration with 60% of the market, with just 14% opting for four-processor nodes. These ratios have stayed about the same over the past five years.[13] Future Outlook High Performance Computing (HPC) is expected to increase with which Big Data is analyzed to address variety of scientific, environmental and social challenges, especially on very large and small scales. In order of magnitude more powerful than laptop computers, HPC processes information using parallel computing, allowing for many simultaneous computations to occur concurrently. These integrated machines are measured in â€Å"flops†which stands for â€Å"floating point operations per second.†[14] As of June 2013, Tianhe-2 (or, Milky Way-2), a supercomputer developed by China’s National University of Defense Technology, is the world’s fastest system with a performance of 33.86 petaflop/s. [15] HPC is expected to move into â€Å"exascale†capacity by 2020, developing computing capacities 50 times greater than today’s most advanced supercomputers. Exascale feasibility rests on the rise of energy efficient technology: the processing power exists but the energy to run it, and cool it, does not. Currently, the American supercomputer MIRA, [16] while not the fastest, is the most energy efficient thanks to circulating water-chilled air around the processors inside the machine rather than merely using fans. Applications of the technology High-performance computing (HPC) is a broad term that in essence represents compute intensive applications that need acceleration. Users of application acceleration systems range from medical imaging, financial trading, oil and gas expiration, to bioscience, data warehousing, data security, and many more. In the information age, the need for acceleration of data processing is growing exponentially and the markets deploying HPC for their applications are growing every day. The HPC expansion is being fueled by the coprocessor, which is fundamental to the future of HPC. 1137784 Samra Mohammad 8Future trends, outlook and applications of cluster computing: Computer plays an important role in the information age. Different countries have undertaken thorough studies on computing to improve the information level. I may observe some current trends and speculate a bit about the future of parallel programming models. As far as we can foresee today, the future of computing is parallel computing, dictated by physical and technical necessity. 8.1New trends in cluster computing: These days, there is a new computing paradigm as computer networks called the Grid. It becomes very cheap and very fast .What is a Grid? It is a big system of computing resources that provides to users a single point of access and performs tasks. It is based on the WWW (World Wide Web) interface, to these distributed resources[17] The Grid technology is currently in progress intensive development. The Grid is also the first tools which are already available for developers. In this type of application, we can use a high-speed network in regarding the interconnection between the parts of the grid via internet. Nowadays , the Grid is agree to enable for scientific collaborations to share resources on an unprecedented level and geographically distributed groups to collaborate together in a manner that were previously impossible by using scalable, secure, high performance mechanisms for discovering and negotiating access to remote resources. 8.2Future: In the future, the increase of industry support for low latency clusters will help in availability and performance, but restrictions may require a departure from the current multicast-oriented data distribution strategies. However, latency and bandwidth performance will continue to improve in the Ethernet with a very low cluster with multicast support. 8.3Application and outlook: Obviously, cluster computing is quickly becoming the architecture of choice. One of the categories of applications is called Grand Challenge Applications (GCA). It are defined as fundamental problems in science and engineering with broad economic and scientific impact whose solution can be advanced by applying high performance computing and communication technologies. The high scale of complexity in GCAs demands enormous amount of resources needs, such as processing time, memory space and communication bandwidth. A common characteristic of GCAs is that they involve simulations that are computationally intensive. Examples of GCAs are applied fluid dynamics, environmental modeling, ecosystem simulation, biomedical imaging, biomechanics, molecular biology, and computational sciences. [17] Other than GCAs, cluster computing is also being applied in other applications that demand high availability, scalability and performance. Clusters are being used as replicated storage and backup servers that provide the essential fault tolerance and reliability for critical applications. For example, the internet, search engine, Google uses cluster computing to provide reliable and efficient internet search services. Conclusion Cluster computing offers a comparatively cheap, alternative to large server or mainframe computer solutions. New trends in hardware and software technologies are likely to make clusters more promising. Statement of contribution Member 1: Muhammad Khurram Shehzad (1137395), Abstract, Introduction, Literature review Conclusion as a Group and Trends, Future Outlook applications as individual. Member 2: Samra Mohammad (1137784), Abstract, Introduction, Literature review Conclusion as a Group and Trends, Future Outlook applications as individual. Member 3: Muhammad Faheem Abbas (1137391), Abstract, Introduction, Literature review Conclusion as a Group and Trends, Future Outlook applications as individual. References: [1] Bader, David; Robert Pennington (June 1996). Cluster Computing: Applications. Georgia Tech College of Computing. Retrieved 2007-07-13. [2] Nuclear weapons supercomputer reclaims world speed record for US. The Telegraph. 18 Jun 2012. Retrieved 18 Jun 2012. [3] Amdahl, Gene M. (1967).Validity of the Single Processor Approach to Achieving Large-Scale Computing Capabilities.AFIPS Conference Proceedings(30): 483–485.doi:10.1145/1465482.1465560 [4] High Performance Computing for Computational Science VECPAR 2004 by Michel Daydà ©, Jack Dongarra 2005 ISBN 3-540-25424-2 pages 120-121 [5] M. Yokokawa et al The K Computer, in International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED) 1-3 Aug. 2011, pages 371-372 [6] Evan Marcus, Hal Stern: Blueprints for High Availability: Designing Resilient Distributed Systems, John Wiley Sons, ISBN 0-471-35601-8 [7] High Performance Linux Clusters by Joseph D. Sloan 2004 ISBN 0-596-00570-9 page [8] Distributed services with OpenAFS: for enterprise and education by Franco Milicchio, Wolfgang Alexander Gehrke 2007, ISBN pages 339-341 [9] Grid and Cluster Computing by Prabhu 2008 8120334280 pages 109-112 [10] Gropp, William; Lusk, Ewing; Skjellum, Anthony (1996). A High-Performance, Portable Implementation of the MPI Message Passing Interface. Parallel Computing. CiteSeerX: [11] K. Shirahata, et al Hybrid Map Task Scheduling for GPU-Based Heterogeneous Clusters in: Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2010 Nov. 30 2010-Dec. 3 2010 pages 733 740 ISBN 978-1-4244-9405-7 [12] Alan Robertson Resource fencing using STONITH. IBM Linux Research Center, 2010 [13] (Accessed 12/05/2014) [14] (Accessed 12/05/2014) [15] (Accessed 12/05/2014) [16] (Accessed 12/05/2014) [17] (Accessed 14th May 2014)
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Computer Protection and Maintainance Report Essay
I hope you have received the machine in good working order. Now that you have the machines, there are several pieces of ‘Utility Software’ that should be installed on your machine in order to assist with the smooth running and protection of the machine. There are four main categories for this Protection Virus To protect the computer from malicious software that can break the machine. Firewall To prevent hackers and malicious programs making internet connections for bad purposes. Clean-up tools These provide no protection; however they remove unnecessary files and registry entries. They can also remove spy ware sometimes. Disk Formatting These tools are useful only when formatting the disk drive. This doesn’t normally need to be done, unless there is a severe problem with the OS. There are several programs that fit in each category, and there are advantages and disadvantages to each application. These can include Cost, Resource Footprint and usability. Sometimes the free utilities can also be the best ones. All vary, some are awful and some are brilliant. Hopefully this email should outline which ones are best for the system, and which ones I would recommend. Virus Protection Virus Protection scanners, go through three places to find virii. HDD – Looks at every file on the disc. Memory – Scans the currently running memory to see if a virus is running now Behaviour – Scans both the memory and hard drive for suspicious well known behaviour and – patterns that suggest malicious software Software Suggestions GRISOFT – AVG 1. Completely Free 10/10 2. Anti-Virus & Anti-Spy ware Protection 8/10 3. Slow Virus Search -3/10 4. Simple Interface 5/10 5. Medium Power Footprint 5/10 Total Score = 25/50 Very popular solution, highly recommended- will DEFINITELY PROTECT the machine from viruses and spy ware. But is a drain on resources and takes a long time to scan for threats. NOD32 Anti-Virus 1. Costs per year à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½29.95 (for updates + strong protection) 5/10 2. Antivirus Only 7/10 3. Regular Virii search speed 5/10 4. Tricky interface – set and forget style. 3/10 5. LOW power footprint 10/10 Total Score 30/50 Not so well known but very powerful anti virus system. Will DEFINITELY protect the machine from virii. Will not drain system resources too much and does quick scanning. The only real issues are the lack of Spy ware protection and the expensive price plans. Firewall Protection Firewalls control inbound and outbound traffic on either a network or an individual machine. This can be achieved by either software or hardware. Software is best for your situation. Software Suggestions Windows Firewall 1. Costs Nothing (other than buying windows [which is pre installed]) 10/10 2. Inbound Protection Only 4/10 3. Minimal Interface- set and forget style (with occasional alerts) 4/10 4. LOW power foot print 9/10 Total Score 27/40 The windows firewall is an effective and quite protective measure for securing a windows machine although it only has INBOUND protection, so if a virus is transmitting bad data, the WINDOWS firewall will not protect you. ZoneAlarm Firewall 1. The Free Version is FREE (although a pro version can be bought) 10/10 2. Inbound + Outbound Protection Alerts for each program 9/10 3. Complicated, but comprehensive interface (STOP BUTTON) 6/10 4. HIGH power footprint 4/10 Total Score 29/40 Zone Alarm- Firewall Specialists for a long time. Will protect both ways and will request permissions for every program it does not recognise. I highly recommend this software as it provides strong and reliable protection. Clean Up Tools Registry Doctor 1. This software costs money (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½17.50) 3/10 2. This software fixes registry errors, backs up the system, and adjusts the registry for speed. 7/10 (the adjusting could be dangerous) 3. Power hungry – will take a lot of resources when operational. 4/10 4. Click and GO! Interface, although the system is complicated when It comes to advanced settings. 5/10 Total Score 19/40 Registry doctor – A often occurrence, simply because of the constant advertising everywhere. This software is a suitable enough solution for most people however I believe it has spy ware built into it, and would not recommend it. Quicksys RegDefrag 1. This software is freeware 10/10 2. This software is a registry defragmenter- it will only optimise it. 4/10 3. Will take little resources, runs in the background (like the vista defrag)6/10 4. Set and Forget interface, no real options and hides during operation 8/10 Total Score 28/40 Quicksys RegDefrag is a simple set and forget registry defragmenter and streamliner. I believe this is the better option, as it will pick up redundant keys as it goes however a lack of options somewhat limits this software. Disk Formatting Darik’s Boot and Nuke (â€Å"DBAN†) 1. This software is Free 10/10 2. This software will overwrite the Hard Drive with ZEROS however many times you ask it to. 8/10 3. The computer is busy during the Disk Format (low level physical format)3/10 4. Set and forget – it can take sometime. Limited options 5/10 Total Score 26/40 DBAN- it’s a popular and useful tool. It simply erases your hard drive at a low level. It is loud, and you cannot use your OS at the same time- It is a simple FREE, but has limited options. Windows formatting tool 1. This software is free with windows. 8/10 2. The software will perform a high level software format. 5/10 3. You can only format a drive that windows isn’t using. 3/10 4. You can format a drive to any FS type provided the disk supports it. 7/10 Total Score 23/40 Windows formatting tool isn’t very powerful, is noisy if formatting a hard drive, and is very slow. Although if doing a quick format it will be a bit quicker. You can use your OS, but incredibly slowly. Conclusion Based on the above statistics I would recommend this software: * NOD32 Anti Virus * Zone-Alarm PRO Firewall * QuickSys Reg De-Frag * DBAN – Boot and Nuke I have done my best to always provide a free alternative, but it will not always be the best option. You should make your own decision based, on the facts above, and the software manufacturer’s website. I put my faith into EVERY product I have mentioned. I hope this email will help you to decide what you need to use to make the computer you will shortly be receiving, the best machine for miles around!.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Computer negative or positive effect
Using computers everyday can have more ,negative than positive effect on young children. Nowadays computer play a crucial role for young generation. Mostly children dependent on computers for multifarious purposes. But some people believe that it cause obstacle between their healthy life and in acquiring practical knowledge. Lets delve deeper into the topic to seek more clarification. Firstly and most commonly,the advanced technology make the people more lethargic. The children spend their leisure time in playing games on computer which cause paucity of interaction with their friends.Because team work is must to interact with the world. While sitting in front of the monitor screen their eye sight effects badly. ln addition, numerous children suffered from back pain and obesity problem that occurs due to the lack of physical exercise. This problems have create critical health hazards. Furthermore, The use of computers make the life more fast and easy. Students enhance their knowledge and learn the use of technology. Due to the modern era it is must for the children to keep them-self update. today their is a world of cut throat competition .The computer beneficial to improve the general knowledge and IQ evel. lt makes the children more occupied in work and its better to stay away from bad habits. In nutshell, It would safe to say the advantages of the computer over weigh the disadvantages. To conclude, computer meant to make live comfortable and easy but people handle that in complex and abusive manner. lts not possible to keep away the children from computers. The children should allow them to use it in the supervision of parents only. 2. Topic: â€Å"Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on children.Do you agree ? Explain your opinion with relevant examples . ln today's technologically developed world, the computer is no longer a luxury-{don't use hyphens in a formal essay, use a comma here} but a staple of everyday life. In pe rsonal, professional and academic spheres reliance on the computer is inevitable. Although,{no comma} some would say that use of a computer at an early age has detrimental effects, I content that its benefits outweigh its risk[s {good intro}The current education system places a great amount of mental pressure on students. this is your topic sentence and should give your first reason for your argument} Including omputer and internet with the studies may make the curriculum more interactive and interesting. {try to put this reason first and then explain it} Learning vast syllabus{you don't learn the syllabus really} and diverse topics in different areas can often force a student to opt for rote learning without putting stress on their brain, {this is unclear, do you mean â€Å"to avoid putting stress †¦ â€Å"? } such [a] method further lead[s ] to strait-Jacket [a] child's cognitive skills.In contrast, use of computers and internet for exploring such topics will help them in a chieving an in-depth knowledge nd understanding trom their roots{tnis sounds like you are talking about the children's roots}. It can further stemmed{what can be stemmed? } to make them a good abstract thinker. It is also worthy to galvanize{â€Å"galvanize†sounds odd here} the use of computer during children's leisure time. {once again, try to start with your reason}There are a galore [of] {â€Å"galore†might be a little too informal for this type of essay} strateg[y-]related computer games available in the market.Playing such skill games is a good way of increasing one's concentration level, boosting self-confidence and improving the[one's] thinking capability. In today's Job market, every single openings comes up with a requirement of mandatory computer knowledge with hands-on [training], on the rudiments of computer skills. Having children explored[exposed] to such skills at an early age would ironically{â€Å"ironically†is wrong here} prepare them for mo re profession career. On the other hand, one must not ignore the detrimental effects on health of using computers continuously for extended time periods.Guidance by parents and elders is a must for a child – especially to supervise if{â€Å"verify that†sounds better} they are not addicted to any antalizing, restricted websites that contains in-decent{one word, no hypen} and violent materials. To sum up, I would concede that computer use at an early age is of pinnacle{pinnacle is a noun, not an adjective} importances and its disadvantages can be easily curbed with proper guidance and constant supervision. 3. Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on children. Do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Essay 1 – High Score – Band 8-91n today's modern world, computers are an essential part of everyday life. Around the globe, children often us e computers from a very young age. Although it is important for children to participate in various well-balanced activities, in my opinion, children who use the computer daily are actually developing a critical skill for future success. The bases for my views are personal, academic, and professional.From a personal point of view, computers are an invaluable resource to help young people explore the world around them. For example, children who use Internet to satisfy their curiosity about diverse topics are already becoming independent learners. No child with a computer is ever bored! By starting early in their lives, children feel totally at ease around computers; they are also able to take advantage of the wide range of services computers provide. From an academic viewpoint, children have no choice but to master this technological invention.For instance, when I was in university, students brought their laptops to class to take notes, do research and exchange information. They wrote assignments, created presentations and developed databases. Children who build early confidence and experience in these abilities are at a distinct advantage over those who have not. From a rofessional perspective, the computer has found a permanent place in the workplace. Today, employers still pay to provide computer training to their employees. Tomorrow, corporations will expect prospective Job applicants to already possess these critical Job skills.Consequently, parents who encourage their child to use the computer for a reasonable period of time daily are in fact investing in the child's future career. In conclusion, there is no doubt that the computer as a technological tool is nere tos y ta . The sooner children better for many aspects of their future lives. become computer I iterate 4. thank you for your advices 🙂 I posted my re-writing essay. Check it out 🙂 Computers are one of the important thing in our life. It always participates in our various life. E veryday everyone use computers for different interests.We use them for work, for our personal interests. Nowadays basically only children and adults over 16 years old such as students often use PC. Of course students use them or preparing a reports or to learn something curiosity. In this essay I will give academic uses of computers for children, but I will also disagree with children spending too uch leisure time using computers. First of all, I think computers can be useful for three reasons. Firstly, it helps people explore the world around them. For instant, children who use Internet to learn different topics, sooner becoming independent learners.Secondly, from nowadays most school started teaching subjects using computer, owing to it children are going to have more technical skills. We can see each student bringing their laptops to write notes during lectures, share information and do research. Lastly, PCs are found in every kind of office. In the future, ompanies will demand f rom employee skills of using computers well. Therefor kids who have already learnt how to use computer rightly, it will be easy for them in the future. On the other hand, kids should not play computer every time.It seems to me that they need to spend all their free time hanging out with friends, to read more books, newspapers and listen to radio. I like the way of living our parents and grandparents did in the past. Due to those times, children used to evolve better than nowadays. So, parents should be a little bit strict to their kids, permit to spend all heir time with computer. They should be careful and always look after them. Kids need to be close to the Nature! In the end I would like to add that, computers can be 0K but I think children should not use them too much! 26 words! 5. IELTS SAMPLE ESSAYS: Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on your children. Do you agree or disagree? Posted by Muhammad Gulzar on 04:02 I tend to agree that young c hildren can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the computer every day. This is partly because sitting in front of a screen for too ong can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child, regardless of what they are using the computer for. However, the main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract children.These are often electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violent. The player is usually the ‘hero' of the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-centred and insensitive to others. Even when children use a computer for other purposes, such as getting information or emailing friends, it is no substitute for human interaction. Spending time with other children and sharing non-virtual experiences is an important part ot a child's development that cannot be provided by a computer. n spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied. Their adult world will be changing constantly in terms of technology and the Internet is the key to all the knowledge and information available in the world today. Therefore it is important that children learn at an early age to use the equipment enthusiastically and with confidence as they will need these skills throughout their studies and working lives. think the main point is to make sure that young children do not overuse computers.Parents must ensure that their children learn to enjoy other kinds of activity and not simply sit at home, learning to live in a virtual world. 6. Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children. Do you agree or disagree? Children use computers more than ever before these days. They can be found surfing the internet, playing on-line games and on social network sites. Sometimes, especially when there is no parental control, they can spend too much time daily on computers.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Term Paper of Business Plan Essay Example
Term Paper of Business Plan Essay Example Term Paper of Business Plan Essay Term Paper of Business Plan Essay This restaurant business plan is for Bachelor’s Restaurant, a new medium-sized restaurant located in a trendy neighborhood of Bangladesh. Bachelor’s Restaunt emphasis will be on organic and creative ethnic food. An emphasis on organic ingredients is based on Bachelor’s Restaurant dedication to sustainable development. Additionally, the restaurant procures local foods when possible, reducing their dependence on fossil fuels used for transportation. Introduction: Health is wealth. The knowledge persons of all the years times said this valuable comment forever.Really its true. A healthy body can build a healthy human; a healthy human can develop a civil society. A good civil society can build a strong nation. So it is never ever can underestimate the necessity of human health. What is inside the sound human body? If we postmortem the causes then we will get that, a healthy balanced diet is the one of the main reason of maintaining the good health. Now a day the world has become more more professional. In most of the families who duels in the city area the husband also wife are engaged with service.They get a very little or negligible time to cook food in home. And the demand of first food is increasing highly. In accordance with the similarity we have decided to set up a restaurant named Bachelor’s Restaurant. It’s the institution where we are providing guarantee of healthy balanced diet, nutrition food as well as in cheap rate. Step One: Making the Commitment Bachelor restaurant fast-casual restaurant, serving fast, fresh, healthy grilled meats and vegetables. The first store will be located in Dhaka.. The restaurant will be located at 16/2 Baily road in Dhaka.The founder and president of bachelor’s restaurant is Mr. asif hasnat Mission Bachelor’s Restaurant is a great place to eat, combining an intriguing atmosphere with excellent, interesting food that is also very good for the people who eat there. We want fair profit for the owners, and a rewarding place to work for the employees. Objectives 1. Sales of $350K the first year, more than half a million the second. 2. Personnel costs less than $300K the first year, less than $400K the second year. 3. Profitable in year two, better than 7. 5% profits on sales by year three.Step Two: Analyzing oneself Bachelor’s Restaurant is a single-unit, medium-sized restaurant. We focus on organic and creative food. The restaurant will be located in a Baily Road. Most important to us is our financial success, but we believe this will be achieved by offering high-quality service and extremely clean, non-greasy food with interesting twists. 2. 1 Company Ownership The restaurant will start out as a simple sole proprietorship, owned by its founders. 2. 2 Start-up Summary The founders of the company are Mr. Asif hasnat. And his companion Mr. Motiour Rahman.Focuses on the financial issues and Motiour Rahman on the personnel issues. Motiour Rahman earned her business major undergraduate degree from the University of IBAIS. We have found the location and secured the lease for $2,000 per month. We will be able to set up shop in time to begin turning back a profit by the end of month eleven and be profitable in the second year. The place is already equipped as a restaurant so we plan to come up with a total of $40,000 in capital, plus a $100,000 SBL-guaranteed loan, to start up the company. Start Up Requirement: Start Up Funding: | |Start-up Expenses to Fund |$3,000 | |Start-up Assets to Fund |$138,000 | |Total Funding Required |$141,000 | | | | |Assets | | |Non-cash Assets from Start-up |$50,000 | |Cash Requirements from Start-up |$88,000 | |Additional Cash Raised |$0 | |Cash Balance on Starting Date |$88,000 | |Total Assets |$138,000 | | | | |Liabilities and Capital | | |Liabilities | | |Current Borrowing |$0 | |Long-term Liabilities |$100,000 | |Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) |$1,000 | |Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) |$0 | |Total Liabilities |$101,000 | | | |Capital | | |Planned Investment | | |Investor 1 |$25,000 | |Investor 2 |$15,000 | |Additional Investment Requirement |$0 | |Total Planned Investment |$40,000 | |Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) |($3,000) | |Total Capital |$37,000 | |Total Capital and Liabilities |$138,000 | |Total Funding |$141,000 | |Particulars |Amount ($) | |Start-up Expenses | | |Legal |$1,000 | |Stationery etc. $1,000 | |Other |$1,000 | |Total Start-up Expenses |$3,000 | | | | |Start-up Assets | | |Cash Required |$88,000 | |Other CurrentAssets |$50,000 | |Long-term Assets |$0 | |Total Assets |$138,000 | |Total Requirements |$141,000 | Step Three: Choosing a product or Services 3. 1 Services Bachelor’s Restaurant offers a trendy, fun place to have great food in a social environment. Chef Rafiq Badsha has a large reputation of ethnic ingredients and recipes. Bachelor’s Restaurant forecasts that the majority of purchases will be from the chefs recommendations. Ethnic recipes will be used to provide the customers with a diverse, unusual menu. Chef Rafiq Badsha will also be emphasizing healthy dishes, recognizing the trend within the restaurant industry for the demand for healthy cuisine. 3. 2 The Menu The menu is going to be extremely simple but changing every day.We will keep a small group of constants on the menu and then feature a chefs recommendation that we plan to have 85% of meals ordering. This will help us to reduce waste and plan ingredients and purchasing. 3. 3 Organic Ingredients The organic ingredient element will allow us to price to the extremely wealthy Internet entrepreneurs who are looking to spend an exorbitant amount of money to have peace of mind that their money is still coming back to themselves. We will be extremely ecologically conscious as well, and spread this across our literature. Eating at Bachelor’s Restaurant will feel like having contributed to the Anjuman Mufudul and drinking fresh squeezed orange juice. 3. 4 Ethnic Ingredients and RecipesOur chef will have great latitude in designing and producing menu offerings from many different world cultures. We will endeavor to procure all the traditional, authentic ingredients necessary to hold true to these varied and in teresting cultural recipes. 3. 5 Interior Accoutrements People need to keep life interesting, and our artwork will reflect the world influences that are core to the attitude of the Bachelor’s Restaurant chef. 3. 6 Product [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] Step Four: Market Research Analysis Because of the founders connections within the very trendy area of Bangladesh, we have an excellent feel for the area and its core group of customers.They will all share something alike, which is a feeling of being in the in crowd and having gotten it in life. Although the crew will be different and not connect with each other in each segment, each segment is complementary to the others. We do plan to raise menu rates as the restaurant gets more and more crowded, and to make sure we are charging a premium for the feeling of being in the in crowd. 4. 1 Market Segmentation 4. 1. 1 The Lonely Rich Most of the lonely rich are tech workers these days, and most of those tech workers are Internet workers. Their life has become their website servers and code they write, and the people who help them to make the decisions in that world.They hang out with each other, but desperately want to get away from it and use the money they are racking up. Because this wealth has come fairly easily for them, it is particularly easy to separate them from their money again they spend the most on drinks, appetizers and tips. 4. 1. 2 Young Happy Couples The restaurant will have an atmosphere that encourages people to bring dates and to have couples arrive. It wont be awkward for others, and Bachelor’s Restaurant does want to be a social place where people meet each other and develop a network. These young couples are generally very successful but balanced and wont be spending as much on drinks. 4. 1. 3The Rich HippiesThe rich hippies in Bangladesh are a massive group with tremendous influence over the citys government and private enterprise. They wear tie-die but drive BMWs and crave the feeli ng of being in a social circle that is changing the world even if in different ways than in their glory days. We will cater to their ecological ideology and contribute to charities to help them part with more of their money. 4. 1. 4 Dieting Women The organic food menu will always have a line of extremely delicious very low-fat meals. Bachelor’s Restaurant will have tables of women meeting like they do in shows like Sex and the City, to discuss all types of matters while feeling good about the food they eat. [pic] |4. Market Analysis: | | | | |Year 1 |Year 2 |Year 3 | |Unit Sales | | | | |Meals |22,822 |35,000 |45,000 | |Drinks |11,415 |17,500 |22,500 | |Other |240 |500 |1,000 | |Total Unit Sales 34,477 |53,000 |68,500 | | | | | | |Unit Prices |Year 1 |Year 2 |Year 3 | |Meals |$15. 00 |$15. 00 |$15. 00 | |Drinks |$2. 00 |$2. 00 |$2. 00 | |Other |$10. 00 |$10. 00 |$10. 0 | | | | | | |Sales | | | | |Meals |$342,330 |$525,000 |$675,000 | |Drinks |$22,830 |$35,000 |$45,000 | |Oth er |$2,400 |$5,000 |$10,000 | |Total Sales |$367,560 |$565,000 |$730,000 | | | | | | |Direct Unit Costs |Year 1 |Year 2 |Year 3 | |Meals |$2. 00 |$2. 00 |$2. 00 | |Drinks |$0. 50 |$0. 50 |$0. 50 | |Other |$1. 00 |$1. 00 |$1. 0 | | | | | | |Direct Cost of Sales | | | | |Meals |$45,644 |$70,000 |$90,000 | |Drinks |$5,708 |$8,750 |$11,250 | |Other |$240 |$500 |$1,000 | |Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales |$51,592 |$79,250 |$102,250 | Step Six: Managemnt Summary Bachelor’s Restaurant has assembled a strong management team. Ahmed Khairul will be the general manager.Ahmed Khairul has extensive management experience of organizations ranging from six to 45 people. Ahmed Al Faisal will be responsible for all of the finance and accounting functions. Ahmed Al Faisal has seven years experience as an Arthur Andersen CPA. Ahmed Al Faisal financial control skills will be invaluable in keeping Bachelor’s Restaurant on track and profitable. Lastly, Bachelor’s Restaurant has Chef Rafi q Badsha who will be responsible for the back-end production of the venture. Rafiq Badsha has over 12 years of experience and is a published, visible fixture in the Portland community. Ahmed Khairul has great experience managing personnel and we are quite confident of his ability to find the best staff possible.Our chef, Rafiq Badsha, is already on board and has a published cookbook that will add prestige to the restaurant immediately. We will be looking to find a young, ultra-hip staff to make sure we add the edge that makes Bachelor’s Restaurant so trendy. Most important to Bachelor’s Restaurant is the financial success which will be achieved through strict financial controls. Additionally, success will be ensured by offering a high-quality service and extremely clean, non-greasy food with interesting twists. Bachelor’s Restaurant does plan to raise menu rates as the restaurant gets more and more crowded, and to make sure that they are charging a premium for t he feeling of being in the in crowd. The market and financial analyses indicate that with a start-up expenditure of $141,000, Studio67 can generate over $365,000 in sales by year one, $565,000 in sales by the end of year two and produce net profits of over 7. 5% on sales by the end of year three. Profitability will be reached by year two. Sales of $350K the first year, more than half a million the second. 1. Personnel costs less than $300K the first year, less than $400K the second year. 2. Profitable in year two, better than 7. 5% profits on sales by year three. [pic] 6. 1 Personnel Plan As the personnel plan shows, we expect to invest in a good team, fairly compensated. We think the planned staff is in good proportion to the size of the restaurant and projected revenues. Personnel Plan | | |Year 1 |Year 2 |Year 3 | |Manager |$60,000 |$65,000 |$70,000 | |Hostess |$42,000 |$45,000 |$50,000 | |Chef |$54,000 |$60,000 |$65,000 | |Cleaning |$30,000 |$35,000 |$40,000 | |Waiters |$72,000 |$100,000 |$130,000 | |Other |$24,000 |$52,000 |$55,000 | |Total People |8 |10 |12 | | | | | | |Total Payroll |$282,000 |$357,000 |$410,000 | Step Seven: Developing A Financial Plan We expect to raise $40,000 of our own capital, and to borrow $100,000 guaranteed by the SBA as a 10-year loan. This provides the bulk of the start-up financing required. 7. 1 Break-even Analysis Our break-even analysis is based on the average of the first-year numbers for total sales by meal served, total cost of sales, and all operating expenses. These are presented as per-unit revenue, per-unit cost, and fixed costs. We realize that this is not really the same as fixed cost, but these conservative assumptions make for a better estimate of real risk. [pic] Break-even Analysis | | | | | | | |Monthly Units Break-even |3,205 | |Monthly Revenue Break-even |$34,171 | | | | |Assumptions: | | |Average Per-Unit Revenue |$10. 66 | |Average Per-Unit Variable Cost |$1. 0 | |Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost |$29,375 | 7. 2 Projected Profit and Loss As the profit and loss table shows, we expect to become barely profitable in the second year of business, and to make an acceptable profit in the third year. [pic] |7. 3 Pro Forma Profit and Loss | | |Year 1 |Year 2 |Year 3 | |Sales |$367,560 |$565,000 |$730,000 |Direct Cost of Sales |$51,592 |$79,250 |$102,250 | |Other |$0 |$0 |$0 | |Total Cost of Sales |$51,592 |$79,250 |$102,250 | | | | | | |Gross Margin |$315,969 |$485,750 |$627,750 | |Gross Margin % |85. 96% |85. 97% |85. 9% | | | | | | |Expenses | | | | |Payroll |$282,000 |$357,000 |$410,000 | |Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses |$27,000 |$35,830 |$72,122 | |Depreciation |$0 |$0 |$0 | |Utilities |$1,200 |$1,260 |$1,323 | |Payroll Taxes |$42,300 |$53,550 |$61,500 | |Other |$0 |$0 |$0 | | | | | | |Total Operating Expenses |$352,500 |$447,640 |$544,945 | | | | | | |Profit Before Interest and Taxes |($36,532) |$38,110 |$82,806 | |EBITDA |($36,532) |$38,110 |$82,806 | |Interest Expense |$9,673 |$8 ,887 |$7,637 | |Taxes Incurred |$0 $7,306 |$19,105 | | | | | | |Net Profit |($46,204) |$21,917 |$56,063 | |Net Profit/Sales |-12. 57% |3. 88% |7. 68% | 7. 4 Projected Cash Flow The cash flow projection shows that starting cost and provisions for ongoing expenses are adequate to meet our needs until the business itself generates its own cash flow sufficient to support operations. [pic] Step Eight: Developing a Legal Plan: Legal policy is the most important issue to set up an organization. We have the copyright to our products brand name. we have the government registration number RG-004732/2011. e have also resistered from the BSTI (Bangladesh Standards Testing Institutions) and all our food products are been made tested by the BSTI. So we can strongly assure that, our products are 100 percent halal, safe, hygienic, healthy best suitable for all ages of people. We have not the interest to franchise or dealership in any parts of the country. We have the wish to spread our own branc hes by the own management in the seven division of Bangladesh. Not by set up by the others. Step Nine: Developing a Insurance Plan We have the insurance plan under the most renowned insurance company in the world Met life ALICO. Our insurance policy number is BO- 0851298. We have insured under the fire insurance in the main office. We have the policy of 100 Crore Taka.That is if the institution burns by fire by short circuit other causes, then according to the loss we will get the compensation. But the most extreme value is 100 crore. Conclusion: Bachelor restaurant will operate within the large restaurant industry. While the industry has its upswings and downturns, the variance is less than the economy itself. People need to eat, they can eat in and save money, but the convenience of dining out creates a significant incentive. This is not to suggest that restaurants are recession proof, they are less affected by the general state of the economy. Bibliography: 1. Google 2. Some Inf ormation from renowned restaurant. 3. www. tomyrecipe. com
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